Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Dec 26th, 2013 - Lazzel rolls 300, while Cheeseman rolls back to back 280 games.

     Danny Lazzell throws his 1st ever 300 game, and Donny Cheeseman rolls back to back 280 games and a 782 series, in the Friday Night Mixed League.
   Stop # 3 of the Fox Auto World Hi/Low Tourney was held recently at the Lincoln Lanes Annex, and Doug Oakes captured the title.
   Starting off with the low side of the tourney, Steven Jones defeated Linda Engle, 205 to 182.. Jones did not last much longer as he lost the 2nd match to Rick Zaayer 210 to 146. Zaayer then faced 2nd seed Robin Turner. Turner won that match 207 to 187 to meet top seeded Jesse Alvarez.  Turner was the victor, 189 to 187, to advance to the championship against the high side.
   Now to the High Side results. Steve Romero defeated Byron Miller in the 1st game 217 to 212. Romero lost the 2nd match to Rich McFarland 215 to 191. McFarland defeated Jason Turner in the 3rd game 258 to 225 to advance to the high side finals against Doug Oakes. Oakes won that match 237 to 214 to advance to the final championship game against the low side winner, Turner. Oakes was the victor, 204-182, claiming his very 1st title.
    Next stop for the tourney will be January 19th at Bulan’s Bowl.
    A few leagues were off for the Christmas holiday, but we will keep you updated with what we do have.
    The Tuesday Nite Go Getters had a 209 game, 55 over, while Tony Dompe threw a 277 game and a 688 average. Joe Elliott rolled 76 pins over average for a 199. Derek Darr was 53 over for 194, while Russ Puzey was 52 pins over 143 for a final score of 195.
    The Senior League bowled their games in the annex this past Thursday, because they had their annual Christmas party. Jack Ball rolled 50 pins over his average for a 188, and Tuck Miller knocked out the 5-10 split.
    Covington’s Friday Nite Mixed Leage has Cliff Mikel rolling 53 pins over for a 176, and LaDonna Edmiston, 76 over for a 192. Dale Benedict had a 613 series with games of 232-165-216, and Katrina Edwards, with a 596 series, consisting of games of 225-192- and 179. Terry Bell had games 165-192 and 179 for a 559 series, while Ron Cates had a 662 series, with games of 191, 234, and 237.
   Looking for something to do on New Years Eve? Fast Lanes in Hoopeston is the place to be. They are having a 7-8-9 pin doubles tournament on New Years Eve starting at 8:00 and is open to anyone.
   That wraps up the reports for this week. If you are a league secretary, we would love to have your league reports. Drop me an e-mail message to illianabowling@gmail.com
    Here’s wishing each and everyone of you a very happy New Year.
    You can get all the columns by checking out Tuck’s Bowling for Fun blog at: http://tucksbowlingforfun.blogspot.com

    Until next week, let’s have fun and knock ‘em down.

Dec 19, 2013


   Christmas is fast approaching, and I bet one of your bowler friends or families would love a gift that pertains to the sport. What do you think?
  Terry Jones bowls a 300……No Tap, and a 720 series.  Yes, I know some might think it’s not real bowling, but it is still hard to do. Jones is with the Monday Night No Tap League at Lincoln Lanes, and the game was 107 pins over his average. George Gouard rolled a 280 game (84). Sue Strong rolled a 258 game and a 689 series. Scott Cunningham had a 747 series. Others rolling 50 or more pins over average were:  Scott Cunningham with a 268 (73), Devin Heinrichs 223 (69), U Pete Wiliams 227 (60), Krystle Evans 221 (59), and Karen Lane with a 193 (70). Gouard knocked out both the 4-10 and 3-10 splits.
  In the Tuesday Nite No Getters Laura Baird had a 193 (56), Lacee Darr 169 (51), Derek Darr 211 (71), and Sue Strong 224 (55). The 5-7 split was picked up by both Mac McDaniel, and Russ Puzey. Cheryl Rhoton and Maggie Birge both picked up the 4-7-10, while Derek Darr knocked out the 6-7-10. Irvin Summers converted the 5-7-9, and Ron Blagg picked up the 4-10.
   The Senior League’s Houston Key rolled a 231, 68 pins over average, while Gerald Arnett bowled a 203, 52 pins over. Greg Miller picked up the 4-9, while Martha Elliott converted the 2-6-7-10.
    Thursday Nite Lutheran League is reporting that Eric Crockett rolled a 236, Rueben Villereal a 245, and Cheryl Black a 481 series, 100 pins over her normal series average. Bill Reik topped out with a 244, Harold Miller a 222 and Clarence Cloyd with a 279. Brian Lawson had a 279, Michelle Webb with a 219, and Eric Zanders with a 275.
   Some great scores in Covington’s Friday Nite Mixed League. Ty Bowling had a 180 (65), Marcie Bowling with a197 (52), Benji Brink 215, (79), Janet White 239 (63), and Tori Pearman with a 189 (58). Judy Gebhart converted the 6-7-10.
   Lincoln Lanes Friday Nite Mixed also had some spectacular scores with Jennie Kile, a 237 (63), Wayne Brown Sr. 236 (52), Ty Harmeson 259 (79), Tasha Spillman 238 (69), and Josh Troxtell, a 279. Bob Finley rolled a 236, and a 247, Carl Robertson had a 191. Terrence Cloyd had a 734 series, while Joe Rich had 52 pins above average with a 232. Henry Stephens had a 234, Lonnie Tapscott, 220, Kevin Jackson bowled a 200 game, while Derrick Hufford topped out with a 278.
    Fast Lanes had a great turnout under adverse weather conditions Sunday as 39 bowlers took to the lanes for the Miller Lite Sweeper tournament.
    On the low side #5 Kyle Richards was defeated by a 201-185 score by Rob Steiger. Steiger went on to win over Everett Hargis.  Steiger was defeated by Richard Koeing 172-171 in what turned out to be a last ball count. Koeing was elminated by Don Stow 194-193.
   On the high side Scott Bucholtz went wild by defeating Mike Marks 225-181 and then Aaron Gress by a 268-267 SCORE. He also defeated Brett Forgeson 226-189 and top seeded Brandon Hamilton 190-185. In the final match Don Stow defeated Bucholtz by a 213-180 score.
Porgy Anderson set the top score on the Thursday night men’s league with a 754 score.
   Looking for something to do on New Years Eve? Fast Lanes in Hoopeston is the place to be. They are having a 7-8-9 pin doubles tournament on New Years Eve starting at 8:00 and is open to anyone.
   That wraps up the reports for this week. If you are a league secretary, we would love to have your league reports. Drop me an e-mail message to illianabowling@gmail.com
    Here’s wishing each and everyone of you a very merry Christmas.
    You can get all the columns by checking out Tuck’s Bowling for Fun blog at: http://tucksbowlingforfun.blogspot.com

    Until next week, let’s have fun and knock ‘em down.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Stokes, Scruggs roll top scores in the area this week.

  Christmas is fast approaching, and I bet one of your bowler friends or families would love a gift that pertains to the sport. What do you think?
  The Senior League’s Joe Stokes was the top bowler of the week, rolling 103 pins over his average for a 243, and 111 pins over his series average. Others bowling 50 or more over were Gerald Arnett 202 (53), Jim Thomas 213 (51), Fred Fultz 191 (58), and Keith Carter (62). Ed Reed picked up the 5-6-10, Keith Carter 4-5-7, Pam Jeffers 4-5, Dorothy Hesler 4-6, Jim Thomas 5-7, and Bill McDaniel knocked out the 3-9-10 twice.
  The Monday Nite No Tap league’s top bowler of the week, was JR Scruggs with a 290 game and a 814 series. Jimmy Scruggs had a 265 game (72), and a 683 series. Others with 50 or more pins over average were Terry Jones, 264 (74), John Nixon with a 232 (61), Jim Switzer, a 238 (61), Joanie Hedlund 214 (57), and Devin Heinrichs, a 209 game (59). Split conversions were made by Sue Strong, the 4-9, Miles Clark, the 5-6, and J.R. Scruggs, the 2-10.
   The Tuesday Nite Go Getter’s Houston Key had a good nite with 71 pins over his average with a 222. Joe Rich had a 225 (50), John Mikel 211 (57), and Lisa Moudy 204 (54).  Converted spares were picked up by the following: 5-7 Sue Strong, and Irvin Summers, 4-5-7 Strong, 5-10 Bub Tiffin, 4-5 Di Summers, and the 3-9-10 Martha Elliott.
   The Thursday Nite Lutheran League’s Jenny Decker bowled a 163 (56), Ty Harmeson 238 (60), Rueben Villereal 259 (63), Michells Webb 204 (42), Justin Hart 222 (41), Mark Levernz 228 (44), Shaun Peterson 223 (51), Chad Zigler 245 (56), Dave Hancock 244 (50), Joe Cox 279 (91), Ashley Nolan 231 (47), and Rod Cox 219 (73). Other high rollers for the evening were Derek Hufford with a 279, and Steve Skimehorn with a 278.
    In the Friday Nite Mixed league at Lincoln Lanes, J.R> Hawkins rolled a 212 (48), Danny Lazzell 256 (50), Bruce Smith 233 (44) Wayne Brown 237 (54) and Eric Crockett 247 (61). Other great scores included Jerrod Reed 277, Brian Lawson 278, Billy Morgan 699, Brandi Welsch 279 game, 635 series, Josh Troxtell, games of 261 and 287, and a 714 series.
    I heard that Fast Lanes in Hoopeston is resurfacing their lanes…..no, just kidding, but it did seem like Brandon Hamilton was tearing up the place recently with game scores 278-279, and259 for a 816 series. The Thursday afternoon Ladies League had Angie Stock rolling a 211 game, with a 142 average. On Thursday nite Will Bruen’s League, Hamilton shot a 268 with a 741 series. In the Wednesday Nite Youth League, Mercy Linder rolled a 235, while Shania Goble bowled a 198 and a 517 series. Charlie Warners had a 183 game, while Wes Raven and Chet Stock both had 180 games.
   Fast Lanes is having a Miller Lite tourney this coming Sunday at 11 am. Contact the center for more info.
   That wraps up the reports for this week. If you are a league secretary, we would love to have your league reports. Drop me an e-mail message to illianabowling@gmail.com
    You can get all the columns by checking out Tuck’s Bowling for Fun blog at: http://tucksbowlingforfun.blogspot.com

