Thursday, November 6, 2014

2 Tourneys this weekend 11-06-14

      Before we get started, we have 2 tourneys this weekend. Fast Lanes monthly 7-8-9 doubles tournament is Saturday November 8 starting at 7:00. This month's winner gets $215.00, and several Seniors will be traveling to Pekin this weekend to bowl in their annual state tournament.
     I am guessing most leagues now have their full compliment of bowlers, but one thing they need, is subs.  From time to time, bowlers have to miss because of work, or being sick.  That’s when a sub comes in handy.  Go down to one of your bowling centers, during league competition, and see if they are keeping a list of subs. As a league secretary myself, we like having folks on standby, and you never know, when an opening occurs, you could move up to the big leagues.
   In the MS Nail Salon League, Debbie Anderson and Carol Singleton earned the 400 series award while Barb Dinsmore earned the 125 game award.
    Traveling east on 74, we are at Sycamore Lanes in Covington for the Friday Night League.  Lea Arnold had 188- 202-225-615 series with a 183 average, for 42 over. Dale Benedict had a 201 with a 154 average for 47 over. Jean Clifton had a 184 with a 126 average for 58 over, while Bill Shoaf had a 225 with a 173 average for 52 over and Beth Barnes finished up with a 189 and with a 148 average, that makes her 41 over.
        In the Senior League, Stan Harvey bowled a 224 game which was 51 pins over his game average.  He also bowled a 232 game which was 59 pins over his game average.  Both games were included in his 631 series which was 112 pins over his series total.
Bob Coburn bowled a 183 game which was 52 pins over his game avg.    Fred Fultz rolled a 180 game which was 52 pins over his game average, while Clarence Martin shot a 183 game which was 54 pins over his game average.  Picking up splits were Laura Baird, with the 5-6,  Greg Miller, the 5-7, and Bob Coburn the 5-6-10
   Heading back up to Hoopeston, The Sunday night mixed league was led by the Lowe family as  Patty Lowe had  a 211, 569 series and then Johnny had a 255, 633 edging out Doug Wagoner’s 247, 630 .  On the Monday night ladies it was Jennifer Crawley’s 206,546 series and Terri Huckel had a 194 with a 142 average. The Wednesday Night lady’s was led by Ali Eilers 223, 578 series on a 159 average. The Will Bruen’s Thursday league was led by Chad Bruen’s 258, 665 and Doug Bauer 's 257 and Ronnie Linder’s 651.
    MS Nail Salon bowler’s Debbie Anderson bowled a 152 to earn a150 game award while Barb Dinesmore bowled a 150 game to earn a 150 game award. 
    Westville’s Monday Morning League at the Legion is reporting 1 split conversion, with Alicia Rouse picking up the 4-5.
   The Nelson Family once again dominated the MeHarry League at Lincoln Lanes.  “Poo Nelson shot a 253 game and a 705 series, while Jerome Nelson rolled a 698 series.
      The Tuesday Nite Go Getters is our last league for the week.  Irvin Summers was 56 pins over his average, for a 202, while Kevin Powell was 53 over for a 191.  Ray Rogers shot a 253 game, 70 pins above average. Martha Elliott rolled 52 pins above her average for a 179, on her birthday, as Greg Miller topped his average by 42 pins for a 214.  Joe Pascal was 47 pins over his average, shooting a 171.  Top bowler of the evening was John Mikel, rolling 111 pins over series average, which included 2 great games. A 198 game, 56 over, and a 219, 77 over.
     Split conversions included Jim Thomas, the 3-6-7-10, Harlie Huckleby, 2-7, Dot Tiffin the 5-7.  Jan Frank, 5-7, while Tuck Miller 5-10. Kevin Powell, 5-7, and Melissa Castle, the 5-10.
     You can get all the columns by checking out Tuck’s Bowling for Fun blog at:
    If you are a league secretary, we would love to have your league reports. Drop me an e-mail message to and I will contact you with what I would like to have to make your reports complete. Help me to recognize your league bowlers for their achievements.
   You can get all the columns by checking out Tuck’s Bowling for Fun blog at:

       Until next time, let’s have fun, and knock ‘em down..

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Oct 30, 2014.....DWABA Votes To Merge With Men's Association & Harper Shoots 300!

