Some good scores in bowling this week. Maggie Birge rolled 178 pins over her series average this week with a 577. Her game average is a 133. Some of the bowlers have figured out how to get higher scores in the Go Getters, and that’s to bowl against the Wolf Creek team. Last week it was Gary Holycross with his 673, and now Birge with the 577. Wonder who will be next? Jon Castle picked up the 3-10 split, and Terry Moreman snagged the 2-5-10.
In the Senior League, Keith Carter once again makes the headlines with 58 pins over his 148 average with a total of 123 pins over his series average. Jim Thomas was very close, as he also rolled 58 pins over his 153 average and ended up bowling 109 pins over his series average. Judy Gebhart, a 139 average bowler, rolled 52 pins over with a 191. In the split category, Judy Arnett, Steve Newell, Rose Newell, and Harvey Miller picked up the 5-10, John Ramsey converted the 5-7, and Les Taylor, picked up the 4-5-7. Also, Shirley Lamm snagged the 3-10, Bill McDaniel, the3-6-8-10 and Tuck Miller, the 6-7-10.
In the Church No-Tap League, Sue Strong rolled a 267, with a 678 series. Strong’s 267 was 63 pins over her 204 average. Richard Morgan rolled a 676 series, which included a 231, 57 pins over his 174 average. Robbie Ketcherside had a 241, with a 182 average, totaling 59 pins over his average. Joe William was 61 pins over his 160 average with a 221. Scott Cunningham, a 165 bowler, rolled a 217, 52 pins over, Miles Clark had a 219, 83 pins over his 136 average. Larry Craft rolled 69 pins over his 140 average for a 209, and Karen Lane topped out with a 171, with 59 pins over her 112 average. Jimmy Scruggs picked up the 2-10.
Continuing with rule review, let’s go to 113b. Procedures (Playoffs and special contests)
A playoff may not consist of less than 1 frame, scored like a 10th frame.
1. The following procedures apply, unless the league rules state otherwise.
a) Playoffs are conducted under the same rules governing league play during the regular season.
b) Handicap is figured as of the date/time the games are bowled. All games bowled prior to the playoff are included in determining handicap.
c) When more than two teams are involved in a playoff, total pins from the playoff shall decide the winner.
d) If a tie exists at the end of a playoff, each team bowls and additional 10th frame until the tie is broken.
e) Games do not count toward individual averages or special league prizes.
2. The League secretary arranges to have lanes available.
Please submit all reports before midnight on Sundays. If you need any more info, drop me a note at
Until next week, let’s have fun and knock ‘em down.
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