Just learned that Steve Skimehorn rolled his 3rd 300 game
for this season.
The Church No
Tap league report this week includes J.R. Scruggs topping out with a 749
series. George Gouard rolled a 746, including a 266 game. Rolling a 256 game,
which was 54 pins over average, was Jimmy Scruggs, and a 680 series. Sue Strong
knocked out a 627 series. Others, 50 or more pins over average were U. Pete
Williams with a 260, 82 over. Kenny Smith was 50 over with a 219, and 123 average
bowler, Mallory Buss was 73 over with a 196. Albert Syass knocked out both the
5-10, and the 6-8-10 splits.
In the MS Nail
Salon League, Betty Rowley bowled a 221 which was 92 pins over her average.
In the Monday
Morning League, Laura Baird picked up the 4-5.
The Tuesday
Nite Go Getter’s Houston Key knocked out a 222 game, 65 pins above average.
Sherry Castongue was 51 over with a 185, and Ron Blagg had another great night,
52 pins over with a 224. Split conversions consisted of Bub Tiffin and Sandy
West with the 5-10. Mac McDaniel with the 3-9-10, and Harlie Huckleby with the
5-8-10. Greg Miller and Fred Fultz converted the 5-6, while Larry Cope picked
up the 5-6-10.
The Thursday
afternoon Senior League has Dorothy Hesler 50 pins over average with a 192. 79
pins above average was Ed Reed with a 267. He was also 119 pins over series
average with a 683. Converting the 5-7 was Barb Smith, Bub Tiffin, and Michael
Seward. Houston Key knocked out the 5-10, Betty Lierman, the 4-5, and Gerald
Arnett with the 5-8-10.
Lincoln Lane’s
Lutheran League has Rueben Villereal rolling 59 pins above, with a 255. Greg Block was 73 above with a 277, Bill
Reik, 72 over, with a 267. Jerrad Reed finished the evening with a 736 series.
The Friday Night
Mixed League in Danville had Ken Pankow 47 over with a 235, and Greg Miller 50
over, for a 224. Jackie Varner was 92 over for a 289. Stewart Mercer, was 88
over for a 268, and Josh Maynor with a 248, 64 above. TY Harmenson had a 267,
95 over, while Jeremy Wright was 61 over, with a 246. Zech Connelly was 48
above average when he knocked out a 235 game, and Rich McFarland closed the
evening with a 759 series, including a 279 game.
In Covington’s
Friday Night Mixed action we had Ron Cates picking up the 4-6-7 split and Lorie
Griffin picked up the 5-10 split. Terry Bell had games of 254-211-188 for
a 653 series and the 254 was 62 over. Kevin Barnes rolled 183-235-212, for a
630 the 235 was 58 over, and Jim Hensley a 230 game, 68 over. Aaron Howard rolled
a 231, 61 over, and Troy Jordan was 52 over, with a 223.
The Bulan’s
Monday Night Mixed League reports some great scores the last couple of weeks.
Starting off though, with a couple of split conversions, we have Jim Burke with
the 3-7-10, Matt Peaslee, the 6-7-10, and Brandy Jones, the 5-7. Nick Grubb had
a 298 game, and rolled 2 separate series of 597, and 689. Karle Norwell had a
game high 257, while Kim Cotton had a 258. Others 50 or more over included Wes
Watkins with a 189, 53 over. Connie Williams was 63 over, with a 207. Bowling
57 over was Brent Honn with a 216, 75 over, Susie Garman, and 62 over, Steve
Cotton, with a 198. Matt Peaslee rolled 72 over for a 258, while Steven Sollars
bowled a 204, 63 over. Kim Cotton was 71 over with a 58 game, Steve Cotton with
a 199, 62 over, and Larry Reffett, 63 over for a 228.
Our last report
for the week includes Jerome Nelson Sr., with a265, 64 pins above average. Joe
Lewis was 57 over with a 263, and 51 pins above, was Mark Hillsman Sr., with a
202. Rolling games of 227, 225, and 259, was Jason Turner, giving him a series
total of 711.
That wraps up
the reports for this week. If you are a league secretary, we would love to have
your league reports. Drop me an e-mail message to illianabowling@gmail.com
You can get all
the columns by checking out Tuck’s Bowling for Fun blog at:
Until next
week, let’s have fun and knock ‘em down.
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