This week’s top bowler is
from the Tuesday Nite Go Getters. John Camarata opened up in the 1st
frame of his 2nd game, strung 10 strikes together, and finished
leaving one pin standing in the 3rd portion of the 10th
frame, with a final score of 278, and a 567 series. He was 136 pins over his game average, and
141 over his series. Other Tuesday night action included John Mikel 42 over,
Melissa Castle with two 166 games, 44 pins over each game, a 175, 53 over, with
a final series of 507, 141 pins above. Split
conversions includes Mac McDaniel 5-7, Di Summers 5-6-10, and Bub Tiffin, the
In other league action, the Monday Morning
Ladies from Westville, has Judy Mariage rolling 60 pins over for a 180.
MS Nail Salon action had Connie
Krabbe rolling a 162 to earn a 150 game Award, while Betty
Rowley shot a 176 to earn a 175 Game Award.
Over the state line in Covington , Gary Edmiston shot a 265 with a
147 average for 118 over at Sycamore Lanes. Chad Edmiston had a 210 with 149 average for
61 over. Darrell Edwards rolled a 241 with 183 average for 58 over, while Janet
Mcmasters had a 177-247-223-647 series with a 168 average for 79 over. Steve
Russell had 522 series, Darrell Edwards had a 567 series, and Gary Edmiston had
a 524.
Terry Bell Jr. bowled a game of 234 which was 51 pins over his game average.
Clara Copsy rolled a 176 which was 52 pins over her game average, while Ernie
Harvey shot a 224 game which was 53 pins over his game average. Split pick ups included Judy Gebhart, the 4-5-7; Bob
Coburn, the 4-5; and Judy Arnett, the 6-10. The 5-7 seemed to
be an easy conversion, as Keith Carter, Fred Fultz, Greg Miller, and Jim
Thomas, all picked up the 5-7.
Don’t forget that Fast
Lanes, in Hoopeston is going to have a 7-8-9 pin singles tournament on Saturday
Night, Nov 22nd starting at 7:00. Groups may call ahead and book lanes. Cost is
$25.00 per person. Turkeys
will be given away also.
You can get all the columns by checking out Tuck’s
Bowling for Fun blog at:
If you are a league secretary, we would
love to have your league reports. Drop me an e-mail message to and I will contact you with what I would like to have
to make your reports complete. Help me to recognize your league bowlers for
their achievements.
You can get all the columns by checking out
Tuck’s Bowling for Fun blog at:
Until next time, let’s have fun, and
knock ‘em down.
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