In the Tuesday Nite Go-Getters, Houston Key rolled a 219, which is 56 pins over his game average Tracy Smith scored when he rolled a 205, 67 pins over his average, which also helped him to roll 109 pins over his series average. Paula Tate tallied 55 pins over her average with a 166. Melissa Castle got 62 over with a 166. Mac McDaniel picked up the7-9 split. Right next to the Go-Getters is the 332 league. Mike Goode rolled a 236, which is 80 pins over his average, but also contributed to achieving 96 pins over his series average. Will Thornsbrough bowled a 214, 56 over. Dante Baxter rolled 66 pins over his average with a 203, and Dalton Madsen rolled 69 over his series average.
In the Tuesday morning Ladies League in Westville, Martha Hance rolled 56 pins over her average with a 170 game, and Sandy Stephenson tallied a 181, 55 pins over. In the DnA karaoke League, Mara Weir rolled a 181 which is 67 pins over average. In the Senior League, Charlie Graul 66 pins over game average and 121 pins over his series average. He bowled a 502 with a 127 average. Linda Engle 50 pins over game average, Keith Carter 69 pins over game average. The Monday Night Mixed League at Bulan’s Sandi Burke rolled a 228 and a 625 series. In the Sunday Nite Mixed League at Bulans, Ashley Peaslee with a 125 ave got A 190 game, Matt Peaslee rolled a 236, with a 177 average. Roger Moore, who has a 166 average, snagged a 227 game, while Bob White bowled a 234 game, with a 182 game. Kevin High bowled a 170 game, with a 93 average, Ashley Martin got a 201, with an average of 141. John Miller rolled a 203, with a 129 average, and Kyle Brewer, who has a 151 average, bowled a 212 game!! Some great scores folks.
Finally, some great scores in the Monday Night Church No-Tap league. Jimmy Scruggs-298, Terry Jones-285 and Brad Wheeler-284. Sue Strong rolled a 278, while Sharon Craft came up with a 264. Jimmy Scruggs had a 709 series, while Terry Jones had a 701, and Robbie Ketcherside ended up with a 691 series. Sue Strong had a 689, Sharon Craft had a 659, and not to be left behind was Corissa Miller with a 634. The following bowlers were 50 or more pins over their average: Jimmy Scruggs-98, Terry Jones-88, Sharon Craft-79, Brad Wheeler-133, Corissa Miller-101 and U Pete Williams-81 Sue Strong pickled up the 6-7 split.
Rule 54a - Most Improved Bowler Award
Each league will be issued an award(s) annually based on the type of league to provide recognition for the male, female, youth male, and/or youth female member who shows the greatest improvement in average in the league during its season.
1. The award is to be given to the bowler who is eligible, regardless of how many league awards the bowler qualified for.
2. The following rules apply unless the league adopts its own rules to decide the award winner:
a. To qualify for the award, a member must bowl at least two-thirds of the games scheduled during the league’s current season.
b. A bowler’s increase in average is determined by comparing the bowler’s final average for the current season with that bowler’s final or book average of at least 21 games for the preceding season in the same league.
c. For a new member with an established average, compare the bowler’s final average for the current season with that bowler’s highest final or book average, based on at least 21 games, for the preceding season.
d. For a bowler with no average for the preceding season, compare the bowler’s final average for the current season with that bowler’s average for the first 12 games during the current season.
e. When two or more members have the same full pin increase, the winner of the award is decided on the basis of the percentage of a full pin.
Rest in peace, Bobby Miller.
Until next week, let’s have fun and knock ‘em down.
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