The Danville Women’s Bowling Association met last Sunday afternoon to discuss and vote on whether or not it would merge with the Men’s Association. Several points were brought up, both pro and con, including, if merged, the youth league could be sanctioned here in Danville, instead of being sanctioned in Champaign as it presently is. After discussion, a vote was held, and the results were 14-4 in favor of the merger. This will take affect in the 2015-2016 season.
   Congratulations to Norman Harper for shooting 300 on Oct 23 at Bulan’s. Great job Norman!!!
   In the MS Nail Salon League, Debbie Anderson and Carol Singleton both earned the 400 series award while Barb Dinsmore earned the 125 game award.
    A young bowler in Hoopeston tops their report this week.  11 year old Kayla Goble has been on fire the past couple of weeks, in the Pepsi Qualifier. She had games last week of 247-196, and 184, for a 627 series.  She then followed that up with a 184-203 and a 205. She keeps this pace up, she could very well qualify for the finals again this year. On the Monday Night Ladies Karen Porth turned the fire on with games of 213-268 & 182 for a 663 series. On the Thursday Night Men’s it was Brandon Hamilton with a 258-703 series followed by Mike Henson's 247and Mike Deans 246.  Randy Hiltz had a 662 series. Johnny Lowe paced the Sunday Night Mixed with a 246-690 and Karen Porth led the ladies with a 211 game and Patty Lowe’s 605 series.
    Fast Lanes monthly 7-8-9 doubles tournament is Saturday November 8 starting at 7:00. This month's winner gets $215.00.
    In the Senior League, we have John Gebhart rolling a 211, 60 over average and a 571 series, 118 over his series norm. John Ramsey shot 54 pins over average for a 234 game.  Picking up some splits this week, were Jim Thomas with the 3-6-7-10, Laura Baird, the 3-9-10, Charlotte Gouty, the 4-5-7-9, Allen Taylor with the 5-10, and Clarence Martin knocked out the 6-7-10.
     The Friday Night Mixed League at Sycamore Lanes has Darrell Edwards shooting games of 224, and 225, 46 and 47 pins over respectively.  Including the 168 game, it gave him a 617 series. Bill Shoaf rolled a 598 series, including 46 pins over average for a 223. Lastly, Duane Schaeffhold shot 54 over for a 198.  John Gebhart converted the 5-10, while Ron Cates knocked out the 3-6-7-10, Linda Cates, the 3-5-10, and Brent Durnell, the 4-10.
   The Tuesday Nite Go Getters is our last league for the week. Joe Elliott was 54 pins over average, Russ Puzey, 49 over. League newcomer Chad Jones was 44 over, while Jim Thomas was 43 above, and Paula Beatty, 40 over.  This league appears to be pros at split conversions, especially the 5-10.  The following bowlers picked up this pattern: Bill McDaniel, Sue Strong, Dick Lamb, Keith Carter, Jim Thomas, and Chad Jones. McDaniel also picked up the 2-10, Strong the 5-8-10, and Carter, the 3-9-10. Martha Elliott demonstrated how to convert the 9-10, while John Castle split apart the 4-5.
     You can get all the columns by checking out Tuck’s Bowling for Fun blog at:
    If you are a league secretary, we would love to have your league reports. Drop me an e-mail message to and I will contact you with what I would like to have to make your reports complete. Help me to recognize your league bowlers for their achievements.
   You can get all the columns by checking out Tuck’s Bowling for Fun blog at:

       Until next time, let’s have fun, and knock ‘em down..

