Thursday, March 28, 2013

March 28, 2013

Lincoln Lanes was the venue this past weekend for a 3 man tournament. Results were, in 1st place- Austin Paxton, Brandon Stingley and Zack Warner. 2nd place finishers consisted of  Jolene Krout, Jason Turner and Robert Fauver. The 3rd place team compromised Nicole Brown, Donnie Cheeseman and David Henderson. 4th place team mates were Jeremy Wright, Evan Davis, and Shawn Tietz, and in 5th place were Paul Woodworth, Larry Richards,Sr. and Jason Woodworth. 
   Two 298 games were rolled in the Monday Nite No Tap League. Brock Dieu shot 115 pins over his 183 average for that high game as well as a 861 series. Jimmy Scruggs, a 203 average bowler tossed 95 pins over average to get the 298 as well as a 754 series. Terry Jones also chalked up a 754 series.
   Others topping 50 or more pins over average were Finas Glenn with 77 pins over 161 for a final score of 262. Nancy Goodner threw 77 pins over her 161 average fo 238, and rolling 50 pins over 165 was Pam Jones.
Finas Glenn-262-198=64. Split conversions for the No Tappers included Miles Clark with the 2-4-10, Mike Jett slapped out the 3-7, Kenny Smith made converting the 5-7-10 look easy, and Nancy Goodner easily knocked out the 5-7.
  From the MS Nail Salon League, a quick report has Shirley Gibson knocking out the 5-7. Getting 200ngames were Sus Strong and Sharon Craft, and Ilse Durbin topping her average by 50 or more pins to get a 202 game.
     For the Tuesday Nte Go Getters, Gary Holycross rolled a 225 game,54 pins over. Houston Key was 54 ins over for a 221, Bub Tiffin topped 61 pins over for a 202, and finally Maggie Birge with 103 pins over her series average for a 553. Split conversions for the week were Harl Miller and Jan Frank with the 5-7, and Greg Miller with two conversions, the 5-10, and the 6-7-10.
   Some good games reported in the Senior League. Among them were Shirley Lamm with a 192 game, Greg Miller with a 224, Jim Thomas with a 221, and Joe Blagg 201 with a 55 series. Lamm picked up the 3-7-10, while Raymond Berlin and Dorothy Hesler converted the 5-10, and Margo Johnson knocked out the 3-6-7-10
    The Friday Nite Mixed League in Covington is telling us that Dewaine Bowling had a 200, 71 pins over. Benji Brink, 219, 72 over. Chad Edmiston had a 224, 85 over, and a 556 series. Gary Edmiston rolled 68 oins over average for a 188. Linda Cates knocked out the 5-7 and Rose Schaeffhold picked up the 5-8-10.
     Some of you know that we have a Senior Tournament scheduled for April 6th and 7th here in Danville. However that might be delayed until the end of the month. We will let you know as soon as we have the exact dates.
     Thanks again to the folks who report the scores. Your help is greatly appreciated.
     (NEW DEADLINE) Please submit all reports before midnight on Tuesdays. If you need any more info, drop me a note at Check out past articles at  The blog has been updated. You may make comments after each blog. You can also “like” us on Facebook. Just search for Bowling for Fun (a company), in the Facebook search box.
Until next week, let’s have fun and knock ‘em down.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Thursday, March 21st, 2013