    Until next week, let’s have fun and knock ‘em down.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Nelson, Jr. Rolls Perfect Game

Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving, and you are not wobbling too much on the approach.   
   Let’s get right to this week’s league reports. The Monday Night No Tap League has Robbie Ketcherside rolling a 278, with a 734 series. Other bowlers with 50 or more pins over their averages were Miles Clark 255 (78), Larry Craft 244 (70), Albert Syass 236 (68), and Ella Ellis with a 221 (56). She also picked up the 5-7 split.
   The Monday Nite Mixed League at Bulans is reporting the following bowlers were above their average by 50 or more pins: Betsy Hall 237 (50), Rachel Watkins 176 (51), Wes Watkins 200 (65), Steve Brockwell 221 (52), Todd Goodner 215 (53), Kathy Seymore 219 (51), and Tyler West 229 (171). Karen Luse converted the 6-7-10 split.
    The MS Nail Salon League’s Connie Krasbee picked up the 5-10. 118 average bowler Ashley Lisenbee rolled a 206, 88 pins over average. Others 50 or more over average were Paula Beatty with a 203, 54 over. Kevin Powell 202 (65), and Tuck Miller 194 (53). Jordyn Castle knocked out the 5-7.    
     The Senior League reports that John Ramsey rolled a 256 game, 76 pins over average. Ed Reed 241 (59), and a 682 series, 136 pins over series average. Joe Stokes picked up the 3-6-7 and Stan Harvey, the 4-7-9. Bob Maxwell converted the 4-6-7 twice.   
     Covington’s Friday Nite Mixed had Kevin Barnes roll a 205, 238, and 161 for a 604 series. The 238 game was 63 over. Ron Cates rolled games of 184, 236, and 255 for a 675 series. Roger Gossett rolled   217 game,63 over, and Steven Jones had a series total of 647, with games of 231, 198, and 218.
    Saturday Nite’s McHarry’s League had some great scores this past week. Many with 50 or more pins over average, and one 300 game!! Marry Herring 206 (80), Lateeshe Davis 183 (55), Robin Turner 247 (62), Bobby Fauver 258 (56), George Gourard 254 (75), Mark Hillsman 201 (52), and Wayne Brwon 246 (51), and Jerome “Pooh” Nelson Jr, with a 300 game, 97 pins over. Marian Foster picked up the 5-8-10, while Harvetta Rose converted the 8-10.        
   That wraps up the reports for this week. If you are a league secretary, we would love to have your league reports. Drop me an e-mail message to illianabowling@gmail.com
    You can get all the columns by checking out Tuck’s Bowling for Fun blog at: http://tucksbowlingforfun.blogspot.com
    Until next week, let’s have fun and knock ‘em down.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Nov 28, 2013...Thanksgiving Day....

Today is Thanksgiving.
   A time to not only think back through the years, but also a time to give thanks for what you have today.  This past Sunday, our pastor shared with us that if you have a roof over your head, a car to drive, that you are in the top 95% of the wealthy people in the world. I moved from Danville to San Diego in 1984, and missed many Thanksgivings with the family. Things have now changed. I am wishing each of you a very Happy Thanksgiving.
    Before we get into the League reports, have a question to ask you.  How many of you, while bowling league, have become frustrated by the way you are bowling, and decided to just throw the ball between your legs? Word of advice……DON’T!!!
     Rule 118b/2:  A bowler decides to throw at a spare by delivering their bowling ball between their legs. Would this be considered a change in delivery and a violation of Rule 118b? The bowler has changed or deviated from their normal delivery which is in violation of Rule 118b. This rule provides a penalty of forfeiture of the individual’s/team game in which this action occurred.
     Sue Strong of the Monday Night No Tap League rolled a 643 series. She also picked up the 4-7-10 split. Jim Switzer picked up the 3-6-7-10. The following were 50 or more pins over their averages: Karen Hoskins 243 (74), Joanie Hedlund 209 (54), James Fair 211 (89), LaTeesha Davis 206 (67), and Devin Heinrichs 208 (64).
    The MS Nail Salon’s Donna Rayhel rolled a 204, her 1st 200 game of the season, and Betty Rowley picked up the 3-6-7-10 split.
    Tracy Smith of the Go Getters rolled a 217 (52), while Gary Holycross was topping out the evening with a 230 (51).  Split conversions consisted of Melissa Castle 3-10, Kevin Powell 2-7, Dot McDaniel and Ella Miller 4-5-7, Melissa Heuer 7-9, Dick Lamb 4-5, and Greg Miller with both the 5-7, and 5-6.
    In the Senior League, Darlene Edwards rolled a 171, 59 pins over average. Others with 50 or more pins over: Greg Miller 225 (56) and a 607 series. Jim Thomas with a 222 (60), and Fred Fultz 195 (63). Split conversions were made by Bill McDaniel with the 3-10 and the 5-10. Fred Fultz 2-10, and Tuck Miller with the 3-6-7-10.
     The Lutheran League’s Sue Moore rolled a 176 (52), Hannah Bargo 202 (55), Eric Zanders 252 (56), Joe Blagg 225 (55), Jason Woodworth 288 and a 726 series, Kyle Sirrat 299, Ashley Nolan 235 (51).
      In the Friday Nite Mixed League Danny Klazzell rolled a 269 (65), Jerrad Reed 713, Eric Crockett 234 (50), Robert Pendleton 233 (66), Rachel Pendleton 160 (57), Nicole Brown 258, and Jarvis Brown with a 259.
     The Friday Nite Mixed League in Covington, Kevin Barnes rolled a 226-225 and 255 (85) for a 706 series. DeWaine Bowling 192 (59), Pam Gossett 170 (54), and Troy Jordan 236 (70). John Gebhart picked up the 5-7 split.
    That wraps up the reports for this week. If you are a league secretary, we would love to have your league reports. Drop me an e-mail message to illianabowling@gmail.com
    You can get all the columns by checking out Tuck’s Bowling for Fun blog at: http://tucksbowlingforfun.blogspot.com
    Once again, may each of you have a happy Thanksgiving, and may God bless.

    Until next week, let’s have fun and knock ‘em down.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

4 perfect games!!

