Looking over the reports
that have been sent in to me, this week’s best bowler is Greg Miller, from the
Tuesday Night Go Getters. Miller rolled
a career high game of 290 which included 11 strikes in a row in the back 10, in
the first game of the evening. Continuing in the 2nd game he rolled
5 more strikes in the first half, for a total of 16 strikes. The 290, was 111
pins over his game average, and he finished the night with a 702 series, 167
pins over his series average.
This past Friday night revealed a King
and a Queen, as Scott Reinkin and Kaitlyn Hankey split the title of The King of
the Hill tourney. Remember, The King of the Hill Tourney is every Friday Night
at 10 PM. They will be taking the top 24 to the brackets.
The top 8 seeds will get first round byes! You will get at least 2 games, and
it only costs $10.
“Unofficial Results” for the Danville City Tournament for 2016 in the Doubles Division, in the Top 5 are:
Kyle Sirratt/Scottie Reinkin 1505, Kyle Sirratt/Byron Miller 1495, Shawn
Peterson/Dustin Dolbee 1483, Larry Cash/Brandon Hamilton 1469, and Julie
Richards/Darren Van Duyn 1438.
Top 5 in the Men’s singles are:
Jason Woodworth 810, Jamie Wiley 771, Jesse Alvarez 762, Terrence Cloyd 760,
and Mark New 730.
the Women’s singles, the top 6 were:
Julie Richards 695, Tammy Decker 656, Alexus Skimehorn 648, Jackie Varner 630,
and Kaitlyn Hankey, 628.
The Senior Singles division reports the
top 5 as: Jerome Nelson 695, Gary Oakes 681, Greg Miller 674, Paul Woodworth
666, and Michael Seward 649.
The Team division has the following for the
top 5 finishers: Heat Seeking Missles
3519, Furry, Inc. 3410, Turbo 2N1 3378, Border Patrol 3343, and UPS 3305.
Mark your calendars for another tourney coming up on Feb 25, and going
though the 28th. The 3rd annual Lincoln Lanes open where
you will have a chance to win $1,000. It is a handicap tournament, so don’t
miss out. Stop down at Lincoln Lanes, or while you are bowling in League play,
ask for a flyer from one of the very courteous employees.
are trying a slightly different format, to see how it goes for our weekly
league reports. We are going to list all the scores and names by division.
Games above 250: (Friday Mixed League) 258, 268 Byron Miller, 279 Terrence Cloyd, 258 Derrick
Hufford, 275 Dustin Dolbee, 267 Jarvis Brown, 252 Jarrod Reed, and 262 Zech
Connelly. (Lutheran League) none
reported this week. (Go Getters) 269 Jim Miller
Series above 675: (Friday Mixed League) 686 Terrence Cloyd, 680 Josh Troxel, and 729 Kevin O’Brian. (Lutheran League) 694 Rich McFarland,
and 688 Cal Richards (Go Getters)
770 Jim Miller.
50 or more pins over average: (Friday Mixed) 233 Joe Lewis, 233 Joe Rich,227 Damon Duncan, and 191 Tuck
Miller. (Lutheran League) Cal Richards 247, and a 255. (Senior League) 160 Ruth Campbell, and 217 Billy McDaniel.
(Go Getters) 161 Sandy West,
150 Susan Brookins, 220 John Camarata, 179 Dick Lamb, 247 Ray Rogers, 215
Michael Seward, 179 Mike Swider, 203 Charlie Tiffin , and 290 Greg Miller.
Split Conversions Reported: (Senior League) Phyllis Rutan 6-7-10, John Gebhart &
Fred Fultz 4-5, Harlie Huckleby 5-7, Lee
Myers 3-6-7-10, and Michael Seward 2-5-10.(MS Nail
Salon) Nora
Price picked up the 3-9-10.. (Go Getters) Deb Miller 6-7-10, Martha
Elliott 9-10, Harlie Huckleby 5-7 twice, John Mikel and Michael Seward 5-7,
Greg Miller 4-9, Linda Engle 4-5, Kaitlyn Hankey 3-6-7, and Margaret Birge, the
That’s it for this week. Thanks to all who
submitted info for this week’s column. Remember, you can get all the columns by
checking out Tuck’s Bowling for Fun blog at:
Until next time, let’s have fun, and
knock ‘em down.
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