Saturday, April 9, 2016

Danville Youth rolls First 300 game. 4-9-16

       Danville Youth rolls his first 300. I usually don’t recognize 300 games unless they are in league action, however considering there were several bystanders watching at the time, I will make an exception.  Congratulations go out to 14 year old Braden Walters.  Congrats Braden, looks like you might have a bright future in the sport of bowling.
      Speaking of our youth, found out the Battle of the Youth Stars started last Saturday at Bulan’s Bowl It will finish up this coming Saturday at Lincoln Lanes.
      Also coming soon, for our local seniors, the annual Senior tournament is just around the corner. Two squads will start on Saturday, April 23, at 10 and 2, at Bulan’s, and then at Lincoln Lanes on Sunday, the 24 at 1pm. Entry forms can be found at both houses.
       In Friday Night’s King of the Hill, Bryan Lawson and Byron Brown split the King of the Hill honors. The King of the Hill Tourney is held each Friday Night at 10 PM. They will be taking the top 24 to the brackets. The top 8 seeds will get first round byes! You will get at least 2 games, and it only costs $10.     
   This week’s Bowler Reports:
Games above 250: (Friday Mixed League)Dillon Turner 253; Terrence Cloyd 253; Jarvis Brown 254; Kyle Sirrat 257; Zech Connelly 254 and Joe Lewis 257.(Lutheran League) Chris Candido 254 and Bryan Lawson 299.(Go Getters): Ron Blagg 257 and Jim Miller 254. (Covington) Kevin Barnes 267 and Bill Shoaf 258. Series above 675: (Friday Mixed League) Dillon Turner 720; Jarvis Brown 709; Kyle Sirratt 702; Joe Lewis 685 and Kevin West 706. (Lutheran League) Chris Candido 738; Bryan Lawson 751 and Terrence Cloyd 679.
Games Above 225 (Women) (Go Getters) Kaitlyn Hankey 227 (Covington) Leah Arnold 236
50 or more pins over average: (Friday Night Mixed) Dante Baxter and Dabo Worthington. (Lutheran League) Dorothy McFarland 224 and Doc Finch 248.(Seniors) Keith Carter 207 and Martha Elliott 187. (Go Getters) Tony Dompe 234; Linda Engle 183; Amy Foehrer179; Stan Harvey 221; Greg Miller 233; Tuck Miller 194, and Mike Swider 182.(Covington) Larry Anderson 234; Jessica Barnes 206; Ted Pearman 234 and Cody Jumps 225.
     At this point in time, I am planning the last column for this year’s bowling season will be on Thursday, April 21.
     That’s it for this week. Thanks to all who submitted info for this week’s Report. Remember, you can get all the reports by checking out Tuck’s Bowling for Fun blog at:

       Until next time, let’s have fun, and knock ‘em down.

Thursday, March 31, 2016

The Mac Attack is Back and Josh Troxtell Rolls 6th 300 Game. (3-31-16)

     After years of sitting out of sanctioned leagues of bowling, The Mac Attack, also known as Mike McMasters is now back and ready for action. Danville has some great bowlers, most are very modest in their endeavors, others, not so much. Mike, is one of those great bowlers, always willing to help others. He is a great example of what a good sportsman should be. Congratulations Mike, and you have to know, many people are now excited about your return, and not to put any pressure on you, knock ‘em down buddy. Welcome back.
       Let’s not forget Josh Troxtell’s sixth career 300 game rolled in the Friday Night Mixed League, as well as a 277, which helped him roll a 769 series.
      In Friday Night’s King of the Hill, Scottie Reinken and Byron Miller split the King of the Hill honors. The King of the Hill Tourney is held each Friday Night at 10 PM. They will be taking the top 24 to the brackets. The top 8 seeds will get first round byes! You will get at least 2 games, and it only costs $10.     
   This week’s Bowler Reports:
Games above 250: (Friday Mixed League) Scottie Reinken 264; Byron Miller 276; Jarvis Brown 268; Kyle Sirratt 264; Billy Morgan 256; Shawn Peterson 255.(Lutheran League) Rich McFarland 268 and 269; Terrence Cloyd 299, 268 and 269; Jason Woodworth 288; Ruben Villereal 266; Chris Candido 257; Bryan Lawson 268 and 251; Janet McMasters 258 and Dillon Turner 262. (Go Getters): Jim Miller 268, and Stan Harvey 259. (Covington) Kevin Barnes 267 and Bill Shoaf 258. Series above 675: (Friday Mixed League) Scottie Reinken   723; Byron Miller 705; Jarvis Brown 719, and  Kyle Sirratt 714. (Go Getters) Jim Miller 737 (Lutheran League) Don Miller 704; Bryan Lawson 699; and Dillon Turner 702.
Games Above 225 (Women)(Lutheran League) Kaitlyn Hankey 247; Dorothy McFarland 233, and Janet McMasters 248 (Friday Night Mixed) Megan Connelly 233 (Go Getters) Kaitlyn Hankey 227 (Covington) Katrina Edwards 267, 243 and 247;
Series above 650 (Women)(Lutheran League) Janet McMasters 719, and Kaitlyn Hankey 672. (Covington) Katrina Edwards 757;
50 or more pins over average: (Friday Night Mixed) Shawn Peterson 245; Jarvis Brown 248; Shawn Tietz 237; Gabe Garza 234; and Ed Stone 225. (Lutheran League) Leland Black 213; Rob Harper 248; Alexus Skimehorn 201; Quinten Varner 234 and 236. (Seniors) Judy Moreman 199; Ida Petty 170;  Michael Seward 223, and Teddy Carter 244.  (Go Getters) Mike Camarata 179; Melissa Castle 166; Linda Engle 169; Bryan Lawson 238; Ella Miller 176, and Joe Rich 227.(Covington) Chad Edmiston 221; Tom Gebhart 244; Marcy McQueen 176 and Bill Shoaf 258.
Split conversions: (Senior League) Judy Gebhart and Laura Baird 4-5-7 and Ruth Campbell 7-8 (Monday Ladies League) Sandy Taylor 5-10 (Go Getters) Ella Miller 4-5; Mike Camarata 4-5; Joe Rich 5-10; Fred Fultz 5-7 and Josh Wakeland 5-8-10. (Covington) Edie Bray 4-7-10 and Beth Barnes 5-6-10. 
     That’s it for this week. Thanks to all who submitted info for this week’s Report. Remember, you can get all the reports by checking out Tuck’s Bowling for Fun blog at:
       Until next time, let’s have fun, and knock ‘em down.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Battle of Star's Champions Announced

       A 300 game, an 835 series and a 299 are the top scores of the week. More on that, in just a bit.
       The annual Battle of the Stars tournament concluded this past Sunday, and as might be expected some great scores were rolled, and the winners have been announced.
      The Men’s competition ended on Saturday afternoon, with the following results. In First place was Jason Woodworth, followed by Jim Miller in second. Placing third was Nick Lutz, fourth, Brett Fogerson, and Rich McFarland in 5th.  Congrats guys.