By Tuck Miller

   4 Perfect games rolled this past week.  Might just be a record in this area. More on those spectacular scores in just a bit, but first, we have some tournament information.
    Looking for something to do on Thanksgiving Eve? Fast Lanes in Hoopeston has the solution. They are holding a 7-8-9 pin Couples Tourney starting at 7pm, On Wednesday Nov. 27th. They will be having some great prize give a ways.
   Congrats to all of the qualifiers and winners in the Fox Auto World Tournament in Cissna Park. 
High side:
(#5 John Lowe – 189 #4 Brandon Hamilton – 201)(#4 Brandon Hamilton - 211 #3 Scott Kopacz – 204)(#4 Brandon Hamilton – 234 #2 David T Winchester – 191)(#4 Brandon Hamilton - 169 #1 Derrick Hufford – 255)
Low side:(#5 Tyler West – 225 #4 Mike Purtill – 196)(#5 Tyler West - 191 #3 Justin Hart – 154)(#5 Tyler West – 172 #2 Dave Gaddis – 173)(#2 Dave Gaddis – 173 #1 Jackie Varner – 161)
Derrick Hufford – 233 Dave Gaddis - 178
      The Hall of Fame nomination ballots are out in all of the centers. Please take the time to check this out and nominate someone that deserves this prestigious recognition. Categories are achievement, service, and senior. Nominees must be at least 35 years of age and have been a member of the DABA for at least 10 years.
   The recognition banquet will be held March 1, 2014. Stay tuned for more details on this fun evening.
    Back to the perfect games this past week. Some names you might recognize, and some, maybe not so much, however they should be congratulated and recognized for this great achievement. Bowling a perfect game, 12 strikes in a row, is a hard feat to complete. Some, make it look so easy tho.
    First off, last year I spoke about a 14 year old, rolling a 298. Well, earlier this week, 15 year old Hunter Phelps achieved one of the greatest scores in all of bowling, his 1st perfect game. He rolled his game during a fund raising effort for Oakwood High School. Hunter bowls in the Youth League at Lincoln Lanes Bowling Center. Others bowling 300 games were David T. Winchester, Derrick Hufford, and to Kevin Vehlewald for his first ever 300 game.
   Have many leagues reporting in this week. As usual, we will start with Monday, and move towards the weekend.
  The Monday Nite No Tappers had some great scores, All of these were 50 or more pins above their averages. Sara Switzer 275 (137), Ella Ellis 258 (95), Karen Hoskins 255 (92), Larry Craft 238 (62), Terry Jones 240 (52), Albert Syass 260 (95), and McKenna Smith 180 (65). Jimmy Scruggs rolled a 693 series, Sue Strong, a 635, Hoskins, a 652, and Switzer with a 650.
  Down the road at Bulans, the Monday Nite Mixed League’s Sandi Burke rolled a 243 (77), and a 628 series (130). Others with 50 or more over were Rachel Watkins 184 (62), and Wes Watkins 191 (57).
   The only game 50 or more pins over average in the Go Getters was Bub Tiffin with a 201 (55).
    Senior League bowlers 50 or more pins over average included Linda Engle 188 (59), Jack Taylor 212 (60) and John Ramsey with a 255 (74). Taylor also rolled a 564 series (108).
    Thursday Nite Lutheran League: Justin Bargo 700. Brian Lawsen 278 (87), Jesse Alvarez 690, Austin Paxton 237 (56), Donnie Cheeseman, a 279 and 681. Dustin Dolbee 678, Jason Woodworth 715, and Joe Cox with a 692.
    Covington’s Friday Nite Mixed high bowlers: Jessica Barnes 212 (79), Benji Brink 212 (79), Gary Edmiston 201 (55), John Gebhart 210 (50), Roger Gossett 206 (52), Steven Jones 228 (50). Ron Cates 655 series, and Linda Cates 197 (50)
    Lincoln Lanes Friday Nite Mixed: Wayne Brown 236 (55), Josh Copas 224 (59), Steve Zaayer 269 (99), Rich McFarland 779, Joe Lewis 717, Tasha Spillman 256 (80), and a 632. Randy Johnson 266 (56) and a 670.
    McHarry’s League: Stephanie Scruggs 203 (65), Teddy Carter 268 (76), Joe Lewis 751 series, and Winchesters 300 game was 87 pins over average.
     That wraps up the reports for this week. If you are a league secretary, we would love to have your league reports. Drop me an e-mail message to illianabowling@gmail.com
    You can get all the columns by checking out Tuck’s Bowling for Fun blog at: http://tucksbowlingforfun.blogspot.com

    Until next week, let’s have fun and knock ‘em down.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Skimehorn rolls his 2nd 300 of the Year.

    He’s done it once again. Remember the name Steve Skimehorn? We wrote about him a few weeks back about getting a 300 game. Well, here we are again, reporting another 300 game, this time in the Lutheran League, Thursday nites at Lincoln Lanes. This makes his 2nd 300 game this season. More on the Lutheran League a bit later.
  This past weekend we had about 15 Senior bowlers compete in a Senior State Tournament. Official scores are not yet in, but our preliminary findings are we did have a couple of guys who bowled quite well, and at least one, who did not. How many of you have seen the name “vacant” on the bowling monitors at the various bowling centers. Well, your’s truly, could not even beat vacant, or so it seemed.
  The Monday morning League in Westville reports that Barb Smith picked up the 2-10 split.
   On Monday nite, the No Tap League had Sharon Craft bowl not only a 278 game, but also a 710 series. Others with 50 or more pins were: U Pete Williams 230 (55), Jim Switzer 225 (54), Joanie Hedlund (73), Karen Hoskins 219 (56), McKenna Smith 187 (75), and Sara Switzer with a 198 (64).
   On Tuesday morning the MS Nails’ Sandy Stewart rolled a 223, Sharon Craft a 203, and Donna Rayhel picked up the 4-9 split.
   The Go Getters were really rolling the other nite. Tracy Smith topped out 62 pins over average with a 223. Others with 50 or more over game, or 100 or more over series were:  Ron Blagg 228 (58), Houston Key 214 (55), Dick Lamb 525 (102), Fred Fultz 191 (61), and 498 (108). Split conversions included: Mac McDaniel picked up the 5-10, as well as the 5-6. Paula Beatty did as well. Laura Baird knocked out the 5-6-10, while Sue Strong clobbered both the 6-7-10, and 9-10 splits. Jordyn Castle picked up the 5-7, while Tuck Miller made the 4-7-9 disappear.
   High game for the Senior League this past Thursday was a 236, rolled by Ed Reed, 57 pins over. Others were: Marla Troyer 203 (52), Houston Key 223 (62), and Jack Taylor 210 (62), and a 553 series (109). Split pickups had Sue Strong with the 4-5, Laura Biard 5-6-10, Michael Seward 5-7, John Gebhart 4-10, and Judy Gebhart, the 6-7-10.
   Now we get back to the Lutheran League,where Skimehorn not only bowled  the 300 game, but also rolled a 774 series. Others were Bruce Rothery 242 (69), Eric Crockett 242 (66), Sue Moore 179 (57) and Kyle Sirratt with a 709 series.
   In the Friday Nite Mixed League at Danville Lincoln Lanes, Donny Cheeseman rolled a 684 series, with a 256 game (53). Steve Zaayer 256 (81), Bob Finley 237 (68), Zech Connelly 277 (92), Joe Rich 256 (78), Dustin Dolbee 718 series, Rick Bland 243 (86), and Joe Lewis with a 706 series.
   The Friday Nite Mixed League in Covington had Terry Bell rolling a 256, with a 197 average, and a 647 series. Others were Brent Durnil with a 175 (57), Darrell Edwards 235 (46), and Ron Cates 245 (51). Scottie Reinken rolled a 710 series.
   On Saturday Nites at Lincoln Lanes, McHarry’s League is alive and well. To prove that, we have Johan Pendleton rolling a 289, with 11 strikes in a row. John’s average is 176. Other high scores were Marian Foster with a 214 (64), Marvin Brandon with a 235 (59), Steve Skimehorn 264 (59), William “Mo” Morris 223 (58), and Jerome “Poo” Nelson, a 257 (58). Steve Finch rolled a 656 series while Mark “Baldy” Hillsman was slightly higher with a 657. John Pendleton also picked up the elusive 7-10 split.
   That wraps up the reports for this week. If you are a league secretary, we would love to have your league reports. Drop me an e-mail message to illianabowling@gmail.com
    You can get all the columns by checking out Tuck’s Bowling for Fun blog at: http://tucksbowlingforfun.blogspot.com

    Until next week, let’s have fun and knock ‘em down.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Nov 7th, 2013

    The old saying goes, close, but no cigar. From the reports I have received, there were no perfect games, but there were a couple of close to that ultimate goal. Cal Richards rolled 87 pins over average to top out with a 288 and a 761 series, while J.R. Scruggs was one pin behind with a 287 and a 776 series.. That made him 65 over his game average. Both bowlers are with the Monday Nite No Tap League. In other league action, Miles Clark had a 230 (50), Albert Syass 233 (71), and Devin Heinrichs with a 219 (77). Split conversions were Larry Craft with the 3-9-10, Nancy Goodner 5-7, and Louise Cunningham, the 6-7.
     The Monday Nite League at Bulans reports that Kim Cotton rolled a 232. She has a 197 average.
     In the MS Nail League, Sue Strong rolled a 206, while Donna Rayhel picked up the 3-6-7-10, and Geneva Edwards picked up the 4-5-10.  Earlier last month, Sandy Cunningham knocked out the Big 4, 4-6-7-10.
     The Tuesday Nite Go Getters were led by Don Miller with a 246 (73) and a 622 series. There were plenty of split pickups. The more prevalent were with the 5-7, Sherry Castongue and Laura Baird. The 2-10 was picked p by both Mac McDaniel and Fred Fultz. Cheryl Rhoton kicked down the 2-4-7-10, while Ron Blagg demonstrated his ability to convert the 3-6-7-10. Dot McDaniel picked up the 2-7, while her better half, Mac McDaniel, picked up the 3-10, not once, but twice. Tuck Miller picked up the 3-7, then turned right around and converted the 4-5, as did Di Summers.  
    Also in Tuesday Nite action, the TLC league at Bulans, 2 bowlers rolled 50 or more pins over average. They included Brian Warner with a 248 (51), and Jerry Sims with a 265 (65).
    In the Thursday afternoon Senior League, Keith Carter rolled a 196 game (50), and Jack Taylor also bowled a 196 (51). In the split department, John Gebhart picked up the 6-7-10. Other conversions were Bill McDaniel 9-10, Joe Blagg 4-10, and Terry Bell, the 5-7.
    Covington’s Friday Nite League had a great nite. Gary Edmiston had a 203 (57), Chad Edmiston 205 (77), Lindy Henkelman 182 (46), Tom Gebhart with a 225 (47), Brent Durnil 178 (61), and Janet White with a 253 (78). White rolled a 610 series with games of 152-205- and 253, while Scottie Reinken rolled games of 204-258 and 258 for a 720 series. Durnil picked up the 5-7, while Linda Cates knocked out the 6-7-8-10.
   McHarry’s League tells us that Harvetta Rose had a 195 (65), and Jamis Nelson rolled a 268 (104). Jason Turner also threw a 268, with the 1st 9 frams consisting of strikes. Finally Marvin Brandon topped out with a 227 (53).
    It’s with a heavy heart that I report Shelly Henry of the Lutheran League passed away unexpectedly this past weekend. Our thoughts and prayers are with her family.
   That wraps up the reports for this week. If you are a league secretary, we would love to have your league reports. Drop me an e-mail message to illianabowling@gmail.com
    You can get all the columns by checking out Tuck’s Bowling for Fun blog at: http://tucksbowlingforfun.blogspot.com