Oct 23rd, 2014 Sirratt Rolls 300

     Congratulations to Kyle Sirratt for shooting 300 on September 25th in league at Bulans.
     A few years back, while bowling in the Senior State Tournament, and committed a foul.  I was surprised to say the least, as I knew for a fact I did not step over the foul line. The scorer however, called a foul on me, and I looked at her, arms uplifted, and with a puzzled look on my face.  She said I did in fact cross the foul line……on the adjacent lane. I did not realize that was against the rules.  For some reason, when I bowl, I tend to drift to my right. Most all my fellow league members know this, so when they are bowling against me, they wait until I clear their lane, before starting their approach.  Now, encroaching on their approach is NOT a violation of the rules or is it a foul.  The rules do say the stepping across the line on an adjacent approach is.
     Rule 5a/3 states: A foul is not called when a bowler crosses onto an adjoining approach area. However, if the bowler steps over the foul line on that lane, it is considered a foul.
     Starting north again in Hoopeston at the Fast Lanes.  Sunday night mixed was Geoffery Berlin with a 268-655 series and Patty Lowe with a 194 game. Helen Taflinger coming in with a 191 on a 143 average. On Monday it was Karen Porth on a 247 and 598 series followed by Jennifer Crawleys 200 and 585 set. 
    Last weeks winners of the 7-8-9 pin tournament were Sue Wagoner and Kenny Samet, Next months tournament will pay $235.00 to win. Date is Saturday November 8 at 7:00pm
   In the MS Nail Salon League, Donna Rayhel bowled a 224. Sandy West had a 154 game and a 400 series, while Ann Minette picked up a 4-10 split.
    At Sycamore Lanes in Covington, action was fast and furious. Let’s start off with the split conversions first. Dale Benedict 2-7-8, Lea Arnold 4-9, Bill Shoaf  5-7, Beth Barnes  5-6-10, John Gebhart  8-9, Darrell Edwards  4-9, and Janet McMasters, the 4-10.
     Maybe I should take some lessons from these bowlers. I might actually learn something.  Ron Cates, a 183 average bowler rolled a 559 series, 57 pins over, with games of 240-149, and 170.  159 average bowler, John Gebhart shot a 541 series, with games including 163-215, and 163. With the 215 game he was 56 pins above average.  Gary Edmiston, shot 65 pins over average for a 212. Shooting 86 pins over his average for a 258 game was Aaron Howard.  Cody Jumps was 49 over with a 191, Bill Shoaf, 45 over with a 213, Jerry Norwell, 47 over, with a 225 game, and Duane Schaeffhold rolling 74 pins above average, with a 214.  Wonder if he is related to my stringer, Rose?
    In Senior League action, Allen Taylor bowled a 219 game which was 65 pins over his game average. Clara Copsy bowled a 457 series which was 103 pins over her series total. Converting some splits were, Marla Troyer and Ron Blagg the 5-7, the Barb Walls  4-5 & 5-7, Pam Hunt the 5-6-10, Sue Strong the 7-8-10 and Shirley Lamm the 4-5.
   The Tuesday Nite Go Getter’s Tracy Smith was 44 pins over with a 202. Sue Strong was 81 pins over series average, and overlooked by me last week was Deb Miller, 56 pins over average. Split conversions included Greg Miller with the 5-7, and 5-6, Jordyn Castle picked up a very rarely converted split, the 4-7-6-10, the Big 4.
     Reporting for the first time this year, we have the MeHarry League. Jerome Nelson was 56 pins over his average with a 685 series, while his son Poo, was 55 above average, and a 671 average.
     You can get all the columns by checking out Tuck’s Bowling for Fun blog at:
    If you are a league secretary, we would love to have your league reports. Drop me an e-mail message to and I will contact you with what I would like to have to make your reports complete. Help me to recognize your league bowlers for their achievements.
   You can get all the columns by checking out Tuck’s Bowling for Fun blog at:

       Until next time, let’s have fun, and knock ‘em down..

Oct 16th, 2014 Senior Bowler Decides to Retire

    Most of us who are active in the sport of bowling wish we could go on and on, and never have to give it up. Life happens.  As we get older, sometimes our scores drop beyond what we would like to remember, and worse yet, our bodies are not as limber as they once were. It’s hard to admit it’s time to put the shoes away.
     That time has come for one 81 year old bowler here in Danville to put his shoes away.  After giving it the yeoman’s try for the 1st month of the new season, a Senior Bowler has decided with his bad hip, he could no longer participate in a sport he has loved for so many years. He started off bowling in leagues at both Lincoln Lanes and the Bowling Ball. He then started bowling in Ridgefarm, where he was the President of the Senior League for 12 years. The lanes were destroyed by a devastating fire, and he then helped to move the league to where it is today, Lincoln Lanes. I speak of my father, Harvey Miller, He is still hanging around the lanes, watching his wife, Shirley, and two of his sons continuing in this sport.
     In the MS Nail Salon League, Sandy Cunningham bowled a 400 series, and a 150 plus game. Dorothy Hesler rolled a 158 game for a USBC 150 game award.  Daughter, Pam Jeffers shot a 175, while Frances Miller-Hauf topped out at 155. Diana Myers shot a 166 game, which was included in a 400 series award.
    At Sycamore Lanes in Covington, it was another easy night, 108 average bowler Marcy McQueen had a 186, 78 pins over. Ted Pearman was 67 pins over average. He also had games of 203, and a 146, for a 586 series. Kevin Barnes, a 183 average bowler, shot a 258, 75 over, and games of 209 and 157 to cap the night out with a 624 series. Alen Arnold rolled 676 series, including games of 212. 223, and 238. The 238 games was 59 pins over.  Linda Cates picked up the 5-10, while John Gebhart, blew away the 2-4-7-10.
    In Senior League action, Marla Troyer shot a 214, 73 pins over average, while Sue Strong topped her average by 71 pins with a 230. 56 pins over his game average for a 224, was Greg Miller, with Aaron Williams finishing up 55 pins over average with a 167. Split conversions included Judy Gebhart with the 4-5, Dot McDaniel, the 4-6-7, Bob Coburn, the 4-7-8, and Stan Harvey with the 4-5. Keith Carter converted the 5-10, while Laura Baird knocked out the 2-7-8.
   The Tuesday Nite Go Getter’s Tracy Smith was high roller for the night, scoring a 234 game, 79 pins over his average.  Other high games included Chris Brookins with a 206, 62 over, John Mikel, 202, also 62 over. Greg Miller rolled 65 over for a 230, while Maggie Birge shot a 213, 57 pins above her series average. No split conversions were reported this week for the Go Getters.   
      You can get all the columns by checking out Tuck’s Bowling for Fun blog at:
    . If you are a league secretary, we would love to have your league reports. Drop me an e-mail message to and I will contact you with what I would like to have to make your reports complete. Help me to recognize your league bowlers for their achievements.