The past couple of weekends, if you were walking or driving by one of Danville’s bowling centers, you might have heard a lot of thunder or clapping sounds. That could have been from the rolling of the ball or striking of the pins in Danville’s Battle of the Stars. Many of Illiana’s top bowlers gathered together to battle it out, and the results are in.
The champions are: Robert Wampler and Nicole Brown. Congratulations also go out to the other top 4 finishers of each division: David T. Winchester, Jason Woodworth, Jerome Nelson Sr. Don Cheesman, Janet White, Jackie White Varner, Robin Smoot-Turner and Lea Ann Benedict- Arnold. Wampler rolled a 814 series, while Terrence fell just short of that $100 bonus prize for rolling a 300 game. He rolled a 297.
        Sycamore Lanes was a place of excitement this past Sunday nite, as Raymond Kent rolled a 300 game. Also, his brother Hunter Phelps, and Grandpa John Kesner placed 1st in the Youth/Adult No Tap tourney’ also in Covington.
     Let’s head west to Bulans for the Monday Nite Mixed League where Evan Davis rolled a 248 for 75 pins over average, and Brett Honn was not far behind with a 224, 73 pins over.
     Check this out, back in Danville’s downtown center, two 300 games were being rolled at the Monday Nite No Tap League. Both Terry Jones and Sue Strong were able to achieve this. Strong, 103 pins over average, was able to roll a 651 series, while Jones topped out with a 700 series. He was 92 pins over. Sharon Craft rolled a 255 game, while Robbie Ketcherside shot a 697 series, and Finas Glenn, a 676. The following No Tap bowlers were 50 or more pins above average: Glenn 268 (197), Nancy Goodner 228 (161), Pam Jones 230 (164), Sara Switzer 207 (145), Jim Switzer 226 (132), Pat Evans 218 (129), and Mallory Buss 183 (130). Pam Jones was able to convert the 5-10 split.
     The Tuesday Morning MS Nail Salon league is telling us that Shirley Gibson picked up the 5-7and that the following bowlers rolled 50 or more pins over average: Sandy West with a 156, Clara Lane, a 176, and Pat Dokey with a 158. Gloria Pfeifer rolled a high series of a 400.
     As hinted in last week’s column, there was some great action on the lanes for the Go Getters. Maggie Birge rolled 86 pins over her average for a 233 game and 141 over for a 585 series. Joe Davis rolled 69 over for a 235.  Let’s not cheat Sherry Castongue, as she rolled 2 high games. She has a 120 average, and rolled a 189, 59 over, and then again 54 pins over for a 184. She topped out with a 505 series, 115 over.  Martha Elliott converted the 5-7 split.
   In Senior League action, John Gebhart rolled 58 pins over for a 228. Jack Ball rolled a 198, 52 pins over, and Laura Baird was 55 pins over for a 193.  Ernie Harvey and Clarence Martin were able to pick up the 5-10, while Jim Thomas was able to roll the ball in the exact spot to convert the 3-6-7-10.
   In Covington’s Friday Nite League, Chad Edmiston bowled a 185 with 134 average for 54 over, Kenny Storckman, a 211 with 151 average for 60 over, Ernie Coutu rolled a 203 for 52 over and Laurie Dunavan shot a 183, to top 56 over her normal average. In split conversions, Ron Cates picked up the 3-4-6-7, and Judy Gebhart picked up the 3-7.
   In conclusion, the Friday Nite League from Lincoln Lanes, and as usual, some great scores. In games above 250, we have Rich McFarland with a 269, and a 709 series. Bryan Lawson shot a 257 combined with a 268, for a 737 series, Billy Morgan shot a 689 series which included a 273, Jarvis Brown rolled a 705 series, including his 276 game, and Terrence Cloyd and Jerrad Reed both shot a 690 series. Cloyd had a 263 game within that series. Michelle McMasters rolled a 229 game. The following had 50 or more pins above average: Simon Perez 234 (174), Jeremy Wright 235 (185), Donte Baxter 214 (161), and Ruben Villarreal 241 (186).
     Thanks again to the folks who report the scores. Your help is greatly appreciated.
     (NEW DEADLINE) Please submit all reports before midnight on Tuesdays. If you need any more info, drop me a note at Check out past articles at  The blog has been updated. You may make comments after each blog. You can also “like” us on Facebook. Just search for Bowling for Fun (a company), in the Facebook search box.
Until next week, let’s have fun and knock ‘em down.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

