Yes, I know it’s no-tap, but it is still an accomplishment. JR Scruggs rolled a no-tap 300. Remember, a no tap consists of bowling all 10 frames with at least a 9 count. The 10th frame means you have to bowl 3, 9 count balls. Now, that is hard to do. A fraction of an inch to either side…..well, you could leave a mess.
Not only did Scruggs roll a 300 game, but he also rolled a 676 series. Other Monday nite no-tap action included Sue Strong bowling a 631 series. The following bowlers rolled 50 or more pins over their averages: Scruggs 300, 111 over his 189 average. Scott Cunningham 244, 58 pins over his 186, Joe Davis 243, 58 over his 185, Barbara Weaver 246, 89 pins over a 157, Kenny Smith 230, 65 pins over 165, Steve Newell 217, 62 over 155, and Leean Palmer 156, 58 pins over her 98 average. The Ladies League at the Westville Legion’s bowling center had Sandy Stephenson picking up the 4-7-10. In the Senior League, Barb Smith; Linda Engle the 5-7. Dot McDaniel and Marion Johnson the 5-10. John Gebhart; the 5-6-10, Rose Newell; the 2-7-8 and Steve Newell, the 5-7 and the 5-7-8. Ruth Campbell picked up the 4-5, Jan Frank the 5-8-10, Tuck Miller the 5-4-7, and Ernie Harvey picked up the same, not once, but twice. In the Tuesday Nite Go-Getters, Maggie Birge picked up the 4-9, while Mac McDaniel and Jon Castle converted the 3-10..
In other bowling action, The Tuesday Nite Go-Getters report that Tracy Smith rolled 51 pins over his average with a 222. McDaniel was 72 pins over his average with a 213. Kevin Powell bowled 54 pins over his average for a 204.
The Senior League’s John Ramsey was 56 pins over with a 236, Bob Beck was 57 pins over with a 211 and Bill McDaniel was 65 pins over avg. with a 192. Talking with McDaniel after his 2 great appearances this past week, we asked him what he was doing differently. New ball. We wish him all the luck. Well, maybe not this week, as we have to bowl his team in 2 different leagues. Good luck Bill!!
Continuing with rule review, let’s go back to 113a
· When there is a tie for the league championship, can a league adopt a rule stating total pins for the season will break the tie?
No, according to the information located in Rule 113a (note box), total pins for the season cannot be used to break a tie for any place in the position standings. A league may adopt a rule to allow for co-champions, thus eliminating the need for a playoff, but not one that would use total pins. Position standings are determined on the basis of games or points won during the season in actual competition. Rule 113a, Item 1 states, a tie for first place must be decided with a playoff unless the rules allow for co-champions. Rule 113a, Item 4, provides a playoff must be conducted when a league decides to break a tie for any other position.
The difficulty involved in basing team standings on total pins can be illustrated by checking almost any league standing sheet. Frequently, a team in fifth or sixth place will have a larger total pin count than the team in third, second, maybe even first place. Usually prize money for any other tied place is combined and divided equally between the tied teams. If there are trophies involved, or if a league finds it necessary to break a tie for some other reason, a playoff must be held unless the rules allow for co-champions.
· The two teams tied for the first half championship don’t want to have a special roll-off. They would like to use the games from the next time they are paired against each other for the roll-off and the regular match. Can they do this?
No, there is no provision in USBC rules to allow scores to be used for more than one league session.
Please submit all reports before midnight on Sundays. If you need any more info, drop me a note at
On a closing note, my apologies for missing my deadline last Monday evening for inclusion in Tuesday’s paper. I guess I had one of those ‘senior” moments. Thanks to the CN for inserting it on Wednesday.
Until next week, let’s have fun and knock ‘em down.
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