    Until next week, let’s have fun and knock ‘em down.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Dolbee Rolls 300 game

   The 300 games keep coming in. This week Dustin Dolbee of the Friday Nite Mixed League was able to accomplish this along with rolling a 752 series. Randy Johnson was close behind with a 276, and 723 series. Others with 50 or more pins over average were Brandi Welsch 246 (55), Teresa Cloyd 231 (57), and Zech Connelly 238 (55).
    The Monday Morning Ladies League in Westville reports that both Martha Hargen and Barb Smith picked up the 2-7-10 split, while Laura Baird lassoed the 5-10.
    Heading back to Danville and the Lincoln Lanes Bowling Center, the Monday Nite No Tap is reporting some great scores. Cal Richards rolled a 300 (No Tap), while J.R. Scruggs had a 696 series. Pam Jones rolled a 631, while Sue Strong topped out with a 625. Others with 50 or more pins over average consist of: Pam Jones 242 (59), U Pete Williams 222 (50), Jim Switzer 264 (100), John Nixon 239 (70), Joanie Hedlund 217 (67) and Devin Heinrichs 194 (57).
     The Tuesday Nite Go Getters were led by Ron Blagg with a 274 (109) and a series of 639 (144). His brother Joe Blagg, rolled a 236 (53), and  a 649 (104). Mike Heuer topped out with a 233 (54). Hayden Pakula 176 (69) and a series of 436 (115). Lisa Moudy had a 204 (57). She also picked up the 5-7 split. Another conversion was Sherry Castonque with the 6-7-10.
    In the Thursday afternoon Senior League, Terry Bell rolled a 246 (51). Pam Jeffers had a 204 game (70). Betty Lierman 173 (55), Dot McDaniel 192 (84) and Terry Koebrich, 129 (53). As far as split conversions go, Marla Troyer and Keith Carter picked up the 5-7, while Judy Gebhart and Dorothy Hester knocked out the 5-10. Other pick ups were Ernie Harvey 4-5-7, Donna Berlin 5-8-10, Laura Baird 6-7-10 and John Ramsey, the 4-7-9.
    Later in the evening, the Lutheran League had the following with 50 or more pins over average: Brian Tallman 236 (75), Don Miller 275 (96), Justin Hart 248 (71), Josh Copas 239 (55), Shelly Henry 194 (60), and Cliff Dupree 246 (51).
    Covington’s Sycamore Lane’s Friday Nite League has Ron Cates with a 257 (64), Mike Dunavan 286 (88), Chad Edmiston 193 (69), Angel Long 127 (43), and Scottie Reinken rolled a 238-244 and 265 for a 748 series.
     On Oct 19, Eric Crockett rolled 10 strikes in a row, starting in the 1st frame, and ended with a 287 (107). Joe Lewis rolled a 279, 248, and a 196 for a 723 series.
     Crockett continued his streak with a 245 game (65) on the 26th. David Winchester with a 212 average rolled games of 235, 278, and 232, giving him a 745 series. Others scoring high were Henry Stevens 247 (81), Steve Skimehorn 267 (69), Robin Turner 236 (55), Jerome Nelson Sr. 257 (67), Jason Turner with games of 216, 268, and 269 for a 753 series. Bud Taylor rolled a 254, 60 pins over.
   That wraps up the reports for this week. If you are a league secretary, we would love to have your league reports. Drop me an e-mail message to illianabowling@gmail.com
    You can get all the columns by checking out Tuck’s Bowling for Fun blog at: http://tucksbowlingforfun.blogspot.com

    Until next week, let’s have fun and knock ‘em down.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Bowling Oct 24, 2013

No special reports this week that I am aware of, so let’s get right into our League submissions.
   George Gouard rolled 87 pins over his average for a 278 game, and a 693 series in the Monday Nite No-Tap League. Others bowling 50 or more pin above their averages were Cal Richards 269 (87), Jimmy Scruggs 253 (67), Albert Syass 210 (57, and McKenna Smith 184 (78). Sue Strong topped out with a 636 series.
         The Monday Morning Ladies League in Westville reports that Phyllis Rhutan picked up the 4-7-10.
    The Tuesday Nite Go Getters had some great games with the following: Sandy West 177 (61) and 465 series (117), Laura Wright 482 series (117), and Joe Blagg 233 (54). Split conversions: Tracy Smith 3-4, and 6-7-10, and Joe Blagg, 3-6-7-10.
    On Danville’s west side, the TLC League at Bulans has recorded the following bowlers with 50 or more pins over average this past week: Stephen Forshier 220, and Don Coan rolled games of 269, 235, and 248 for a 752 series.
    High rollers for the Senior League are Jim Thomas 214 (52), Pam Jeffers 195 (64), Joe Stokes 193 (58), John Ramsey 227 (57), Darlene Edwards 158 (52), and Houston Key 215 (52). Split conversions were Dot McDaniel the 4-5-7 and Joe Stokes with the 9-10.
   Your writer had the pleasure of subbing with a team on the Friday Nite Mixed League consisting of Rod Golden, and Steve and Tina Zaayre. I was subbing for Rod’s wife, Marla.  Thanks guys. While there, was told that Dustin Dalby converted the Big 4 split, and Eric Crockett picked up the 2-4-6-10.
    In Hoopeston, the Fast Lanes Bowling Center had Marvin Dobkins rolling a high game of 237 and a high series of 647 this past Sunday Nite. Leslie Hardcastle rolled a 195, with a 545 series. Then on Thursday nite, Chad Bruens rolled a 279 with a 760 series, while Bob Hamilton had a 248 game with a 666 series on the Friday Nite League. Remember, this coming Sunday, starting at 11 am, there will be a Bowlers Choice tournament. They will also be having a spaghetti fundraiser.
    Across the state line in Covington in the Friday Nite League had the following bowlers rolling 50 or more pins over average: Gary Edmiston 200 (57), Judy Gebhart 189 (51), Roger Gossett 213 (64), Jim Hensley 204 (58), Dewaine Bowling 190 (60), Christina Mikel 157 (52), and Katrina Edwards with a 242 (56).
  Being finished with the League results for this past week, please allow me to get back on my soap box once again. If you will remember, I was asking a couple weeks ago, what value the USBC is to us, the normal Joe Bowler.  It has come to my attention that starting next year, the local associations will be responsible for buying the awards that are given to the bowlers. I would hazard a guess that there are many groups that cannot afford this added expense.
   I do know, that both the Danville Men’s Association, as well as the Women’s Association, want to do the best they possibly can for their members, but how will this added expense affect them?