March 14, 2013

     On February 28th, we talked very briefly about 14 year old Hunter Phelps, who bowled a 298 with a Storm Ace. Hunter started bowling when he was 4 years of age. He did drop out for a few years, but started back up again when he was about 9. He is very active in other sports like baseball, football, and basketball, and still maintains his grades, as he will be graduating from Oakwood 8th grade this year as Valedictorian.
     As a side, I encourage all youth leaders to submit high scores for their kids in the leagues. After all, these are the bowlers of the future. Let’s show them we are supporting their endeavors.
     As usual, we will start off with the Monday leagues. The Monday Nite mixed League at Bulans has 130 average bowler Frank Kellar rolling 50 pins over average to garner a 180 game. Dakota Pollack rolled 52 pins over average for a 243.
       For the Monday Nite No Tap League, Terry Jones was the top bowler of the week by shooting 89 pins over his average for a 297 game, while Robbie Ketcherside shot a 719 series. On the women’s side, Sue Strong topped out at 631. Other bowlers rolling 50 or more pins over average were Richard Morgan 221 (158), Louise Cunningham 207 (135), Lynnse Gondzur 206 (137), and Eryn Lane 152 (84). The following were able to convert various splits: Karen Hoskins 5-7, both Sara Switzer, Ella Miller and Lynnse Gondzur, the 5-10. Sharon Craft, the 4-5-7.
     The MS Nail Salon’s Sue Strong rolled a 206, at the same time Connie Krabbe bowled a 402 series. Pat Dokey picked up the 6-7 split, Donna Rayhel, the 5-7, and Marilyn Ruffner converted the 4-5-7. 
     The Monday morning ladies league in Westville had Martha Hance knocking out the 6-7 split.
     The Tuesday Nite Go-Getters were not shut out, but literally shut in, as a big snow front came in the Illiana area, and created blizzard like conditions in the rural areas shutting down many activities, including bowling.  An updated report will appear next week.  I can tell you tho, that one of the women from the league rolled a 233 this past Tuesday nite.
   There was a shocker in the Senior League this past week. No, not really, but Meredith Stokes has been feeling a bit down the past few weeks, but her face lit up this past week when she rolled 68 pins over her average for a 193 game. Laura Baird and Charlie Graul picked up the 5-10, while Joe Elliott, Tuck Miller and Raymond Berlin all picked up the 5-7. Marion Johnson, not to be left out, snuck in between the 5-6 to also knock out the 10.
    Reports coming in from Sycamore Lanes’s Friday Evening League has Jordan Wiliams with a 247, 70 pins over average. Chad Edminston bowled a 191 (139), Kevin Barnes with a 222 (155), and Beth Barnes ending up with a 197 (142). Kenny Storckman picked up not only the 5-7, but also the 3-8-10. Darrell Edwards knocked out the 2-7-8.
     Coming back wet via 74 and route 1, back to Lincoln Lanes, the Friday Night League also had some very great scores. The following men rolled over 250:  Henry Stephens 257, Billy Morgan 267, Terrence Cloyd 268 with a 735 series, Ruben Villereal 267, Jerrad Reed 258 game, 735 series, Josh Troxtell 266 game and a 710 series, and Shawn Steele a 277 game. Nicole Brown had a 267 as well on the women’s side, with a 644 series. The following bowlers rolled over a series of 675: Jarvis Brown 687, Rich McFarland 680, and Billy Morgan 712. Other bowlers 50 or more over average:  Demond Watson 207 (141), Daryl Smith 202 (152), Amanda Noel 177 (141), and 165 (111), Matthew Pate 222 (167), James Cramer 244 (162), Troy Abernathy 225 (170), Tashia Spillman 210 (155), Donte Baxter 222 (160), Shawn Steele 277 (170), and Austin Adair 236 (162).
   Before we end the column this week, we need to let you know that a no tap tourney is scheduled for March 23rd at Bulans for 7:30 pm. It will cost $30 a couple.
     Thanks again to the folks who report the scores. Your help is greatly appreciated.
     (NEW DEADLINE) Please submit all reports before midnight on Tuesdays. If you need any more info, drop me a note at Check out past articles at  The blog has been updated. You may make comments after each blog.
Until next week, let’s have fun and knock ‘em down.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