      The Ladies also fared well. In first place was Stephanie Abernathy. Placing second was Katrina Edwards, and in third was Jackie Varner. Coming in fourth was Janet McMasters, and placing fifth was Brandi Kile Welsch. 

(Thanks to Mike McMasters for providing photos)

   Word of mouth has it that one lady who bowled was 6 months in her pregnancy and rolled an 1152 series. Now, let me ask you this? How many men could do that?
      In Friday Night’s King of the Hill, Scottie Reinken and Doug Goff split the King of the Hill honors. The King (Queen) of the Hill Tourney is held each Friday Night at 10 PM. They will be taking the top 24 to the brackets. The top 8 seeds will get first round byes! You will get at least 2 games, and it only costs $10.     
   This week’s Bowler Reports:
           Randy Hiltz, from Hoopeston’s Fast Lanes rolls a 300, Jarvis Brown rolled games of 299, 279, and 257 to roll a career high 835 series in the Friday Night League. Way to go Jarvis and Randy!
     The Monday Night No Tap League reports that both Jimmy Scruggs and Kaitlyn Hankey rolled 300 games.
Games above 250: (Friday Mixed League) Terrence Cloyd, 286; Ruben Villareal 254; Bryce Spickard 254; and Shawn Peterson 259.(Lutheran League) 289 Steve Skimehorn, 257 Parker Winlead, and 289 Eric Crockett )Go Getters: Jim Miller 278 (Fast Lanes): Doug Bauer 284; Kyle Richards 279; and Ethan Linders 256.
Series above 675: (Friday Mixed League) Terrence Cloyd 735; Byron Miller 701; Kevin O’Brian 678; Derrick Hufford 692; Zech Connelly 700.  (Go Getters) Jim Miller 741 (Seniors) Terry Bell Sr. 265. (Fast Lanes): Doug Ethan 745; BJ Morgensons 692    Brandon Mann had a fine 245 followed by Marvin Dobkins 244 and BJ Morgensons 692 series.Kellie Thilmoney led the ladies with a 226, 592, Patty Lowe had a 212 and Allie Ellers 211
Games Above 225 (Women) (Friday Night Mixed) Megan Connelly 233 (Go Getters) Kaitlyn Hankey 227 (Fast Lanes) Kellie Thilmoney 226.
50 or more pins over average: (Seniors) Allen Taylor 230, Stan Harvey 246, and Ron Blagg 247. (Go Getters) Chery Evans 172; Jan Frank 179; Stan Harvey 227; Houston Key 203; Michael Seward 231; Michael Seward 231; and Mike Swider 177. (Fast Lanes) Brandon Mann 245; and Marvin Dobkins 244; Patty Lowe 212; and Allie Ellers 211. (Covington) Roger Gossett 212; Chad Edmiston 215, and Keith Barnes 208. (MS Nail Salon) Sharon bowled 203. (Monday Morning Ladies League) Nancy Nickle 180
   In Hoopeston’s Fast Lanes youth department, Mercy Linder led the girls with a 223 followed by Shania Gobles 194 and Kayla Gobles 180. Devon Thomas led the boys with a 230, 617. In practice last week this 7th grade student bowled a 278.
   Split conversions: (Senior League) Shirley Lamm 5-7; Stan Harvey 3-6-7-10; Dorothy Hesler, Phyllis Rutan 2-7-8; Essie Syass 5-6-10; Charlotte Gouty 3-9-10; Barb Smith the 4-5-7 twice and the 5-6-10 (MS Nail Salon) Donna Rayhel 4-5-7; Marilyn Ruffner 3-6-7-10. (Monday Ladies League) Mary Seilhymer 4-5, and Wilma Pallman 7-8.
     That’s it for this week. Thanks to all who submitted info for this week’s Report. Remember, you can get all the reports by checking out Tuck’s Bowling for Fun blog at:

       Until next time, let’s have fun, and knock ‘em down.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Battle of the Stars Starts This Weekend.10-10-16

     Danville’s premier bowling tourney is coming up the next 2 weekends. The 2016 Battle of the Stars. The men will bowl 2 squads on Saturday at Bulans. The first at 10 am, then the second at 2:30. The ladies will have their first day of competition on Sunday, March 13, at noon. Don’t forget to set your clocks 1 hour ahead, or you might be late.
    The finals will continue the next weekend. Both men and women will bowl 5 games, and then the roll offs if needed. Men will start bowling at 11 am on Saturday March 19, and the women will start at noon on Sunday the 20th.  On that weekend, both days will be featured at Lincoln Lanes.
    Dustin Dolbee and Mike McMasters shared the title this past Friday night as the King of the Hill. . The King of the Hill Tourney is held each Friday Night at 10 PM. They will be taking the top 24 to the brackets. The top 8 seeds will get first round byes! You will get at least 2 games, and it only costs $10.   
   This week’s Bowler Reports:
Games above 250: (Friday Mixed League) 267 Scottie Reinken, 274 Byron Miller, 256 Joe Lewis and 269 Joe Rich.(Lutheran League) 267 Ron Candido, 254, Chris Candido, 258 Dillon Turner, 275 Steve Skimehorn, 256 Wayne Brown, 256 Jason Woodworth,257 Dustin Dolbee, 265 Bill Reik, and 268 Don Miller.  (Covington) 279 Kevin Barnes
Series above 675: (Friday Mixed League) 735 Scottie Reinken, 675 Terrence Cloyd, 681 Byron Miller, 728 Dillon Turner, 700 Derrick Hufford and 713 Joe Rich. (Lutheran League) 681 Eric Crockett, 680 Ron Candido, 690 Steve Skimehorn, and 713 Don Miller. (Covington) 747 Kevin Barnes
Series above 650 (Women) (Lutheran League): 691 Janet McMasters.
50 or more pins over average: (Lutheran League) 239 Eric Crockett, 236 Cliff Dupree, 168 John Vest, 232 Anthony Ashby, and 248 Shawn Peterson (Friday Night Mixed): 236 Troy Brigham, 235 Bill Phillips, and 245 Chad Ziegler. (Seniors) 243 Billy McDaniel, 187 Judy Gebhart,  238 and 237 Ed Reed, and 247 Ron Candido (Go Getters) Houston Key 199, 234 Don Miller, 221 Harl Miller, 225 Joe Rich, 200 Georgia Seward, 222 Michael Seward, and 172 Mike Swider(Covington) 180 Marcy McQueen and 234 Ted Pearman
   Other reports from around the area. MS Nail Salon Sharon Craft picked up the 6-7 split.
Sara Switzer picked up the 5-10 split. She also bowled a 178. Donna Rayhel bowled a 207 & a 214.
Sue Strong bowled a 202 & a 268.
     Other split conversions reported were: (Go Getters) Josh Wakeland 5-7, Rashelle Carpneter, Harl Miller, and Chris Brookins 5-10, Melissa Castle 3-5-9-10, and Laura Baird 3-5-9-10 (Senior League) Barb Smith and Fred Foltz 5-10, Jack Ball 5-7 two times, Michael Seward 4-7-10, Greg Miller 5-7 and 3-5-10, Laura Baird 5-6 and 4-5-7, and Sue Strong 5-6 and 2-5-7.
   We pass along our thoughts and prayers to the Paul Woodworth family (owners of Lincoln Lanes) for the passing of their mother.
     That’s it for this week. Thanks to all who submitted info for this week’s report. Remember, you can get all the reports by checking out Tuck’s Bowling for Fun blog at:

       Until next time, let’s have fun, and knock ‘em down.

Gourard shoots 300 game in the Monday Night No Tap.3-3-16

    George Gourard shot a 300 game in the Monday Night No Tap.
    There was not a King of the Hill tourney last Friday Night, as the Lincoln Lanes Open was ongoing . The King of the Hill Tourney will return this Friday Night at 10 PM. They will be taking the top 24 to the brackets. The top 8 seeds will get first round byes! You will get at least 2 games, and it only costs $10. Think you can remain at the top?
    The Hoopeston City tournament results have been revealed. 33 Ladies participated, and the first place team was the Lady Rebels, and for the Men it was the N.A.P.A. In Ladies Doubles, Terri Huchel & Karen Porth took the top spot, while, Dusty Fields & Chad Bruens took the top seed in Men’s Doubles. In Singles,  Porth took the top spot for the ladies with a 674 series, and for the men, it was Bill Ziegler, with a 712. In All Events, for the ladies it was ladies, it was also Porth , with a 2047. For the men Scratch, Bruens, with a 2129, took top spot. Congrats to all.
   The Lincoln Lanes Open concluded this past weekend, with Trey Walters taking the top seed, while Terrence Cloyd took 2nd, and Tyler Mills grabbed the 3rd spot.
This week’s Bowler Reports:
Games above 250: (Friday Mixed League) 279 Terrence Cloyd, 254 Zech Connelly, and 257 Doc Finch.(Lutheran League) 267 Rich McFarland, 255 Shawn Peterson  (Fast Lanes) 264 Russ Hibma, 252 Ethan Linder
Games above 225 (Women): (Friday Night Mixed) 224, 227, and 255 Nicole Brown (Go Getters) 226 Kaitlyn Hankey
Series above 675: (Friday Mixed League) 720 Terrence Cloyd (Lutheran League) 684 Bryan Lawson Series above 650 (Fast Lanes) 702 Russ Himba (Women) (Friday Night Mixed): 706 Nicole Brown
50 or more pins over average: (Lutheran League) 236 Jesse Alvarez, 241 Cliff Dupree, 243 Steve Finch, 204 Alexus Skimehorn, 244 Bruce Smith, and 212 Sue Strong (Friday Night Mixed): 237 Shawn Tietz, 190 Ed Drake, 204 Nancy Tapsott, 190 Sandy Williams (Seniors) 231 Gerald Arnett (Go Getters) 173 Laura Baird, 238 Ron Blagg, 213 John Camarata, 182 Jordyn Castle, 173 Martha Elliott, 199 Stve Lamb, 226 Greg Miller and 216 Joe Rich. (Fast Lanes) 231 Geoffrey Berlin, 226 John Lowe, 201 Patty Lowe, and 204 Leslie Hardcastle.
   Other reports from around the area. MS Nail Salon reports Anna Young earned her 200 game award when she bowled a 201, and Donna Rayhel shot a 202..
           That’s it for this week. Thanks to all who submitted info for this week’s report. Remember, you can get all the reports by checking out Tuck’s Bowling for Fun blog at:

       Until next time, let’s have fun, and knock ‘em down.

Nelson Jr. Rolls 300 2-25-16

   Jerome (Poo) Nelson, Jr., rolls 300 in LL Annex in Mutual League.
   Bryan Lawson shot a 300 game in the Monday Night No Tap.
   Remember, this year’s Hall of Fame banquet will be on Saturday, at the Beef House. Tickets are just $12 for this buffet style meal and those awesome Beef House rolls. Get you tickets by contacting President Darren VanDuyn. Come on out and congratulate the new members.
      This past Friday night, Mike McMasters and Terrence Cloyd captured the King of the Hill Tourney. The King of the Hill Tourney is every Friday Night at 10 PM. They will be taking the top 24 to the brackets. The top 8 seeds will get first round byes! You will get at least 2 games, and it only costs $10.
    Mark your calendars for another tourney coming up on Feb 25, and going though the 28th. The 3rd annual Lincoln Lanes open where you will have a chance to win $1,000. It is a handicap tournament, so don’t miss out. Stop down at Lincoln Lanes, or while you are bowling in League play, ask for a flyer from one of the very courteous employees.
This week’s Bowler Reports:
Games above 250: (Friday Mixed League) 289 Scottie Reinken, 251 and 255 Josh Troxtell, 257 Terry Lutz, 252 Zech Connelly, 256 Eric Crockett and 252 Henry Stephens.(Lutheran League) 257 Dustin Dolbee, 267 Don Miller, and 263 Ruben Villereal (Senior League) 256 Terry Bell. (Go Getters) 255 and 256 Jim Miller, and 278 Ray Rogers.
Games above 225 (Women): (Friday Night Mixed) 226 and 228 Deneesha Bartholomew (Go Getters) 226 Kaitlyn Hankey (Lutheran League) 241 Jolene Kraut
Series above 675: (Friday Mixed League) 717 Scottie Reinken, 711 Dustin Dolbee, and 704 Josh Troxtell. (Lutheran League) 685 Dustin Dolbee (Go Getters) 736 Jim Miller. (Senior League) 679 Stan Harvey and 702 Terry Bell Jr.
Series above 650 (Women) (Friday Night Mixed): 657 Deneesha Bartholomew
50 or more pins over average: (Lutheran League) 210 Rob Black, 243 Ron Candido, 210 and 213 Rodney Cox, 191 Misty Moore, 247 Cal Richards, and 193 Kelli Washburn(Friday Night Mixed): 189 Ed Drake, and 232 Gabe Garza. (Seniors) 233 Ed Reed, 183 Barb Smith, 234 Gary Holycross, 236 and 244 Marvin Brandon. (Go Getters) 172 Laura Baird, 150 Susan Brookins, 225 John Camarata, 226 Kaitlyn Hankey, 221 Stan Harvey, 201 John Mikel, 193 and 210 Harl Miller, 223 and 225 Joe Rich, 172 Mike Swider, 192 Josh Wakeland, and 233 Charlie Tiffin.
   Other reports from around the area. MS Nail Salon reports that Barb Dinsmore earned her 150 game award when she bowled a 162. Pam Hunt earned her 150 game award with a 154 game.
     Need to make a correction to the box scores for the Go Getter League.  In last week’s box scores, the Ten Pins team had highest scratch series, with 2703.  Thanks to Stan Harvey for bringing that to my attention.
     Sad news this week, Merle Carr, who many of you knew at Lincoln Lanes passed this week. Thoughts and prayers go out to the family.
      That’s it for this week. Thanks to all who submitted info for this week’s report. Remember, you can get all the reports by checking out Tuck’s Bowling for Fun blog at:

       Until next time, let’s have fun, and knock ‘em down.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Some Great Scores, Hall of Fame Inductees Revealed Feb 18, 2016

      5 area bowlers inducted into this year’s Hall of Fame, a near miss for another perfect game, and 3 high games rolled on 1 team in 1 game. More on those coming up.
    After going over the reports a couple of weeks ago for the Lutheran League, I missed some scores for one of the women bowlers.  She sent me an e-mail about it, but I forgot to write it down. Guess what happens when you forget to write something down? Yes, you forget it.  My apologies to Dorothy McFarland. She rolled 50 or more pins above her average with a 218. She also rolled a 202 and a 183 for a 603 series. Congratulations, and again, my apologies.     
   This year’s Hall of Fame banquet will be Saturday, Feb 27, 2016, at the Beef House. This year’s inductees are for Achievement, Jerry Simms, and Carla Roseman, In the Senior Division, Dr. Dom Martin, and in the Service Division, Kim Cotton and Tuck Miller. Tickets are just $12 for this buffet style meal. Get you tickets by contacting President Darren VanDuyn. Come on out and congratulate the new members.
      Last week, I mentioned that 20 year old Dillon Turner shot a perfect game. It was his first. This past Friday night, Parker Winlead captured the King of the Hill Tourney. The King of the Hill Tourney is every Friday Night at 10 PM. They will be taking the top 24 to the brackets. The top 8 seeds will get first round byes! You will get at least 2 games, and it only costs $10.
    Mark your calendars for another tourney on Feb 25, though the 28th. The 3rd annual Lincoln Lanes open where you will have a chance to win $1,000. It is a handicap tournament, so don’t miss out. Stop down at Lincoln Lanes, or while you are bowling in League play, ask for a flyer from one of the very courteous employees.
     A team recently rolled a 1260 series in the Mutual League, with 3 bowlers shooting some high scores. Steve Skimehorn shot a 298, Kyle Sirratt, a 299, and Byron Miller, topped out with a 290.  Of course with those high scores, each bowler rolled 11 strikes in a row.
This week’s Bowler Reports:
Games above 250: (Friday Mixed League) 299 Scottie Reinken, 268 Terrence Cloyd, 267 and 279 Dillon Turner, 265 Dustin Dolbee, 254 Josh Troxtell, 257 Billy Morgan,  263 Ruben Villareal and 253 Steve Skimehorn. (Lutheran League) 265 and  299 Terrence Cloyd,268 and 269 Rich McFarland, 256 Dillon Turner, 266 Ruben Villereal, 256 and 266 Bryan Lawson, and 288 for Jason Woodworth.(Senior League) 257 Ron Candido. (Go Getters) 264 Bryan Lawson and 256 Jim Miller.
Games above 225 (Women): (Friday Night Mixed) 245 Nicole Brown, 267 Alicia Hinners. (Lutheran League) 229 Kaitlyn Hankey, 235 and 244 Robin Turner.
Series above 675: (Friday Mixed League) 747 Scottie Reinken, 738 Terrence Cloyd, 793 Dillon Turner, and 720 Josh Troxtell. (Lutheran League) 756 Terrence Cloyd, 761 Rich McFarland, 704 Don Miller, 718 Dillon Turner, 765 Bryan Lawson, and 687 Jason Woodworth. (Go Getters) 728 Jim Miller, and 701 Bryan Lawson.
Series above 650 (Women) (Friday Night Mixed): 653 Nicole Brown
50 or more pins over average: (Lutheran League) 215 Misty Moore, 207 Jolene Kraut (Friday Night Mixed): 189 Ed Drake, and 232 Gabe Garza. (Seniors) 185 Margo Johnson, 234 and 233 Marvin Brandon, and 209 Gerald Arnett. (Go Getters) 216 Charlie Tiffin and 216 Jim Thomas.
   Other reports from around the area: MS Nail Salon reports that Sherry Pickering bowled a 222 to earn her 200 game patch. Sue Strong a 631 series to earn her 600 series award and her 140 pins over average series award. She also earned her 225 game award.  Series included 214, 185, & 232. Marilyn Ruffner picked up the 9-10.
    Other split conversions included, (Senior): 5-10 Bob Maxwell and Gerald Arnett, 4-10 Ron Candido and the 4-8-10 Barb Walls. (Go Getters) Paula Beatty 4-5-7, Harl Miller 7-8,Sandy West 3-6-7-10, Billy McDaniel 9-10, Cheryl Evans 3-9-10, Jan Frank 5-10, Ella Miller 4-5, and Raschelle Carpenter 5-7-8-9.
      As we end this report, let’s remember Ernie Harvey, one of our Senior bowlers who recently passed on. Ernie, we will miss you.
      That’s it for this week. Thanks to all who submitted info for this week’s column. Remember, you can get all the columns by checking out Tuck’s Bowling for Fun blog at:

       Until next time, let’s have fun, and knock ‘em down.

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Feb 12th, 2016 Two Perfect Games...............Another Close, But No Cigar....

