Did you happen to catch the Pro Bowlers play this past weekend? We were treated to not only 1 broadcast, but 3. Friday and Saturday nites, and Sunday afternoon. Talk about heart breaks tho. On Saturday nite’s telecast, Bill O’Neil was about 46 or so pins ahead, and all but had the match sewn up, when he got at least 2 opens in the end of the game. All he had to do, was to mark in the 10th. He throws a split, was unable to convert it, and Ryan Schaefer comes from behind and advances to the finals. Sunday afternoon’s show would be just about as bad. Mika Koivuniemi is pitted up against Norm Duke. The lead goes back and forth, with Mika leading in the 9th. Norm rolls 4 strikes in a row, making Mika get at least mark and get good count in the 10th. Mika gets 9 pins on his 1st ball, leaving the 10. Mika rolls the ball, it is heading for the pin, and falls into the gutter just short of it’s target. Mika falls to the floor in disbelief, as Norm takes the tile. After the match, as usual, Norm was the gentlemen. Felt sorry for Mika, and did not really want to talk about himself.
We have a new center reporting in. Yep, Fast Time Lanes in Hoopeston has sent us down a report from up north, and if you have noticed Doug, and Paul from Lincoln Lanes normally have a small ad near the column each week. Thanks guys. So, here we go, from Fast Time Lanes: Sunday Night Mixed it's Aaron Gress with 266 and 636 scratch series, followed by B. J. Morgeson with a 244. Ladies was Karen Porth with a 177 and Margie Morgeson with a 175, High Series went to Mona Birch with a 500 and Arron Gress with a 636. Monday Night Ladies Susan Goble had a 223 scratch and a 598 scratch series followed by Patty Lowe with a 214 & 566 On the Will Bruens Thursday night it was Brandon Hamilton with a 266 followed by Bob Bruens 254 & Chad Thomas with a 248, 70 pins over his average. High Scratch scores were NAPA with a four man 894 and Hoopeston Monument 801. Friday Night Mixed was Brandon Hamilton with a 226 & 628 series followed by his dad, Bob with a 199 Karen Porth led the ladies with a 202 edging out Tiffany Bruens 198, series went to Tiffany Bruens 512 and Jennifer Crawley a 466. Thanks Doug for sending this in? How about some other centers we have yet to hear from? Sycamore comes to mind? Hello, are you out there? Paul tells me there are leagues across the state line.
We have a report from the Friday nite Mixed at Lincoln Lanes. The following bowlers all were over that 250 mark: Terrence Cloyd 259, Scott Reinken 256, and Chad Hoshauer 258. Let’s go back to Bulans for the Monday Nite Mixed report: Rich McFarland rolled a 259 & 258 and ended up with a 721. He bowled a make up series , and rolled a 676. Linda Chittick was 88 pins over (222) with a 134 average. Lynsey Jackson rolled a 225 Becky Klink 227. Had a lot of action on Tuesday. Sandy Stephenson rolled 57 pins over her 128 average with a 188, and 116 pins over her series average in the Tuesday Morning Ladies League in Westville. At Lincoln Lanes on Tuesday nites, we have 2 teams that always reports their scores. In Go-Getters Gary Holycross rolled a 217, 55 pins over, but stand by…Tracy Smith rolled a great game of233, 91 pins over his 142 average. Split pickups for the Go-Getters this week: Paula Tate and Cheryl Rhoton with the 3-10. Gary Holycross converted the 4-7-9, Terry Moreman, the 5-7, and Harl Miller snagged the 207. Moving over to the Men’s 332 League, Don Miller rolled a 618 series, 66 pins over his normal. Dennis Ferrell was 64 pins over his series ave, Jacky Williams, 79 pins over series, Steve Finch, 56 over series, Tom Morse with 59 over, and last, but certainly not least, Steve Skimehorn with 99 pins over his series ave.
At Lincoln Lanes with the Senior League on Thursday afternoons, John Gebhart was 59 pins over his game ave. with a 223 game and 95 pins over his series total. The following splits were picked up: Dale Lierman, 4-7-10 and the 7-9. Shirley Miller, 5-7, and the 5-7-9 split. Keith Carter 3-10. Jack Ball snagged the 2-4 and the 3-10, so did Donna Berlin, while Shirley Lamm picked up the 5-10. Barb Smith picked up the 5-6, John Ramsey, the 4-5-7, and Jack Taylor converted the 3-6-7-10. In the Friday nite Mixed League at Lincoln Scott Reinken rolled a 674 series while Terrence Cloyd totaled a 762.
In the Monday Night Church No Tap League, Joseph Davis and Sue Strong rolled a 680 series. The following rolled 50 or more pins over: Sue Strong-60, Elizabeth Wolfe-71, Brad Wheeler-68, Jeff Lane-62, Crystal Suchaczewski-62, Louise Cunningham-55, and Adrienne Smith-54.
Until next week, let’s have fun and knock ‘em down.
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