That wraps up the reports for this week. If you are a league secretary, we would love to have your league reports. Drop me an e-mail message to illianabowling@gmail.com
    You can get all the columns by checking out Tuck’s Bowling for Fun blog at: http://tucksbowlingforfun.blogspot.com

    Until next week, let’s have fun and knock ‘em down.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Miller Rolls His 5th Perfect game Oct 17, 2013

Here we go again. Yet again, another youngster, rolling a 300 game. These guys make it look so easy. This time, it was former Danville resident, Jim Miller. Now, a resident of Mahomet, it was his 5th perfect game.     
   Some of you might have been scratching your heads the past couple of weeks with how I was reporting the games 50 or more pins above their averages. Very simple, the 1st number would be their game, then, the 2nd number in parenthesis would be the number of pins actually over.
   A Couple’s No Tap tournament will be held this coming Saturday at noon, at the Westville Legion Bowling Center. Handicap is set at 90% of 220. If you have no average, you will be bowling scratch. Cost is $40 and there is a limit of the 1st 10 couples paid. Contact Doug Oakes at 304-4735.
   The Monday Night No Tap League’s Pam Jones rolled the high game for the week with a 253,  80 pins over her average. Other bowlers achieving 50 or more pins over were: Shirley Perryman 235 (55), Terry Jones 232 (55), Krystle Evans 229 (64), Karen Lane 186 (84), and McKenna Smith 160 (55).
    The Monday Morning Ladies League in Westville reports that Mary Seilhymer bowled a 173 (52).
    The Tuesday Nite Go Getters had some great games with the following: Mac McDaniel 193 (50), Joe Elliott 177 (50), Charles Tiffin 202 (65), and 536 series (125), Dot McDaniel 173 (58), and Cheryl Rhoton 191 (56). Two difficult spare conversions were made. Bub Tiffin with the 2-9 and Houston Key with the 4-7-10.
    High rollers for the Senior League are Terry Bell with a 269 (74), and Ernie Harvey had a 221 (50). Impressive split pickups included Sue Strong with the 6-7, Dot McDaniel 4-5, and Joe Stokes with the 5-6.
     The Thursday Night Lutheran League is telling us that Donnie Cheeseman had a 726 series and that Bill Reik had a 280 game. Others were Austin Paxton with a 269 (83), and Shelly Henry 204 (72).
     For McHarry’s League, we have the following results:  On October 5th, Steve Finch 247 (64)and a 700 series (247, 237, 216), Jason Turner with a707 series (227, 256, 224), Robin Turner 683 series (223, 237, 223), Terrence Tetter 202 (50), and David Winchester 279 (78) and a 728 series 279, 205, 244.
    Fast Lanes in Hoopeston is alerting us that their Youth League is coming up with some great scores. High scores for this week were Mercy Linder with a 216 game. Wes Raven had games of 225 and 223, with a series of 537. Not bad for a 12 year old.
   The Sunday Night Mixed League, Geoffrey Berlin led the way with a 267 game and a 726 series. Deb Dillman had a 200 game, while Jessica Dobkins rolled a 506 series. The Monday Nite Ladies League had Laurie Wisdom with a 244 game, and Jessica Dobkins with a 237 game and a 657 series. Susan Goble 212 (61). The Will Bruen’s Thursday Nite League has Porgy Anderson and Jay Ferdinand with 278 games, and Anderson with a 741 series. Ferdinand Construction set the pace with a 982 scratch game and a 2722 4 man scratch series. Brandon Hamilton had a 279 game and a 751 series to lead the Friday Nite Mixed League. That was 5 weeks in a row for a 700 series. Karen Porth had a 256 game, and a 614 series.
That wraps up the reports for this week. If you are a league secretary, we would love to have your league reports. Drop me an e-mail message to illianabowling@gmail.com
    You can get all the columns by checking out Tuck’s Bowling for Fun blog at: http://tucksbowlingforfun.blogspot.com

    Until next week, let’s have fun and knock ‘em down.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Kevin West rolls 36th Perfect Game

   How easy is it to roll a perfect game? I would venture to say most of us would say it is very difficult. There are some among us that make it look very easy. Danville bowler Kevin West who bowls on the Illinois-Missouri Traveling League has bowled not once, not twice, but 36 perfect games.  All I ask, is that I be granted 1 perfect game in my life time.  Maybe for a Christmas present?  Congrats Kevin.
   I would like to hear from all area bowlers who have rolled 1 or more perfect games. Drop me an e-mail and let me know your total.
   I have a question that I would like for you to think about. Why do many of us bowl in a sanctioned League?  The reason I hear the most is so that we can bowl in tournaments.  My response is why do the tournaments sanction with the USBC?  What does the USBC really do for the average Joe bowler?  They used to give out patches for many different achievements, such as so many pins over averages and series, triplicate games, Dutch 200’s, All Spare Games, the Big 4, and the 7-10 splits. Not any more. Very few awards are given out anymore, and there are no patches, but key chains, magnets, or a pin to use on your shirt.   
    My question for you, is again, why do we as bowlers continue to support an organization that does not seem to really do anything for us?
    In the Monday Night no tap league Sharon Craft rolled a 657 series.  The following bowlers outscored their averages by at least 50 pins. Nancy Goodner 245 (66), George Gouard (59), Jimmy Scruggs 244 (59), Kenny Smith 216 (59), Terry Jones 218 (53), and Devin Heinrichs 202 (60).
    The Tuesday Nite Go Getters welcomed Mike Heuer and his wife Lisa to the league. Mike wasted no time getting in the groove. The other nite he rolled a 290 game, which was 120 pins over his average, and 167 pins over his series average for a 677. His 2nd game was 246, 76 over. By the way, that 290 game was 11 strikes in a row. Lisa Moudy also had a fantastic game. With an average of 132, she knocked out a 243, which helped her achieve a 551 series. Other Go Getters who rolled at least 50 pins over average or 100 pins over series were:  Laura Wright 199 (81), Di Summers 167 (58), Sue Strong 571 (100) and Jordyn Castle 167 (64). Derek Darr picked up the 6-7 split.
    Out west on 150, the Tuesday Nite League at Bulans had 160 average bowler Leslie Miller rolling games of 206 and 256, for a 659 series, while Tina Zaayer rolled a 200 game, 38 pins over average. Jerry Nixon closes out this league report with a 227 game, with a 165 average.
     Doug Wagoner from Fast Lanes in Hoopeston is now back with us, and here is his report:  Here are some scores from up here in Hoopeston. On the Monday Night Ladies League, Laurie Wisdom led the way with a fine 244- 657 series followed by Jennifer Crawley's 222 and 654 series. The Will Bruens Mens City League was led by The Ferdinand Construction team who had scratch games of 982 & 968 on the way to a 2722 scratch series. Porgy Anderson and Jay Ferdinand lead the way with 278 games and Porgy's 741 series. On the Friday night mixed League Brandon Hamilton leads the way with a 279 and 751 series. Karen Porth led the ladies with a 256 and 614 series. Deb Hamilton had a fine 236, (167 average). The Sunday night mixed is led by Todd Rush and Geoffery Berlin with 257 games and Berlin's 726 series. Deb Dillman leads the ladies with a 200 and Jessica Dobkins has a 506 set.  The Youth League has Chet Stock bowling a fine 225 and Wes Ravens 223 and Mercy Linder leading the girls with a fine 216 game, and sister Jaylen having a 487 series. Fast Lanes will have a 7-8-9- Pin Tournament SATURDAY OCTOBER 12 starting at 7:00pm. Cost is $20.00. Then on Sunday OCTOBER 27, starting at 11:00 is the Bowlers Choice handicapped tournament for both men and women.
  We have the following bowlers in the Senior League either rolling 50 or more pins over average or more than 100 pins over series average: Stan Harvey 268 (77), Bill McDaniel 209 (6), Gerald Arnett 209 (68), 561 (138), Terry Bell, Jr. 269(79), 675 (105).  Aaron Williams 197 (83) 444 (102) Arnett also rolled an All Spare Game.
   Traveling east to Covington and Sycamore Lanes, the Friday Nite League had the following with 50 or more over: Jim Hensley 204 (66), Dewaine Bowling 174 (50), and Katrina Edwards 232 (51).
      That wraps up the reports for this week. If you are a league secretary, we would love to have your league reports. Drop me an e-mail message to illianabowling@gmail.com
    You can get all the columns by checking out Tuck’s Bowling for Fun blog at: http://tucksbowlingforfun.blogspot.com

    Until next week, let’s have fun and knock ‘em down.