    Two perfect games bowled, and another, close, but no cigar. Perfect games seem to be no stranger to Terrence Cloyd as he recently rolled another one in the Lutheran League.  In the Saturday Night Happy Go Lucky league, was Dillon Turner. Getting, oh so close, was Jim Miller with a 299. Congrats guys.
      First off, we would like to announce that this year’s Hall of Fame banquet will be on Saturday, Feb 27, 2016, at the Beef House. Come out and see who will be inducted into this year's DBA Hall of Fame. Tickets are just $12 for this buffet style meal and those awesome Beef House rolls. Get you tickets by contacting President Darren VanDuyn.
      This past Friday night, Scottie Reinken and Jarvis Brown, captured the King of the Hill Tourney. The King of the Hill Tourney is every Friday Night at 10 PM. They will be taking the top 24 to the brackets. The top 8 seeds will get first round byes! You will get at least 2 games, and it only costs $10.
    Mark your calendars for another tourney coming up on Feb 25, and going though the 28th. The 3rd annual Lincoln Lanes open where you will have a chance to win $1,000. It is a handicap tournament, so don’t miss out. Stop down at Lincoln Lanes, or while you are bowling in League play, ask for a flyer from one of the very courteous employees.
     Fast Lanes is having a VALENTINES 7-8-9 pin tournament on February 13 at 7:00. Music will be provided by John Boblett DJ service. 
This week’s Bowler Reports:
Games above 250: (Friday Mixed League) 275 and 268 Scottie Reinken, 266 Terrence Cloyd, 257 Jarvis Brown, and 279 Josh Troxtell.
(Lutheran League) 268 Paul Woodworth, 268 Shawn Peterson, 257 Don Miller, 259 Parker Winlead, 270 Rich McFarland, 256, and 266 Bryan Lawson   (Senior League) 258 Terry Bell.
Games above 225 (Women): (Friday Night Mixed) 237 and 229 Nicole Brown, 227 Deneesha Brown.
Series above 675: (Friday Mixed League) 791 Scottie Reinken, 728 Terrence Cloyd, 720Dustin Dolbee, 688 Josh Troxtell, and 678 Bryan Spickard. (Lutheran League) 697 and 724 Shawn Peterson, 693 Don Miller, 688 Parker Winlead, 745 Rich McFarland, and 725 Bryan Lawson. (Go Getters) 760 Jim Miller, and 704 Ray Rogers.
Series above 650 (Women) (Friday Night Mixed): 690 Nicole Brown
50 or more pins over average: (Lutheran League) 228 Parker Winlead, 235and 222 Gabe Garza, 246 Steve Skimehorn, 244 Cal Richards, and 192 Ester Harrell. (Friday Night Mixed): Chad Ziegler, 233 Greg Miller, and 204 Dabo Worthington. (Seniors) 206 Jim Thomas, 235 Marvin Brandon, and 190 Jan Frank. (Go Getters) 209 Margaret Birge, 237 Ron Blagg, 208 Chris Brookins, 229 Kaitlyn Hankey,222 Gary Holycross,193 Dick Lamb, 238 Bryan Lawson, 223 John Mikel, 186 Tuck Miller, 246 Ray Rogers, and 178 Sandy West.
   Other reports from around the area. MS Nail Salon reports that Sue Broderick earned her 175 game award when she bowled a 180 game. Sharon Craft picked up the 5-10 split, and Donna Rayhel bowled a 213.
Other split conversions included, (Senior): 5-10 Bob Maxwell and Gerald Arnett, 4-10 Ron Candido and the 4-8-10 Barb Walls. (Go Getters) 5-7 Chris Brookins, 8-10 John Mikel, 5-6 Laura Baird, and Don Miller, and the 4-5-7, Fred Fultz.

      That’s it for this week. Thanks to all who submitted info for this week’s column. Remember, you can get all the columns by checking out Tuck’s Bowling for Fun blog at:

       Until next time, let’s have fun, and knock ‘em down.

Friday, February 5, 2016

5 Bowlers Roll 700 series......February 4, 2016

      We have 5 bowlers this week that shot over 700.  Some really great scores.
      If you have not noticed, we have picked up 2 additional leagues the past few weeks that, we are reporting on, so, that increases your odds of your name being in the paper.  A big welcome to the Lutheran League, and Friday Might Mixed leagues.
      This past Friday night, Kyle Sirratt, and Byron Miller captured the King of the Hill Tourney. The King of the Hill Tourney is every Friday Night at 10 PM. They will be taking the top 24 to the brackets. The top 8 seeds will get first round byes! You will get at least 2 games, and it only costs $10.
    Mark your calendars for another tourney coming up on Feb 25, and going though the 28th. The 3rd annual Lincoln Lanes open where you will have a chance to win $1,000. It is a handicap tournament, so don’t miss out. Stop down at Lincoln Lanes, or while you are bowling in League play, ask for a flyer from one of the very courteous employees.
     Fast Lanes Bowling Center in Hoopeston is now going on, and the scores are high so far. They have one more day left, this coming Sunday. You might want to give them a call at 217-283-6505, and see if the have any openings. We hope to have results for next week’s report. Fast Lanes is having a VALENTINES 7-8-9 pin tournament on February 13 at 7:00. Music will be provided by John Boblett DJ service. 
This week’s Bowler Reports:
Games above 250: (Friday Mixed League) 258 Devin Varner, 267 Byron Miller, 251, 275 Dillon Turner, 268 Scottie Reinken, 254 Donnie Cheeseman, 255 Dustin Dolbee, 257 & 277 Joe Lewis, and 264 Steven Jones, (Lutheran League) 256 Cliff Dupree, 254 Ron Candido, 255 Dillon Turner, 256 Ruben Villeral  (Go Getters) 266 & 257 Don Miller, and 258 Ray Rogers. (Senior League) 257 Wayne Brown.
Series above 675: (Friday Mixed League) 735 Devin Varner, 753 Dillon Turner, 715 Byron Miller, 689, Terrence Cloyd, 724 Scottie Reinken, 738 Joe Lewis, and 679 John Strawser. (Lutheran League) 721 Jason Woodworth, 714 Devin Varner, 700 Dillon Turner, and 690 Ruben Villereal. (Go Getters) 698 Jim Miller, and 727 Don Miller.
50 or more pins over average: (Lutheran League) 193 Rob Black, , 182 Frank Blair
(Go Getters) 247 Tony Dompe, 213 Bub Tiffin, 202 Charlie Tiffin and 196 Josh Wakeland. (Senior League) 185 Barb Smith, 208 Georgia Seward, 204 John Gebhart, 203 Keith Carter, and 249 Ed Reed.
   Other reports from around the area. From Fast Lanes in Hoopeston: On the Sunday night league Todd Rush led the way with a 279 game followed by John Lowe's 278. Geoffery Berlin followed with a 258. Lowe had high series with a 678 followed by Berlins 677 and Doug Wagoner's 667. Linda Van Burk paced the ladies with a 221-599 series followed by Leslie Hardcastle 211-540 and Dianna Judy's 204 game. On the Monday night ladies it was Karen Porth's 217, 574 leading the way.  The Will Bruens mens league was led by Chad Bruens 258, 732 series and Duane Rasher 256 game. Darrin Eighner had a 698.At the Friday Night League in Covington: Ron Cates rolled a 239 (56)-196-195 and a 630 series. Linda Smith shot a 218(59), and other games of 168-130, for a 515 series.. Tony Sowers rolled games of 172-152-215, for a 539 series. MS Nail Salon reports that Pat Dokey picked up a 5-7 split!
Mary Seaman earned her 175 game award when she bowled a 185 game.
      That’s it for this week. Thanks to all who submitted info for this week’s column. Remember, you can get all the columns by checking out Tuck’s Bowling for Fun blog at:

       Until next time, let’s have fun, and knock ‘em down.

