Kevin West, Kyle Sirrat
and Jason Woodworth all roll 300 games.
The Danville Area Bowling Association says time is running out if you would like to be put on the ballot
to be on the board of the Merged Association. They will take names until Friday
(tomorrow). After that time a ballot will be made up and brought around to all
leagues to vote. The new board will be in place March 1st with the new
Association starting August 1. Contact David Winchester or Linda Chittick to be
put on the ballot
Kevin West shot his 40th 300 game
this past Sunday during the 3 person
tourney held at Lincoln Lanes. The
top 5 teams were as follows: Had a GREAT turn
out for the 3 man tournament. Congratulations to the following: 1st - Rick
Scott, William Hopkins, and Tory Thompson / 2nd -Jerome Nelson Jr., Dan Clark and Jerome Nelson Sr. / 3rd - Brad Lankster, Dustin Dolbee and Greg Miller / 4th - Janet McMasters, Nicole Brown, and Jackie Varner / 5th - Kyle Sirratt, Kevin west and Byron Miller.
The rest of the story, Sirrat rolled his 300
in the Mutual League. Woodworth shot his 300 in the Lutheran League at Lincoln Lanes. The same night his dad Paul Woodworth
shot 11 in a row and a 740 series.
The Men’s
City Tournament recently concluded, and the results were: First Place , the
Four Saltines and A Bean consisting of Ruben Villareal, Tyler West, Terry Lutz,
Josh Troxtell, and Zech Connelly. Second
Place, EZ Lawncare, with Eric Zanders, Kyle Sirratt, Steve Skimehorn, Byron
Miller, and Terrence Cloyd. Third place, Pavement Solutions, with Gary Oakes,
Matt Simpson, Darren Van Duyn, Curt Vice, and Kevin Vehlewald. Also in the top
four is the Four Righties & a Lefty.
Team consists of Ashley Nolan, Brad Lankster, Janet McMasters, Dillion
Turner, and Terrence Cloyd.
The Friday
Night League at Sycamore Lanes in Covington, Jessica Barnes rolled a 205
which was 71 over Split conversions included Brooke Hughes 4-8-10, Judy Gebhart
3-6-7-10, Dawn Hughes 4-5-7, and Dale Benedict the 5-7.
In Senior
League action Ron Blagg bowled a 242 game which was 71 pins
over his game average and a 623 series which was 110 pins over his series
total. Greg Miller shot a 626 series which was 107 pins over his series
total. Billy McDaniel bowled a 195 game which was 50 pins over his game
average. Terry Bell Jr. rolled a 280 game, 93 pins over his game average,
and 686 series which was 125 pins over his series total.
Splits: Ida Petty 5-10, Ed Reed
5-6, and Meredith Stokes 2-7-10
Tuesday Nite Go Getter’s: Maggie Birge rolled a 618
series, including games of 221 and 217. She was 126 pins over her series
average, and 57 and 53 pins over respectively. Jon Castle 211, 59 over. Dustin
Dolbee 242, 47 over, Fred Fultz 190, 56 over, Stan Harvey 247, 66 over, Houston Key 195, 41 over,
Tuck Miller 177, 47 over, and Joe Pascal 177, 46 over. Split conversions: 5-6
Greg Miller, Rosemary Puzey 5-10 Sue Strong, Harl Miller 54-5-7 Maggie Birge,
Jim Thomas 3-8, Irv Summers, 4-7-9 Houston Key, and 5-7 Dustin Dolbee.
MS Nail Salon League: Sue Strong bowled a
211 for a 539 series. Sandy Cunningham bowled a 411 series. Pam Foehrer bowled
a 162.
Dusty Fields rolled a 262
while Brandon Hamilton's shot a 717 series followed up by Russell Reed’s 651
and Hank Longfellow’s 642. Sunday night mixed was led by Marvin Dobkin’s 256
game, 633 series and Doug Wagoner’s 634 set. Karen Porth led the ladies with a
217 game, 593 series while Patty Lowe had a 212.
Fast Lanes this Saturday night
at 7:00 is having a 7-8-9 pin doubles tournament. Winner's split $450.00.
You can get all the columns by checking out
Tuck’s Bowling for Fun blog at:
Until next time, let’s have fun, and
knock ‘em down..
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