Kyle Sirrat bowled perfect Tuesday Night in
the Mutual League, well, at least one game, where he rolled a perfect game, the
elusive 300.
11 year old Hoopeston
girl, Kayla Goble rolled a 223, and a 245, which helped propel her to a 614
series, in the Tuesday Night Youth League. She was followed up by Mercy
Linder's 201 game. Chase Milner led the boys with a 163 with a 104 average.
Sunday night's mixed league was led by Diana Judy with a 227. Mike Edwards led
the men with a 269 followed by Kenny Samet's 244 and Doug Wagoner’s 626 series.
Fast Lanes is having an 8 Pin
tournament on New Year’s Eve that is open to everyone. Bowl 4 games, throw out
your worst? Starting time is 7:00 and is limited to 80 bowlers. Less than 20
remain. Cost is $25.00 per person. There is a band, Past Country starting
at 9:00-1:00.
We have some results from the recently
concluded Illinois State Special Olympics tourney, out of Peoria . Danville
bowlers John Camarata finished in 1st, while Jack Royster picked up
4th. Patrick Cook, Camarata,
Carl Purk, and Joe Rich comprised the 1st place team. Congrats to
the Danville
In the MS Nail Salon League, Nora Price
bowled a 147 today and a 368 series, Donna Rayhel bowled a 225 game for a
527 series, while Marti Stanton bowled a 132 game.
Westville’s Monday Morning Ladies League
has Laura Baird picking up the 2-7-10 split.
The Senior League had Tuck Miller shooting
a 209, 70 pins over average. The
following split conversions were recorded: Laura Baird, 5-6-10; Jim Thomas 5-7;
Aaron Williams 5-7-9; and Barb Smith with the 5-10.
The Tuesday Nite Go Getters had Harl Miller
rolling 46 over average for a 181. Joe Pascal had a 193, 66 over, Laura Baird
was 52 over for a 191, while Steve Lamb was 56 over for a 196. Splits included
Jim Thomas with the 5-6-10, Houston Key, the 5-7, Gary Holycross, 4-7-10, and
Tracy Smith, the 3-9-10.
In Covington ’s
Friday Night League, Kevin Barnes rolled 235-210-248 for a 693 series, with a
188 average.(60 Darrell Edwards shot a 171-158-268 for a 597 series 87
over average. Tom Gebhart bowled a 235, 68 over, Brian Goodwin, 202, 55
over, Aaron Howard had a 235 game, 62 over, while Scottie Reinken shot 238-256
and 205, for a 699 series.
Speaking of Friday nights, Danville ’s Friday Night league had Greg
Miller rolling his highest series to date with a 644. His games included 216,
201, and a 227. Joe Rich picked up the 4, 9, 10.
You can get all the columns by checking
out Tuck’s Bowling for Fun blog at:
If you are a league secretary, we would
love to have your league reports. Drop me an e-mail message to and I will contact you with what I would like to have
to make your reports complete. Help me to recognize your league bowlers for
their achievements.
You can get all the columns by checking out
Tuck’s Bowling for Fun blog at:
Until next time, let’s have fun, and
knock ‘em down.
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