Friday, January 29, 2016

Jan 28th, 2016 Greg Miller rolls a 290, and 704 Series.....

      Looking over the reports that have been sent in to me, this week’s best bowler is Greg Miller, from the Tuesday Night Go Getters.  Miller rolled a career high game of 290 which included 11 strikes in a row in the back 10, in the first game of the evening. Continuing in the 2nd game he rolled 5 more strikes in the first half, for a total of 16 strikes. The 290, was 111 pins over his game average, and he finished the night with a 702 series, 167 pins over his series average.
      This past Friday night revealed a King and a Queen, as Scott Reinkin and Kaitlyn Hankey split the title of The King of the Hill tourney. Remember, The King of the Hill Tourney is every Friday Night at 10 PM. They will be taking the top 24 to the brackets. The top 8 seeds will get first round byes! You will get at least 2 games, and it only costs $10.
      The “Unofficial Results” for the Danville City Tournament for 2016 in the Doubles Division, in the Top 5 are: Kyle Sirratt/Scottie Reinkin 1505, Kyle Sirratt/Byron Miller 1495, Shawn Peterson/Dustin Dolbee 1483, Larry Cash/Brandon Hamilton 1469, and Julie Richards/Darren Van Duyn 1438.
      The Top 5 in the Men’s singles are: Jason Woodworth 810, Jamie Wiley 771, Jesse Alvarez 762, Terrence Cloyd 760, and Mark New 730.
      In the Women’s singles, the top 6 were: Julie Richards 695, Tammy Decker 656, Alexus Skimehorn 648, Jackie Varner 630, and Kaitlyn Hankey, 628.
     The Senior Singles division reports the top 5 as: Jerome Nelson 695, Gary Oakes 681, Greg Miller 674, Paul Woodworth 666, and Michael Seward 649.
    The Team division has the following for the top 5 finishers:  Heat Seeking Missles 3519, Furry, Inc. 3410, Turbo 2N1 3378, Border Patrol 3343, and UPS 3305.
      Mark your calendars for another tourney coming up on Feb 25, and going though the 28th. The 3rd annual Lincoln Lanes open where you will have a chance to win $1,000. It is a handicap tournament, so don’t miss out. Stop down at Lincoln Lanes, or while you are bowling in League play, ask for a flyer from one of the very courteous employees.
     We are trying a slightly different format, to see how it goes for our weekly league reports. We are going to list all the scores and names by division.
Games above 250: (Friday Mixed League) 258, 268 Byron Miller, 279 Terrence Cloyd, 258 Derrick Hufford, 275 Dustin Dolbee, 267 Jarvis Brown, 252 Jarrod Reed, and 262 Zech Connelly. (Lutheran League) none reported this week.  (Go Getters) 269 Jim Miller
Series above 675: (Friday Mixed League) 686 Terrence Cloyd, 680 Josh Troxel, and 729 Kevin O’Brian. (Lutheran League) 694 Rich McFarland, and 688 Cal Richards (Go Getters) 770 Jim Miller.
50 or more pins over average: (Friday Mixed) 233 Joe Lewis, 233 Joe Rich,227 Damon Duncan, and 191 Tuck Miller.  (Lutheran League) Cal Richards 247, and a 255. (Senior League) 160 Ruth Campbell, and 217 Billy McDaniel.
(Go Getters) 161 Sandy West, 150 Susan Brookins, 220 John Camarata, 179 Dick Lamb, 247 Ray Rogers, 215 Michael Seward, 179 Mike Swider, 203 Charlie Tiffin, and 290 Greg Miller.
Split Conversions Reported: (Senior League) Phyllis Rutan  6-7-10, John Gebhart & Fred Fultz 4-5,     Harlie Huckleby 5-7, Lee Myers 3-6-7-10, and Michael Seward 2-5-10.(MS Nail Salon) Nora Price picked up the 3-9-10.. (Go Getters) Deb Miller 6-7-10, Martha Elliott 9-10, Harlie Huckleby 5-7 twice, John Mikel and Michael Seward 5-7, Greg Miller 4-9, Linda Engle 4-5, Kaitlyn Hankey 3-6-7, and Margaret Birge, the 8-10
    That’s it for this week. Thanks to all who submitted info for this week’s column. Remember, you can get all the columns by checking out Tuck’s Bowling for Fun blog at:

       Until next time, let’s have fun, and knock ‘em down.

Jan 21st, 2016 Bryan Lawson, Houston Key, and Ron Candido all roll perfect games in No Tap.

     The lanes for the Monday Night No Tap were perfect, well at least for 3 bowlers. Congrats go out to Bryan Lawson, Houston Key, and Ron Candido for their perfect games.
      Sharing the King of the Hill last week were Mike McMasters, and Tyler Mills. Remember, The King of the Hill Tourney is every Friday Night at 10 PM. They will be taking the top 24 to the brackets. The top 8 seeds will get first round byes! You will get at least 2 games, and it only costs $10.
      This will be the last weekend for the Danville City Tournament. Team event will be on Saturday, January 23rd, squad times at 9 am and 1 PM. Doubles and singles the following day on Sunday, same squad times. $23 an event.  Contact Kyle Sirratt at 217-274-8816. Call now, before the space fills up. 
           Mark your calendars for another tourney coming up on Feb 25, and going though the 28th. The 3rd annual Lincoln Lanes open where you will have a chance to win $1,000. It is a handicap tournament, so don’t miss out. Stop down at Lincoln Lanes, or while you are bowling in League play, ask for a flyer from one of the very courteous employees.
     We are trying a slightly different format, to see how it goes for our weekly league reports. We are going to list all the scores and names by division.
Games above 250 for men: (Friday Mixed League) 290 Kevin O’Brian, and 268 Derrick Hufford. (Lutheran League) 275 Rich McFarland, 278 Josh Troxel, 268 Jason Woodworth, 276 Chris Candido, 270 Rob Harper, 257 Don Miller, and 252 Bryce Spickard.  (Go Getters) 269 Jim Miller
Series above 675 for men: (Friday Mixed League) 686 Terrence Cloyd, 680 Josh Troxel, and 729 Kevin O’Brian. (Lutheran League) 744 Rob Harper, 738 Rich McFarland, 687 Josh Troxel, and 682 Jason Woodworth. (Go Getters) 770 Jim Miller.
50 or more pins over average: (Friday Mixed) 233 Joe Lewis, 247 Simon Perez, and 242 Bill Phillips.  (Lutheran League) 221 Gabe Garza, 235 Parker Winlead, 172 Pam Blair, 238 RobHarper, and 245 Andy Reuther. (Senior League) 189 Tuck Miller, and 238 Gary Holycross. (Go Getters) 219 John Camarata, 174 Melissa Castle, 246 Kaitlyn Hankey, and 211, Jim Thomas. (Covington Friday Night Mixed) 222 Beth Barnes, 226 Bill Shoaf, and 235 Darrell Edwards.  (MS Nail Salon) 230 Sally Reed.
Split Conversions Reported: (Senior League) Margo Johnson; 4--8-10 and the 4-5-10, Terry Bell 2-7-8, Billy McDaniel 3-6-7-10 and the 5-10, John Gebhart 5-10 and Keith Carter 4-5-7. (MS Nail Salon) Nora Price 5-7 split and Geneva Edwards 3-7-10 split. (Go Getters) Stan Harvey 4-57, Ella Miller 4-5, Dick Lamb 5-7,Mac McDaniel 5-6, and Kaitlyn Hankey 3-6-7, and Jim Thomas, 4-10, and 9-10.
    Other bowling tidbits from the MS Nail Salon League: Pat Dokey earned her 150 game award when she rolled a 154 game, and Brenda Lomax earned her 175 game award when she rolled a  179.
    Hope I did not miss anyone, but am trying something a bit new, so bear with me.