Monday, September 30, 2013

Sept 26, 2013

By Tuck Miller

    If you are a league secretary, we would like to encourage you to submit reports with us each week. Deadlines are Tuesday nites at midnight. My goal is to recognize our league bowlers with their accomplishments during the bowling year.
     The Monday Night no tap league is rolling right along, and are reporting some great scores. First off, J.R. Scruggs knocked out a 300. Sharon Craft rolled a 257, with a 661 series. Nancy Goodner rolled 86 pins over average with a 254. Jimmy Scruggs knocked out  a 246 game, and Larry Craft scored a 231. 
    The Monday Morning Ladies League in Westville has Mary Seilhymer rolling a 175, 51 pins over her 104 average. Phyllis Rhutan rolled a 202, 68 pins over average, and 130 pins over series by knocking out a 532.
         The Tuesday Nite Go Getters welcomed Jordyn Castle to this year’s league. Jordyn is new to the sport and is starting to increase his average, so he was elated when he rolled 60 pins over his 97 average for a 157. Congrats Jordyn. Irv Summers rolled a 213, 68 pins over.
   While your writer was bowling at Lincoln Lanes this past Tuesday, it was announced that Derreck Hufford had just rolled a 300. You should remember that name, as this his is 7th 300 game of his bowling career.
  Don’t let the Senior League fool you. They are actually trying very hard, and succeeding on rolling some high scores to keep up with the younger folks. For example, John Gebhart rolled 89 pins over his average to finish with a 255, while Allen Taylor hit a 213, 63 pins over, and also topped out with a 585 series, 135 pins over his normal series average. Let’s not forget about Martha Elliott, who rolled a 498 series, 111 pins over series, while Sue Broderick was 57 pins over norm with a 193 game.
   Some great scores were submitted from the Friday nite League in Covington. You might recognize some names. Beth Barnes bowled a 211 which was 79 over her 132 avg. Kevin Barnes bowled a 267 which was 94 over his 173 average and had 647 series 184-196-267. Aaron Howard bowled a 210 which was 54 over his average. Steven Jones bowled a 247 which was 79 over and a 579 series 147-185-247. Ted Pearman bowled a 225 for 51 over, while Bill Shoaf bowled a 215 which was 56 over his 159 norm. Jon Dunavan knocked out a 255 which was 82 over his 173 average and a 607 series 176-255-176. Mike Dunavan bowled 206-200-200 for a 606 series. Darrell Edwards bowled a 179-203-232 for a 614 series with a 204 average.
    Some great scores also coming from McHarry's Bowling League. They were Shirley Perryman average of 145, she bowled a 203. Elisa Pendleton bowled a 179. John Pendleton rolled a 212. Jerome Nelson Jr. knocked out a 238 while Steve Finch bowled a 243. All these scores were at least 50 or more pins above averages.
   Sorry to say, to conserve space, I cut out all spare conversions. Keep sending them in tho, as I may need to include them.
   That wraps up the reports for this week. If you are a league secretary, we would love to have your league reports. Drop me an e-mail message to illianabowling@gmail.com
    You can get all the columns by checking out Tuck’s Bowling for Fun blog at: http://tucksbowlingforfun.blogspot.com
    Until next week, let’s have fun and knock ‘em down.

Sept 19, 2013

I do believe that all leagues are now in full swing. If you are a league secretary, we would like to encourage you to submit reports with us each week. Deadlines are Tuesday nites at midnight. My goal is to recognize our league bowlers with their accomplishments during the bowling year.
     The Monday Night no tap league has gotten started, and did submit a report this last week. It is shorter than normal; because they are short at least 4 teams. If you enjoy bowling this would be a good league to start off with. If you have never played the no tap game, it is a lot of fun. Scott Cunningham rolled a 703 series. Joanie Hedlund rolled 58 pins over average for a 230 game. Albert Syass rolled a 198 game, 53 pins over average, and Nancy Goodner picked up the 4-7-9 split.
       The Tuesday Nite Go Getters are starting to pick up as their new averages are starting to stabilize. John Mikel rolled 60 pins over average to top out with a 215. Harlie Hucklebie was 57 pins over for a 175. Bowling 84 pins over average was Dan Wright with a 245 game. With that he was 109 pins over his 483 series. Tracy Smith finished off the evening with a 213, 66 pins above this year’s average. No split pickups were reported.
      The Senior League had some great scores this week. Ed Reed shot a 224 game, 62 pins over average, while Joe Blagg rolled 51 pins over, for a 231. Margo Johnson was 50 pins over average with a 179. Sue Strong was on fire with a 236 game and a 568 series. She was 84 pins over game and 112 pins over series. Joe Stokes was 63 over for a 183 game, and 131 pins over series for a 491. Dorothy Hesler had a 191 game, 56 pins over her normal game average. She also had a 199. Rolling a 539 series gave her 134 pins above. Allen Taylor finished up the great scoring with a 570 series, 162 pins over average, while rolling a 247 game, 111 pins above his norm. John Gebhart did pick up the 5-6-10 split.
    Coming aboard this week is McHarry's Bowling League at Lincoln Lanes, Saturday Night at 5 PM. The fall season started September 7, 2013, with 10 teams. George Gourd (Senior Club) bowled the 1st 10 strikes on a way to a 285, his highest ever series of 712. Joe Lewis bowled a 279 game, to a series high, 732. Teddy Carter (Senior Club) bowled a high game, 267 while Jason Turner bowled 268, 243, 239 with a series of 750. Robin Turner bowled a high game, 245, with Kevin Vahlewald (Senior Club) rolling a high game, 278.
     It came over the loud speaker at Lincoln Lanes, that Steve Skimehorn rolled a 300 game. Congrats Steve.
   That wraps up the reports for this week. If you are a league secretary, we would love to have your league reports. Drop me an e-mail message to illianabowling@gmail.com
    You can get all the columns by checking out Tuck’s Bowling for Fun blog at: http://tucksbowlingforfun.blogspot.com

    Until next week, let’s have fun and knock ‘em down.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

September 12, 2013

By Tuck Miller

    Bowling season is back. Actually, some leagues started before Labor Day, and of course many started after wards.  One league, I would like to bring to your attention, is the No Tap League, Monday Nites, in the Annex, 6:30 pm at Lincoln Lanes. They would like to have at least 2 more teams join them, but 4, would be even better. If you are interested in joining, head down to Lincoln lanes on Monday nites.. Maybe you can get 3 more people to join you as a team.
    League results will be coming right along, but would like to make a suggestion to make it easier for both the secretaries and bowlers of the leagues. If you have been bowling for a while, you will know that when you bowl for the 1st  series of the new season, you are establishing a new average. That average could be low or even high, depending on how the bowler fares for that day. Here is an easy way to make that 1st week, and even a couple there after a bit more stable.  Have a rule in your league bylaws that state that last year’s average will be used for the 1st 3 weeks. After that time period, you will use the earned average that you have achieved during that 3 week time frame. Of course, if a bowler did not bowl in the previous league, their average would have to be decided in the 1st 3 games rolled of the season.
     As we get started with this week’s column, I would like to thank the people who send me in reports, so I have something to tell you each week. Here they are, in no particular order:  Laura Baird, Bill McDaniel, Joe Stokes, Don Coan, Doug Wagner, Georgia Seward, Nancy Goodner, Linda Chittick, and Rose Schaeffhold
    The Tuesday Nite Go Getters are first with their reports for the year, with Bill McDaniel reporting for the past 2 weeks. Dick Lamb rolled a 213, which was 69 pins over last year’s average. Houston Key had progressive games of 135, 136, and 137. A bowler actually got an award (patch) for this, back in the day.  Maggie Birge rolled a 215, 64 over her last years average, and was 99 pins over her last years series average with a 552. Split pickups were as follows:  Harl Miller with the 5-7, Fred Fultz and Charlie Tiffin with the 5-10.  Martha Elliott was unable to get the ball between the 9-10, resulting in her taking down the pair of pins. Lacee Darr and Jan Frank both picked up the 2-10, with Dot Miller picking up the 3-9-10. Tuck Miller converted the 4-5-7.   
      The Senior League started off in an unconventional method, with your’s truly throwing a ball straight in the gutter for his very 1st ball of the season competition. High scores for the past couple of weeks were Linda Engle with 75 pins over her game average with a 181.  Meredith Stokes was 52 pins over her game average with a 181.  Joe Blagg was 64 pins over, with a 215, and 148 pins over his series total with a 601. Dot McDaniel had a 140 game, 53 pins over her game average.  She also had a 157, 70 pins over average, while she bowled 169 pins over her series total.  Marion Johnson bowled a 179 game, 72 pins over his average.  Jack Ball rolled a 192 game which was 63 pins over.  On the 29th of Aug. Linda Engle bowled 104 pins over her series total. Split conversions for the league were Aaron Williams, Pam Jeffers, Stan Harvey and Sue Broderick picking up the 5-7.   Jack Ball, John Gebhart and Shirley Lamm picked up the 5-10.   Tuck Miller and Barb Smith, the 4-5.  Ernie Harvey, the 4-5-7.  John Ramsey picked up the 5-7 and the 2-4-10. Darlene Edwards knocked out the 3-8-10.  Allen Taylor met the challenge, and converted the 4-7-10, while Bill McDaniel blew apart the 3-6-7-10. Clara Copsy picked up the 5-6. Laura Baird picked up the 5-6, Jan Frank the 3-6-7-10, Stan Harvey the 2-10 and Shirley Lamm the 5-10. 
    The Friday nite League in Covington is telling us that Mike Dunavan had a 256 game and a 611 series. Darrell Edwards rolled a  632 series and Terry Bell finished with a 609 series.
    Let’s get back to Thursday nites where the Lutheran League bowls and Georgia Seward is now reporting.  Greg Black rolled a 298 game, with a 743 series. Jason Woodworth had a 280 game, and Kyle Siratt finished up with a 714 series. Also bowling some great high scoring games were Don Cheesman 269, Cliff Dupree  267, Derrick Hufford 267 and  Steve Skimehorn with a 776 series.
   That wraps up the reports for this week. If you are a league secretary, we would love to have your league reports. Drop me an e-mail message to illianabowling@gmail.com
    You can get all the columns by checking out Tuck’s Bowling for Fun blog at: http://tucksbowlingforfun.blogspot.com
    Until next week, let’s have fun and knock ‘em down.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Thursday, April 25th, 2013