March 7, 2014

     6 new people were inducted into the Danville Bowling Hall of Fame at ceremonies conducted this past Saturday night at Spanky’s. For the men we had Michael Seward, Achievement; Service, Bobby White; and Senior, Sam Edwards. On the Ladies side, we have Janet White for Achievement; Service, Linda Chittick; and Senior, Sandy Stewart. Congrats to all the new Hall of Famers.
     Another reminder, the city Senior Tournament will be held on April 6th and 7th. 2 squads at Bulans on Saturday, and 1 at Lincoln Lanes on Sunday. Tournament Director is Dannielle West. Registration forms can be found at both bowling centers in Danville, and returned at either center. They can also be mailed to West, or she is at Lincoln Lanes on Tuesday and at Bulans on Thursday and Friday evenings if you would like to turn them in personally to her.
     As usual, we will start off with the Monday leagues. The Monday Nite mixed League at Bulans has 172 average bowler Mathew Pate rolling 51 pins over average for a 223. For the Monday Nite No Tap League, Jimmy Scruggs led the way with 690 series, including a 255, which is 53 pins over his 202 norm. Sue Strong rolled a 644 series. Other bowlers with 50 or more pins over their averages were Nancy Goodner 227 (161), U Pete Williams 240 (175), John Nixon 229 (165), and Lynnse Gondzur 214 (135). Finas Glenn picked up the 4-10, while Gondzur knocked out the 5-7.
     The Tuesday Nite Go Getters really went out and got ‘em with some very good scores. Let’s see, Dot McDaniel scored a 159, 54 pins over her 105 average. Tracy Smith had a 597 series, 120 pins over his normal average. Lacee Darr was 63 pins over her 117 average, with a 180 game. Now, get this. Kyle McMasters was 153 pins over his normal series with a 615. That series included games of 205, 51 pins over average, and a 257, 103 pins over. Russ Puzey was 52 pins over with a 189, and Paula Beatty was right on her mark with a 234, 78 pins over her 156 average. The following picked up some good splits: Lisa Moudy 4-10, Sue Strong 5-10, Di Summers and Joe Blagg 5-7, Dot McDaniel 5-6, Maggie Birge 4-5-7, and Beatty with the 6-7-10.
    Nothing but splits in the Thursday Senior League, at least, no really high games reported this week. The 5-7 split conversion was made to look easy, when it was picked up by Jan Frank, Laura Baird and Martha Elliott. Marla Troyer worked the other side of the alley for the 5-10. Linda Engle was able to roll the ball between the 4-5 and knock them both over, while Dot McDaniel was able to divide and conquer the 4-5-7.
     The Early Friday Nite League in Covington is reporting that Dale Benedict with a 643 series, including a 247 game, which was 69 pins over average. Bill Shoaf rolled a 635 average, which included a game 60 pins over average, a 232. Duane Schaeffhold rolled a 205, 52 pins over his average and also blew apart the 5-10 split twice. Tom Gebhart rolled a 234, 59 pins over average. Chad Edmiston was 62 over with a 193. 151 average bowler Ernie Coutu rolled 57 over for a 208. Ron Cates exploded thru the 2-4-8-10 split, while Rose Schaeffhold slid the 5 pin to the right to pick up the 10 pin, half way across the alley.
     In the Lincoln Lanes Friday Nite League Terrence Cloyd rolled a 252, and Jerrad Reed a 266, which was included in a 700 series. Other bowlers 50 or more pins over average were:  Ed Stone 244 (179), Joy Wasson 207 (146), Marvin Brandon 235 (180), Jeffery McDaniel 168 (98), and Tony Hafner 205 (155).
      Thanks again to the folks who report the scores. Your help is greatly appreciated.
     (NEW DEADLINE) Please submit all reports before midnight on Tuesdays. If you need any more info, drop me a note at Check out past articles at  The blog has been updated. You may make comments after each blog.
Until next week, let’s have fun and knock ‘em down.