    That’s it for this week. Thanks to all who submitted info for this week’s column. Remember, you can get all the columns by checking out Tuck’s Bowling for Fun blog at:

       Until next time, let’s have fun, and knock ‘em down.

Jan 14, 2016 Reinken, Miller, and Scruggs roll perfectly

      Reinken, Miller, and Scruggs roll perfectly.
      Scott Reinken shot 300 in the Friday Night Mixed League at Lincoln Lanes this past Friday night, leading up to a 804 series. Other 300 games were Byron Miller in the Tuesday Night Mutual League, and Jimmy Scruggs in the Monday Night No Tap.  Congrats to all.
      This past weekend, a doubles tourney was held at Lincoln Lanes, and the results were: First place were Bryce Spickard and Scott Reinken, and in second, Daniel Peratt, and Chris Shipman. Third place finishers were Lexus and Steve Skimehorn, fourth consisted of Georgia Seward and Greg Miller, while Byron Miller and Kyle Sirratt placed fifth. Thanks to all the bowlers who competed, and Julie Richards for posting the results.
   Have you missed the King of the Hill competition? It took a hiatus during the Christmas holiday, but is back, starting this coming Friday, with some changes. According to Bryan Lawson,
they will be taking the top 24 to the brackets. The top 8 seeds will get first round byes! Come on out at 10pm for only $10. You will get at least 2 games.
   Weekly league reports:  
  Fast Lanes: John Lowe tore the lanes up Sunday night in the mixed league, shooting scores of 254, 251, and 222 for a 727 series, closely followed by Geoffery Berlin's 265,212,247. 724 series. The Thursday night men’s league was led by Tony Gress firing a 769 with games of 246,256 and 267. Porgy Anderson followed him with a 721, 190,256,275 game and John Faber's 694, 236,213,245.
    Fast Lanes would like to wish Hoopeston Area High School bowlers, Ryan Glotzbach, Anthony Birge, Geno Wagoner and Brady Moore good luck in this weekends IHSA State bowling tournament. 
   In Senior bowling, Greg Miller rolled a career high 266, 86 pins over average, and 116 pins over series for a 656. Wayne Brown was 110 over series, rolling a 695, and 51 above his game average rolling a 246. Clara Copsy was 61 over for a 183, Keith Carter, 51 over, with a 193, Billy McDaniel, a 199, 58 over, and Houston Key, 54 over for a 203.  Split conversions included Judy Arnett and Marvin Brandon, with the 4-7-10, Wayne Brown, the 2-10, Teddy Carter, the 4-8-10, Michael Seward, the 5-7, and Essie Syass, Ella Miller, and Margo Johnson converted the 4-5.

  The Lutheran League: Cal Richards topped out with a 227, 45 pins above, while Rob Harper shot a 269, 84 pins above. Cliff Dupree had a 245, 61 over, and Dustin Dolbee rolled a 699 series which included a game 47 pins over average, 258. Connie Juskey rolled a game of 206, 68 pins above her average, while Robin Turner rolled a 223, 40 above. Jerrad Reed, 49 over for a 257, and Kyle Sirratt, 70 above for a 270. Bud Taylor, 45 over with a 237, Leland Black, 59 over for a 224, Ron Candido, a 257, 67 above, and Bryan Lawson, 51 over for a 247.
     The Go-Getters Margaret Birge shot a 203, 45 over. John Camarata rolled 62 over for a 217, and 105 pins above series norm for a 570. Kaitlyn Hankey bowled 58 over for a 223, while Stan Harvey was 120 pins over series for a 651, and 56 above game average for a 233. Harlie Huckleby was over by 44 pins for a 181. Houston Key shot a 213, 57 over, Dick Lamb, 70 over for a 206, Julie Lomax, 40 over for a 107, and Greg Miller, 46 over, with a 225. Georgia Seward shot 49 over for a 203, while Josh Wakeland shot 66 pins above for a 212.  Split pickups for this report were John Camarata with the 4-7-10, Harlie Huckleby, the 5-8,  Jan Frank with the 7-9 and Mike Camarata, the 4-7-9. Martha Elliott knocked apart the 3-9-10, while Josh Wakeland picked up the 3-5-10.
     The MS Nail Salon League: Patty Harrier earned her 400 series award with a 420 series, and Sara Switzer earned her 175 game award by bowling a 175.
     Westville’s Monday Morning League has Jo Ann Brooks rolling 50 pins above average with a 158. Split conversions were Nancy Nickle, Martha Hargen, and Mary Seilhymer with the 5-7. Brooks picked up the 4-5-7.
    That’s it for this week. Thanks to all who submitted info for this week’s column. Remember, you can get all the columns by checking out Tuck’s Bowling for Fun blog at:

       Until next time, let’s have fun, and knock ‘em down.

Jan 7, 2016 Scott Reinken rolls 300.