         Last call…..last call….. the City Senior Tourney is still scheduled for Saturday and Sunday, April 27 & 28th. That is THIS weekend.  There are still openings, and would love to see this tourney packed out. If you are 50 years of age or over, you qualify. This is a handicap tourney, and your last year’s average will be used to determine how much handicap you will get. 1st 3 games will be bowled at Bulans, with the last 3 being rolled at Lincoln Lanes.  The top 5 bowlers at the end of play at Lincolns will compete in a step ladder roll off to determine this year’s champion. Come on out and join us.
     The Monday Nite No-Tappers at Lincoln Lanes are submitting their last report of the fall/winter season. Terry Jones rolled a 730 series including a 265 game. Sharon Craft topped out with a 638 series, while Karen Hoskins bowled a 646 series, which included a 240 game. Other No Tappers achieving 50 or more pins over average were Mike Jett with a 235, 51 pins over his 181 norm. Robbie Ketcherside rolled a 264, 50 pins over. Joe Davis was also 50 pins over with a 244. Leean Palmer also rolled a 240, which was 96 pins over, while Pam Jones had a 230, 64 pins over her 166 average. Mallory Buss shot a 193, 62 pins over, Essie Syass was 53 over with a 189.  This year’s league Champions were the Pretty Boys, consisting of Miles Clark, Mike Jett, Brock Dieu, Matt Myers and Rick Goben (alternating), and Robbie Ketcherside. Submitting the reports each week was Nancy Goodner.
     No report from the Monday Morning Ladies League in Westville, however Laura Baird did the submittals, and we thank her for that.  This year’s championship team was Phylar Collectibles, consisting of Martha Hance, Martha Hargan, Phyllis Rutan, and Alicia Rouse. Also from time to time, we heard from Don Coan and the Tuesday Nite League at Bulans, and Doug Wagner in Hoopeston. Thanks gentlemen for your help.
    Speaking of Bulans, the Monday Nite Mixed league rolled their final frames of the season. Rachel Watkins had 62 pins over her average of 129 as she bowled a 191. Bruce Shepherd rolled a 204, 58 ins over, while Connie Williams finished out with a 211, 59 pins over her average. Cindy’s Big Rascals, consisting of Nick Grubb, Evan Davis, Brent Honn and Kevin Bennett, were declared this year’s league champions. Thanks to Linda Chittick for her reports.
    The Tuesday Nite Go Getters are next, with Bill McDaniel reporting. Charlie Tiffin rolled a 207, 59 pins over average. Houston Key picked up the 4-5, Di Summers the 5-6, Dick Lamb the 2-10 and Bub Tiffin with the 5-7. Now, in the hard to believe category, some guy named Tuck Miller, also picked up the 5-7, and the 2-5-7, and even rolled a 214 game, 70 pins over average. It was also roll off nite for the Go Getters where the 1st half winners Wolf Creek rolled against the 2nd half winners Yard Store. Wolf Creek was declared the league winners. Team members include, Joe and Martha Elliott, Laure Baird, and brothers Greg and Tuck Miller.
       The Senior League champs were Safe Water, with the following team members: Keith Carter, Shirley Lamm, Martha Elliott, Phil Stultz, and Stan Harvey. Other bowlers 50 or more pins over were Bill McDaniel with a 222, 73 pins over, Clara Copsey had a 182, 61 pins over, while Stan Harvey finished up with a 244 game, 63 pins over. Reporters for the Senior League were Joe and Meredith Stokes.
     Checking in for one last time, were both Friday Nite Leagues. First Covington is telling us that The Brew Crew was this year’s champions, with a team made up of Jessica Barnes, Kevin Barnes, Beth Barnes and Rose Schaeffhold.  Rose was our on the spot gal.
     Now, heading back west on 74 to Danville, the Lincoln Lanes group’s year end champions are Pop’s Gang.  The “gang” is made up of Georgia Seward, Butch Sanders, Larry Richards Sr., Teresa Cloyd, and Terrence Cloyd. A shout goes out to Jennifer Kile for all her help this year.  I sure hope I have not overlooked anyone.
    Well, as you may have already figured out, this fall/winter season has now come to an end. We should start up again towards the end of August, more likely, the 1st week in September. I would like to thank you, the bowlers. If it weren’t for you, I would have nothing to write about.
  Yes, we will try and submit a short paragraph about the Senior tourney this weekend, so be watching for that, as well as any other short bowling alerts.
    We wish each of you and you families a great summer, and maybe, we will see you out and about.
   Until next fall, let’s have fun and knock ‘em down.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Thursday, April 18, 2013

The Danville Men’s Bowling Association will be having a meeting on Monday April 22nd at Spanky’s Banquet hall at 7pm. They will be discussing a slight fee increase to accommodate new state dues and other issues involving local bowlers. I would encourage the bowlers to turn out in big numbers.
     Remember, the City Senior Tourney is still scheduled for Saturday and Sunday, April 27 & 28th. That will be the last weekend of the month.  There are still openings, and would love to see this tourney packed out. If you are 50 years of age or over, you qualify. This is a handicap tourney, and your last year’s average will be used to determine how much handicap you will get. 1st 3 games will be bowled at Bulans, with the last 3 being rolled at Lincoln Lanes.  The top 5 bowlers at the end of play at Lincolns will compete in a step ladder roll off to determine this year’s champion.
     First things first. Looks like our big bowler this week is Joe Rich. Rich bowls in the Thursday Lutheran League, and this last week rolled a 286, his highest game ever with 10 strikes in a row. 
      Let’s start off with the No Tappers on Monday Nites. No really outrageous scores this week, but we did have some 50 or more pins over average. Brock Dieu rolled a 264, 72 pins over his 192 average. John Nixon, normally averaging a 164, rolled 73 pins over for a 237. Shooting 1 pin under John was Pam Jones with a 236, 71 pins over her 165 average. 142 average bowler Leean Palmer rolled 60 over for a 202, while Mallory Buss topped out with a 192, 62 pins over her 130 average. Karen Hoskins knocked out the 5-7 split.
     The Tuesday Nite Go Getters were looking good on election nite, and we have the returns. Gary Holycross was the top bowler of the week in that league where he rolled a 251, 80 pins over his normal 171 average.  Harl Miller rolled 61 pins over his 141 norm to tally a 202. 162 average bowler Tracy Smith rolled 51 pins over to garner a 213. 2nd highest in the league was Joe Blagg, rolling 58 pins over average for a 232. Bub Tiffin picked up the 5-7, Houston Key slapped out the 5-10, and Jon Castle converted the 2-4-10.
      The  Senior League reports that Terry Bell rolled 54 pins over for a 246, while Raymond Berlin topped out with a 196, 56 over average, and Pam Jeffers, who was substituting for her Mom that day, rolled a 209, which was 74 pins over her average. She also had a 508 series, which was 103 pins over her normal series average. Shirley Lamm picked up the 6-7-10, and 4-5-7, while Ernie Harvey corralled the 5-7, and the 3-6-7-10. Not to be left out, Jim Thomas was the split master. He converted not only the 4-5-7, but the 5-7 twice.
    Rule of the week
    Let’s read what the USBC says about handicapping:
100g/1  What is a good handicap percentage for a league with members who have a wide range of averages?
According to Rule 100g, Item 1, the percentage shall be 100 percent unless otherwise provided by league rules. USBC recommends using 100 percent handicap because previous studies have shown that higher handicap percentages help to equalize competition.
100g/2  What is the most effective system of handicapping?
The individual method is most effective. A scratch figure should be set higher than any bowler’s average in the league and all bowlers are handicapped from that figure. For example, if the highest individual average is 222, the base figure for handicapping could be set at 230 allowing for average improvement, and 100 percent of 230 could be adopted by the league. The players’ individual handicaps are added together for the team handicap. With this method, each bowler as well as each team has the benefit of handicap. When the league awards individuals for high handicap game and high handicap series, it is simple for the secretary to determine which league member is in contention because individual handicap is already included.
       Thanks again to the folks who report the scores. Your help is greatly appreciated.
     (NEW DEADLINE) Please submit all reports before midnight on Tuesdays. If you need any more info, drop me a note at illianabowling@gmail.com. Check out past articles at http://tucksbowlingforfun.blogspot.com/  The blog has been updated. You may make comments after each blog. You can also “like” us on Facebook. Just search for Bowling for Fun (a company), in the Facebook search box.
Until next week, let’s have fun and knock ‘em down.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Thursday, April 11, 2013

