So far, it looks as if this past week, was one of the best for this
Jon Castle of the Tuesday Nite Go Getter League, was 105
pins over average for a 253, and 147 pins over series average, for a 591, just
9 pins shy of his very first 600. Stan
Harvey had 2 good games, a 238, 58 over average, and a 229, 49 over. Harlie
Huckleby was 48 over for a 176. Deb Miller had 54 over for a 166. Ray Rogers
had a great 238 game, 56 over average, and 107 pins over series average, while
Jim Thomas was 68 pins over average with a 223.
Charlie Tiffin ended the night with a 186, 40 over average. There were
many split conversions: 2-7-8 Jon Castle; 307-10 Bill McDaniel;5-10 Russ Puzey;
5-8-10 Tuck Miller; 4-5-7 Ella Miller; 9-10 Joe Elliott and the 5-7, Harlie
The MS Nail Salon League has been
unable to report the past few weeks, so catching up just a bit. Week of Dec 23:
Donna Rayhel bowled a 606 series, with games consisting of a 185, 222, and 199.
Week of Dec 30: Sandy Cunningham shot a 423 series and Marti Stanton bowled a
135 game. Week of Jan 6: Pam Jeffers bowled 201 game in a 508 series. Diana
Meyers bowled a 177 game for her 175 game award. And Rayhel rolled a 234 game.
In the Thursday afternoon Senior League,
Keith Carter
bowled a 209 game which was 68 pins over his game average. Stan Harvey bowled a 246 game which was 71 pins over his game average,
and he also had a 630 series which was 105 pins over his series total. Susan Brookins bowled a 157 game, 54 pins over her game average.
Michael Seward
bowled a 232 game which was 56 pins over his game average, while, Greg Miller
bowled a 229 game which was 59 pins over his game average.
Converting splits were Darlene Edwards and
Harlie Huckleby, 5-7; Laura Baird 3-4-7; Ron Blagg, 4-7-10; Ida Petty, 2-7-8; John Gebhart, 3-5-10
while Fred Fultz picked up the 2-10 and the 4-5.
In the Monday Morning Ladies
League in Westville, Laura Baird picked up the 5-6-10 split, While Alverta
Maskel, rolled a 181, 50 pins over average.
Over in Covington , the Friday night Mixed League
reports that Beth
Brannin had a 169, 57 over. Chad Edmiston rolled a 203, 55 over while Darrell
Edwards shot a 234, 52 over. Roger
Gossett bowled a 220, 64 over, Cody
Jumps 197, 52 over and Marcy McQueen 175, 55 over. Rose Schaeffhold 200, 60
over. Kevin Brannin picked up the 4-7-10 while Brian Goodwin knocked out
the 5-7.
I did receive a few names from the Friday
Night League here in Danville .
Kevin West shot a 268, while Rich McFarland shot 216, 235 and 267 for a 713.
Dorothy McFarland picked up the 3-6-7, 4-5-7 and 7-8 splits.
Fast Lanes is hot on these cold
days with Zac Puralwaski setting the pace with the front 9 and going on to a
279 game followed with a 673 series. Monday saw Jennifer Crawley
lead the way with a 255 game followed by Karen Porth 659 series.
Fast lanes is hosting a 7-8-9 pin
doubles tournament this SATURDAY at 7:00. First place is $350.00. On
1/24 there is a RELAY FOR LIFE fundraiser at 7:00 followed by Taylor Wolfe
and Flattville Road
band at 9:00.
You can get all the columns by checking
out Tuck’s Bowling for Fun blog at:
If you are a league secretary, we would
love to have your league reports. Drop me an e-mail message to and I will contact you with what I would like to have
to make your reports complete. Help me to recognize your league bowlers for
their achievements.
You can get all the columns by checking out
Tuck’s Bowling for Fun blog at:
Once again, Happy New Year to each and
everyone of you, and wishing you the best year yet.
Until next time, let’s have fun, and
knock ‘em down.
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