     Congrats to Scott Reinken for shooting 300 in the Friday Night Mixed League at Lincoln Lanes this past Friday night, which led up to a 804 series. Congrats Scott.
      This past weekend, a double tourney was held at Lincoln Lanes, and the results were: In first place were Bryce Spickard and Scott Reinken, and in second, Daniel Peratt, and Chris Shipman. Third place finishers were Lexus  and Steve Skimehorn, fourth consisted of Georgia Seward and Greg Miller, while Byron Miller and Kyle Sirratt placed fifth. Thanks to all the bowlers who competed, and to Julie Richards for posting the results.
   Have you missed the King of the Hill competition? Well, it took a hiatus during the Christmas holiday, but is back, starting this coming Friday, with some changes. According to Bryan Lawson,
they will be taking the top 24 to the brackets. The top 8 seeds will get first round byes! Come on out at 10pm for only $10. You will get 2 games and many of you will get 3.
   On to the weekly league reports:  
  Fast Lanes has a hot shot in John Lowe as he tore the lanes up Sunday night in the mixed league,  shooting scores of 254, 251, and 222 for a 727 series, closely followed by Geoffery Berlin's 265,212,247. 724 series. The Thursday night men’s league was led by Tony Gress firing a 769 with games of 246,256 and 267. Porgy Anderson followed him with a 721, 190,256,275 game and John Faber's 694, 236,213,245.
    Fast Lanes would like to wish Hoopeston Area High School bowlers, Ryan Glotzbach, Anthony Birge, Geno Wagoner and Brady Moore good luck in this weekends IHSA State bowling tournament. 
   In Senior bowling, Greg Miller rolled a career high 266, 86 pins over average, and 116 pins over series average for a 656. Wayne Brown was 110 over series, rolling a 695, and 51 above his game average rolling a 246. Clara Copsy was 61 over for a 183, Keith Carter, 51 over, with a 193, Billy McDaniel, a 199, 58 over, and Houston Key, 54 over for a 203.  Split conversions included Judy Arnett and Marvin Brandon, with the 4-7-10, Wayne Brown, the 2-10, Teddy Carter, the 4-8-10, Michael Seward, the 5-7, and Essie Syass, Ella Miller, and Margo Johnson all converted the 4-5.

  The Lutheran League once again reports some great scores. Cal Richards topped out with a 227, 45 pins above, while Rob Harper shot a 269, 84 pins above. Cliff Dupree tore up the lanes with his 245, 61 over, and Dustin Dolbee rolled a 699 series which included a game 47 pins over average, a 258. Connie Juskey rolled a great game of 206, 68 pins above her average, while Robin Turner rolled a 223, 40 above. Jerrad Reed, 49 over for a 257, and Kyle Sirratt, 70 above for a 270. Bud Taylor was 45 over with a 237, Leland Black, 59 over for a 224, Ron Candido, a 257, 67 above, and Bryan Lawson, 51 over for a 247.
     The Go-Getters Margaret Birge shot a 203, 45 over. John Camarata rolled 62 over for a 217, and 105 pins above series norm for a 570. Kaitlyn Hankey bowled 58 over for a 223, while Stan Harvey was 120 pins over series for a 651, and 56 above game average for a 233. Harlie Huckleby was over average by 44 pins for a 181. Houston Key shot a 213, 57 over, Dick Lamb, 70 over for a 206, Julie Lomax, 40 over for a 107, and Greg Miller, 46 over, with a 225. Georgia Seward shot 49 over for a 203, while Josh Wakeland shot 66 pins above for a 212.  Split pickups for this report were John Camarata with the 4-7-10, Harlie Huckleby, the 5-8,  Jan Frank with the 7-9 and Mike Camarata, the 4-7-9. Martha Elliott knocked apart the 3-9-10, while Josh Wakeland picked up the 3-5-10.
    That’s it for this week. Thanks to all who submitted info for this week’s column. Remember, you can get all the columns by checking out Tuck’s Bowling for Fun blog at:

       Until next time, let’s have fun, and knock ‘em down.

Christmas Day, Dec 25th, 2015

    Another year has passed us by, seems the older we get, the faster the years go by. For some, the more we bowl, the better we get, yet, for some of us, the more we bowl, well, the results aren’t so good.  Hoping this Christmas brings you many new toys that you can achieve that elusive 300 game.  During the last year, I bought a new bowling ball, and like any good consumer, I tried to research that ball, and even watched the videos on how that ball worked. Well, you know, the manufacturer should be charged with false advertising.  Every person rolling that ball got a strike. Yes, each and everyone. Now, when I got that ball, the results were not the same.  I am still trying to get a strike on every ball I throw, but it is simply not happening.
    I was told by a respected friend, that I am not a “traditional” writer, and that this is not really a “column”.  I guess this is more of a bowling report.   I have basically been giving as Jack Webb would say…”Just the facts.”   I believe a “column” is a bit more personal, with a bit more humor or wit.  So, saying that, please sit back and enjoy.
    Many of our leagues are taking a Christmas break and are bowling on a different schedule, thus not as many reports were submitted, so, let’s go over some rules and etiquette that makes our bowling more enjoyable. 
    First off, yes, bowling is a competitive sport, but, it is also to be an enjoyable one. We have bowlers of various ages and skills. Not everyone is a Norm Duke, Billy O’Neil.  Remember that with your team mates.  If they miss that spare or maybe even throw it in the gutter, don’t yell at them. Odds are, they are feeling bad enough.
    Another rule I ran into recently concerns pre bowling.  Remember, once you pre bowl, those scores stand. You can not show up at the bowling session, and change your mind. 
    Now, on to the bowling scores and news.
    Fast Lanes is taking reservations for it's New Years 4 game 7-8-9 tournament where you can throw out one game. There will be two person teams and $50.00 per team. Starting time is 6:30. Call Fast Lanes 283-6505 to reserve your spot.
     In Senior bowling this past week,  Essie Syass shot 51 pins over her average for a 159 game, and 115 pins over her series average. Ron Blagg rolled a 246 game twice, 65 pins over for each game. Jim Thomas, was 58 over for a 214, while Joe Stokes, was 56 over for a 183. Ernie Harvey shot a 237, 59 over, as Keith Carter was 60 over for a 203.
     The Go-Getters report has Steve Lamb rolling 45 pins over for a 208.  Tuck Miller shot 47 over for a 176, and Ray Rogers was 43 over for a 237.  Georgia Seward topped out with a 209, 49 over while Dot Tiffin was a roll, knocking out a 189 game, and a 488, 143 pins over his series average.
     Your writer personally witnessed Joe Rich roll his 1st 600 series on the Friday night League.
      In closing, Have a very Merry Christmas, and may the season give you many blessings. We look forward to seeing you in the coming year.
    That’s it for this week. Thanks to all who submitted info for this week’s column. Remember, you can get all the columns by checking out Tuck’s Bowling for Fun blog at:

       Until next time, let’s have fun, and knock ‘em down.