The Danville Men’s Bowling Association will be having a meeting on Monday April 22nd at Spanky’s Banquet hall at 7pm. They will be discussing a slight fee increase to accommodate new state dues and other issues involving local bowlers. I have heard it said that the bowlers will not turn out for association meetings.  I would encourage the bowlers to turn out in big numbers, and prove the naysayers wrong. If you are a member, it is YOUR Association. I do know most of the officers, and know that they want to do what is in your best interest. I would be at the meeting, unfortunately, I will be bowling myself that nite at Bulans.
     Remember, the City Senior Tourney has been scheduled for Saturday and Sunday, April 27 & 28th. That will be the last weekend of the month.  There are still openings, and would love to see this tourney packed out. If you are 50 years of age or over, you qualify. This is a handicap tourney, and your last year’s average will be used to determine how much handicap you will get. 1st 3 games will be bowled at Bulans, with the last 3 being rolled at Lincoln Lanes.  The top 5 bowlers at the end of play at Lincolns will compete in a step ladder roll off to determine this year’s champion.
    Just in, Kevin West, has bowled yet another 300 game. This time at Arrowhead Lanes in Champaign, where he also rolled games of 269 and 246 for a 815 series.     
      The Monday Nite Leagues have had some good reports. Let’s start off with the No Tappers. There were quite a few with games that were 50 or more pins over their average. They were: Cal Richards 263 (197), Nancy Goodner 233 (163), Joanie Hedlund 220 (155, Ella Ellis 226 (163), and Karen Lane 183 (118). She also picked up the 5-6 split. Jim Switzer, Sue Strong, and Miles Clark all picked up the 5-10, while Karen Hoskins knocked out the 5-7.
    Speaking of the 5-7, Greg Miller of the Bulan’s Monday Nite Mixed League picked it up, while fellow bowlers converted the following: Rachael Watkins 6-7-10, Dave Watts, 6-7, Tuck Miller 3-7, and Connie Williams, the 4-6-10. One split we cannot overlook, is the one Evan Davis knocked out, the biggest one, the 7-10. Davis also rolled a 244 game. Other bowlers 50 or more pins over average were Kevin Bennett 191 (130), Wes Watkins 185 (135), Linda Chittick 185 (133), Robin Turner 244 (187), and Ashley Redman 179 (120).
      Laura Baird split apart the 7-9-10, while Jo Ann Brooks picked up the 6-9-10. Just a reminder, the 7-9-10 are all sitting besides one another on the back row of the actual pin setup.  These ladies are on the Monday Morning Ladies League in Westville.
    Checking out the Tuesday Nite Go Getters, we find that Gary Holycross topped out with a 225, 54 pins over average. Houston Key rolled 64 pins over with a 221. Bub Tiffin went over by 61 pins for a 202. Not to be left out, Maggie Birge was 103 pins over series average for a 553. In the split department, both Harl Miller, and Jan Franks picked up the 5-7,  and Greg Miller converted both the 5-10, and the 6-7-10.
     Senior League has 2 more weeks of bowling left for the season but last week’s results were telling us that Dorothy Hesler rolled a 213, 71 pins over her average. Houston Key had a 214, 57 over, and Fred Fultz had a 192, 55 over. Marion Johnson picked up the 3-6-10, Keith Carter 5-10, Darlene Edwards 5-8 and Aaron Williams, the 4-7-8, and the 2-5-7.
     The Friday Nite League in Covington has now recorded the last nite of their 2012-13 season. Dale Benedict led the way with games of 232, 289, and 186 for a 707 series. He had 10 strikes in a row. Tia Black had a 216, 89 pins over average.
     We end our report for the week with the Friday Evening League at Lincoln Lanes. Terrence Cloyd had a 266 and 715 series, James Cramer a 255, Rich McFarland 268 and 724 series, and Bud Taylor with a 253. Dorothy McFarland converted the 6-7-10 split.  Many bowlers garnered 50 or more pins over average. They were: Shawn Tietz 242 (185), Jon Cox 225 (166), Eric Ctockett 244 (171), Dorothy McFarland 221 (170), Austin Adair 234 (167), Dave Beckett 221 (137), and Wendy Webb 180 (113).
     Well folks, it looks as if our last article for this bowling season will be on April 25th, and yes, I know we still have the Senior Tourney coming up on the 27th and 28th.  I will submit those scores to the CN, and they can place them in the sports briefs, so be watching for them. Will remind you in the column of the 25th.
    Thanks again to the folks who report the scores. Your help is greatly appreciated.
     (NEW DEADLINE) Please submit all reports before midnight on Tuesdays. If you need any more info, drop me a note at illianabowling@gmail.com. Check out past articles at http://tucksbowlingforfun.blogspot.com/  The blog has been updated. You may make comments after each blog. You can also “like” us on Facebook. Just search for Bowling for Fun (a company), in the Facebook search box.
Until next week, let’s have fun and knock ‘em down.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Thursday, April 4th, 2013

First things first. Last week I goofed!   I was reading an article sent to me by the Lincoln Lanes Face Book page, talking about the recent 3 man tournament. I listed all the winners, but because I did not peruse the entire article, I missed telling you some very important and exciting information. I neglected to tell you that Jerome Nelson, Sr. and Don Cheeseman, each rolled a 300 game. I also missed the chance to tell you that Bob Fauver shot an 811 series. Last, but certainly not least, because I did not read the entire article, I missed the part about Jason Woodworth rolling not one, not two, but 3 games, with all the same score. Yes, he rolled a 245 triplicate. Way to go gents, and the moral of this story, read everything sent, or you might miss some important info.
     While we are on the subject of tournaments, if you had already signed up for the City Senior Tourney, you should have received a call, that the event scheduled for this coming Saturday and Sunday, has been postponed to April 27 & 28th. That will be the last weekend of the month.  There are still openings, and would love to see this tourney packed out. If you are 50 years of age or over, you qualify. This is a handicap tourney, and your last year’s average will be used to determine how much handicap you will get. 1st 3 games will be bowled at Bulans, with the last 3 being rolled at Lincoln Lanes.  The top 5 bowlers at the end of play at Lincolns will compete in a step ladder roll off to determine this year’s champion.      
      The Monday Nite No Tap League starts off the reports this week, with Finas Glenn rolling 81 pins over his average to garner  a 280 game, and a 728 series.  A name I had not heard all season is Jeremy Randolph. He topped his game average by 71 ins to roll a 277 game. Robbie Ketcherside rolled a 718 series, while Sue Strong held steady with a 631. Other No Tappers with 50 or more pins over average were Sharon Craft 244 (191), Devin Heinrichs 253 (143), Joanie Hedlund 217 (153), Eryn Lane 162 (93), Karen Lane 172 (117), and Louise Cunningham 189 (138). John Nixon knocked out a couple of splits, the 5-7, and the 6-4-7. Sue Strong slid the 5 over to knock down the 10, while Devin Heinrichs split apart the 5-6-10.
     While we are talking splits, Jo Ann Brooks of the Westville Monday Morning Ladies League knocked out the 2-7-8. In the Tuesday morning MS Nail Salon League, we had Geneva Edwards picking up the 4-5-10, and Nora Price, the 5-10. The Tuesday Nite Go Getters had 4 split conversions with Charlie Tiffin picking up both the 3-8, and the 4-10. Ella Miller knocked out the 5-10, while Kevin Powell split apart the 5-7-9.
    We had 4 senior bowlers rolling 50 or more pins over average this past week. Fred Fultz rolled a 196, 60 ver, and Dot McDaniel had a 166, 59 pins over her average. Ed Reed was 68 pins over for a 260, and Meredith Stokes was 51 ins over average with a 177.  Some decent split conversions this week for this league, where Phil Stultz knocked out the 3-7, Keith Carter, the 2-7, and the 5-10. Greg Miller knocked the 5-7 apart, as did Bob Coburn with the 5-10. Allen Taylor was the 3rd person to knock out the 5-10 for the afternoon, but he also bridged the wide gap, by knocking out the 6-7. Dorothy Hesler converted the 5-10.
     The Friday Evening League at Sycamore reports that Jordan Williams converted the 4-6-7-10, more commonly known as the BIG 4 Split. Gary Edmiston rolled both a 174 and a 173, with a 122 average. Pam Gossett bowled a 167, for 53 over, and Karolyn Blankenbeckler rolled a 254, which is 100 pins over her average. Kenny Storkman rolled a 207, 55 over, while Dusty Edwards finishes out this league’s report with a 602 series, which included games of 177-222, and a 203.
      We will finish up today’s report with the Friday Nite League at Lincoln Lanes. Usually some great bowlers there, and this week is no exception. Look at these scores. For the men, Billy Morgan had a 258, Henry Stephens 254. Jarvis Brown with a 253, Bryan Lawson, a 258, and Austin Adair with a 278. For the women, Nicole Brown a 268, Dorothy McFarland with a 247, and Brandi Welsch had a 232. Rich McFarland had a 705 series, while Terrence Cloyd bowled a 686. Nicole Brown rolled a series of 655. The following bowlers, not already mentioned above had games of 50 or more above their averages: Wayne Brown Sr. 247 (195), Amanda Noel 176 (113), and Shawn Tietz 234 (184).
    Thanks again to the folks who report the scores. Your help is greatly appreciated.
     (NEW DEADLINE) Please submit all reports before midnight on Tuesdays. If you need any more info, drop me a note at illianabowling@gmail.com. Check out past articles at http://tucksbowlingforfun.blogspot.com/  The blog has been updated. You may make comments after each blog. You can also “like” us on Facebook. Just search for Bowling for Fun (a company), in the Facebook search box.
Until next week, let’s have fun and knock ‘em down.