Monday, September 30, 2013

Sept 26, 2013

By Tuck Miller

    If you are a league secretary, we would like to encourage you to submit reports with us each week. Deadlines are Tuesday nites at midnight. My goal is to recognize our league bowlers with their accomplishments during the bowling year.
     The Monday Night no tap league is rolling right along, and are reporting some great scores. First off, J.R. Scruggs knocked out a 300. Sharon Craft rolled a 257, with a 661 series. Nancy Goodner rolled 86 pins over average with a 254. Jimmy Scruggs knocked out  a 246 game, and Larry Craft scored a 231. 
    The Monday Morning Ladies League in Westville has Mary Seilhymer rolling a 175, 51 pins over her 104 average. Phyllis Rhutan rolled a 202, 68 pins over average, and 130 pins over series by knocking out a 532.
         The Tuesday Nite Go Getters welcomed Jordyn Castle to this year’s league. Jordyn is new to the sport and is starting to increase his average, so he was elated when he rolled 60 pins over his 97 average for a 157. Congrats Jordyn. Irv Summers rolled a 213, 68 pins over.
   While your writer was bowling at Lincoln Lanes this past Tuesday, it was announced that Derreck Hufford had just rolled a 300. You should remember that name, as this his is 7th 300 game of his bowling career.
  Don’t let the Senior League fool you. They are actually trying very hard, and succeeding on rolling some high scores to keep up with the younger folks. For example, John Gebhart rolled 89 pins over his average to finish with a 255, while Allen Taylor hit a 213, 63 pins over, and also topped out with a 585 series, 135 pins over his normal series average. Let’s not forget about Martha Elliott, who rolled a 498 series, 111 pins over series, while Sue Broderick was 57 pins over norm with a 193 game.
   Some great scores were submitted from the Friday nite League in Covington. You might recognize some names. Beth Barnes bowled a 211 which was 79 over her 132 avg. Kevin Barnes bowled a 267 which was 94 over his 173 average and had 647 series 184-196-267. Aaron Howard bowled a 210 which was 54 over his average. Steven Jones bowled a 247 which was 79 over and a 579 series 147-185-247. Ted Pearman bowled a 225 for 51 over, while Bill Shoaf bowled a 215 which was 56 over his 159 norm. Jon Dunavan knocked out a 255 which was 82 over his 173 average and a 607 series 176-255-176. Mike Dunavan bowled 206-200-200 for a 606 series. Darrell Edwards bowled a 179-203-232 for a 614 series with a 204 average.
    Some great scores also coming from McHarry's Bowling League. They were Shirley Perryman average of 145, she bowled a 203. Elisa Pendleton bowled a 179. John Pendleton rolled a 212. Jerome Nelson Jr. knocked out a 238 while Steve Finch bowled a 243. All these scores were at least 50 or more pins above averages.
   Sorry to say, to conserve space, I cut out all spare conversions. Keep sending them in tho, as I may need to include them.
   That wraps up the reports for this week. If you are a league secretary, we would love to have your league reports. Drop me an e-mail message to
    You can get all the columns by checking out Tuck’s Bowling for Fun blog at:
    Until next week, let’s have fun and knock ‘em down.

Sept 19, 2013

I do believe that all leagues are now in full swing. If you are a league secretary, we would like to encourage you to submit reports with us each week. Deadlines are Tuesday nites at midnight. My goal is to recognize our league bowlers with their accomplishments during the bowling year.
     The Monday Night no tap league has gotten started, and did submit a report this last week. It is shorter than normal; because they are short at least 4 teams. If you enjoy bowling this would be a good league to start off with. If you have never played the no tap game, it is a lot of fun. Scott Cunningham rolled a 703 series. Joanie Hedlund rolled 58 pins over average for a 230 game. Albert Syass rolled a 198 game, 53 pins over average, and Nancy Goodner picked up the 4-7-9 split.
       The Tuesday Nite Go Getters are starting to pick up as their new averages are starting to stabilize. John Mikel rolled 60 pins over average to top out with a 215. Harlie Hucklebie was 57 pins over for a 175. Bowling 84 pins over average was Dan Wright with a 245 game. With that he was 109 pins over his 483 series. Tracy Smith finished off the evening with a 213, 66 pins above this year’s average. No split pickups were reported.
      The Senior League had some great scores this week. Ed Reed shot a 224 game, 62 pins over average, while Joe Blagg rolled 51 pins over, for a 231. Margo Johnson was 50 pins over average with a 179. Sue Strong was on fire with a 236 game and a 568 series. She was 84 pins over game and 112 pins over series. Joe Stokes was 63 over for a 183 game, and 131 pins over series for a 491. Dorothy Hesler had a 191 game, 56 pins over her normal game average. She also had a 199. Rolling a 539 series gave her 134 pins above. Allen Taylor finished up the great scoring with a 570 series, 162 pins over average, while rolling a 247 game, 111 pins above his norm. John Gebhart did pick up the 5-6-10 split.
    Coming aboard this week is McHarry's Bowling League at Lincoln Lanes, Saturday Night at 5 PM. The fall season started September 7, 2013, with 10 teams. George Gourd (Senior Club) bowled the 1st 10 strikes on a way to a 285, his highest ever series of 712. Joe Lewis bowled a 279 game, to a series high, 732. Teddy Carter (Senior Club) bowled a high game, 267 while Jason Turner bowled 268, 243, 239 with a series of 750. Robin Turner bowled a high game, 245, with Kevin Vahlewald (Senior Club) rolling a high game, 278.
     It came over the loud speaker at Lincoln Lanes, that Steve Skimehorn rolled a 300 game. Congrats Steve.
   That wraps up the reports for this week. If you are a league secretary, we would love to have your league reports. Drop me an e-mail message to
    You can get all the columns by checking out Tuck’s Bowling for Fun blog at:

    Until next week, let’s have fun and knock ‘em down.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

September 12, 2013

By Tuck Miller

    Bowling season is back. Actually, some leagues started before Labor Day, and of course many started after wards.  One league, I would like to bring to your attention, is the No Tap League, Monday Nites, in the Annex, 6:30 pm at Lincoln Lanes. They would like to have at least 2 more teams join them, but 4, would be even better. If you are interested in joining, head down to Lincoln lanes on Monday nites.. Maybe you can get 3 more people to join you as a team.
    League results will be coming right along, but would like to make a suggestion to make it easier for both the secretaries and bowlers of the leagues. If you have been bowling for a while, you will know that when you bowl for the 1st  series of the new season, you are establishing a new average. That average could be low or even high, depending on how the bowler fares for that day. Here is an easy way to make that 1st week, and even a couple there after a bit more stable.  Have a rule in your league bylaws that state that last year’s average will be used for the 1st 3 weeks. After that time period, you will use the earned average that you have achieved during that 3 week time frame. Of course, if a bowler did not bowl in the previous league, their average would have to be decided in the 1st 3 games rolled of the season.
     As we get started with this week’s column, I would like to thank the people who send me in reports, so I have something to tell you each week. Here they are, in no particular order:  Laura Baird, Bill McDaniel, Joe Stokes, Don Coan, Doug Wagner, Georgia Seward, Nancy Goodner, Linda Chittick, and Rose Schaeffhold
    The Tuesday Nite Go Getters are first with their reports for the year, with Bill McDaniel reporting for the past 2 weeks. Dick Lamb rolled a 213, which was 69 pins over last year’s average. Houston Key had progressive games of 135, 136, and 137. A bowler actually got an award (patch) for this, back in the day.  Maggie Birge rolled a 215, 64 over her last years average, and was 99 pins over her last years series average with a 552. Split pickups were as follows:  Harl Miller with the 5-7, Fred Fultz and Charlie Tiffin with the 5-10.  Martha Elliott was unable to get the ball between the 9-10, resulting in her taking down the pair of pins. Lacee Darr and Jan Frank both picked up the 2-10, with Dot Miller picking up the 3-9-10. Tuck Miller converted the 4-5-7.   
      The Senior League started off in an unconventional method, with your’s truly throwing a ball straight in the gutter for his very 1st ball of the season competition. High scores for the past couple of weeks were Linda Engle with 75 pins over her game average with a 181.  Meredith Stokes was 52 pins over her game average with a 181.  Joe Blagg was 64 pins over, with a 215, and 148 pins over his series total with a 601. Dot McDaniel had a 140 game, 53 pins over her game average.  She also had a 157, 70 pins over average, while she bowled 169 pins over her series total.  Marion Johnson bowled a 179 game, 72 pins over his average.  Jack Ball rolled a 192 game which was 63 pins over.  On the 29th of Aug. Linda Engle bowled 104 pins over her series total. Split conversions for the league were Aaron Williams, Pam Jeffers, Stan Harvey and Sue Broderick picking up the 5-7.   Jack Ball, John Gebhart and Shirley Lamm picked up the 5-10.   Tuck Miller and Barb Smith, the 4-5.  Ernie Harvey, the 4-5-7.  John Ramsey picked up the 5-7 and the 2-4-10. Darlene Edwards knocked out the 3-8-10.  Allen Taylor met the challenge, and converted the 4-7-10, while Bill McDaniel blew apart the 3-6-7-10. Clara Copsy picked up the 5-6. Laura Baird picked up the 5-6, Jan Frank the 3-6-7-10, Stan Harvey the 2-10 and Shirley Lamm the 5-10. 
    The Friday nite League in Covington is telling us that Mike Dunavan had a 256 game and a 611 series. Darrell Edwards rolled a  632 series and Terry Bell finished with a 609 series.
    Let’s get back to Thursday nites where the Lutheran League bowls and Georgia Seward is now reporting.  Greg Black rolled a 298 game, with a 743 series. Jason Woodworth had a 280 game, and Kyle Siratt finished up with a 714 series. Also bowling some great high scoring games were Don Cheesman 269, Cliff Dupree  267, Derrick Hufford 267 and  Steve Skimehorn with a 776 series.
   That wraps up the reports for this week. If you are a league secretary, we would love to have your league reports. Drop me an e-mail message to
    You can get all the columns by checking out Tuck’s Bowling for Fun blog at:
    Until next week, let’s have fun and knock ‘em down.