   You can get all the columns by checking out Tuck’s Bowling for Fun blog at:

Oct 9th, 2014

    Mixed Doubles, 7-8-9 tournament is Saturday, October 11th starting at 7:00 and is open to anyone at Fast Lanes in Hoopeston.
    On the Sunday night mixed league, on the ladies side, it was Karen Porth with a 246 -660 series. On the men’ side, Doug Wagoner had a 256-684 . On the Monday Ladies it was Porth again with a 247- 598 series followed by Jennifer Crawley & Holly Silvers 200 games.  Hoppy was 50 pins over her average. On the Wednesday Night Ladies it was Ali Eilers with a 234-with a 156 average followed by Patty Lowes 211 game. The Thursday Night Men’s were led by the father son duo of Bob and Brandon Hamilton. Bob took high game with a 289 to Brandons 266and Dean Kregel's 258. Brandon had high series with a 718, followed by dads 715. What a combination they are.    
     In the MS Nail Salon League, Sue Strong rolled a 205 game. Pam Jeffers earned her 175 game award, as did Sally Reed. Reed also achieved her 400 series award.
    At Sycamore Lanes in Covington, it was an easy night, where Linda Cates bowled a 169-213-148 for a 530 series. The 213 game was 57 pins over average, while Chad Edmiston picked up 3-7.
    In Senior League action, Harlie Huckleby was 85 pins over his average with a 211 game. Ed Reed rolled a 632 series which was 101 pins above his series average. Need some pointers on converting splits, well, you might ask some of these seniors, as they did not seem to have any problems with them. Dorothy Hesler, with the 5-7, and 3-6-7-9. Bub Tiffin knocked out the 5-7, while Darlene Edwards picked up the5-8-10. Laura Baird was working the left side, picking up the 4-5, while Terry Koebrich was on the right, hitting the 5-6. Jack Ball demonstrated how easy it was to pick up the 3-9-10, while Clarence Martin gave demonstrations on the 3-5-10.
   The Tuesday Nite Go Getter’s Dot Tiffin was at it again, rolling 47 pins average with a 165.  Other high games included Harlie Huckleby, 47 over with a 173. Newcomer Jamie Brown rolled a 162 game, 45 over. Jordyn Castle, rolled 75 pins over game average with a 194.  High rollers Ron Blagg and Stan Harvey were both over their averages this week.  Blagg was 50 over with a 22 game, while Harvey shot a 236, 60 over, and a 225, 47 over. Houston Key closed out the night with 63 over, with a 209 game.
      Several bowlers picked up splits. They were Martha Elliott, the 7-8. Ray Rogers, the 6-7-10, and Sandy West, the 2-4-6. Russ Puzey, the 5-7, Sherry Castongue, 5-6, and Linda Engle, the 4-10.
      Have an upcoming tourney on the calendar? Let the bowlers in the area know about it by having it posted here.
You can get all the columns by checking out Tuck’s Bowling for Fun blog at:
    . If you are a league secretary, we would love to have your league reports. Drop me an e-mail message to and I will contact you with what I would like to have to make your reports complete. Help me to recognize your league bowlers for their achievements.
   You can get all the columns by checking out Tuck’s Bowling for Fun blog at:

       Until next time, let’s have fun, and knock ‘em down..

Oct 2nd, 2014

       Looks likes things are going pretty good up in Hoopeston at Fast Lanes. Last week on the Monday Night Ladies Sue Wagoner had a 193 with a 133 average. On the Wednesday night Ladies it was Patty Lowe with a 196 game followed by Tammy Raven with a 194 and a 138 average. The Thursday afternoon ladies were led by Debbie Morgan’s 203 game. The Thursday night men’s were led by Tony Gress’ 257 followed by Bob Bruen’s 243 and Justin Thilmoney’s 242 and 696 series. Russell Reed had a 677 and Chad Bruens, a 667. On the Sunday night Mixed league it was again Patty Lowes 213-546 series and Doug Wagoner led the men with a 256-716 series followed by Cole Strawser 232-607 series.
     Mixed Doubles 7-8-9 tournament is SATURDAY OCTOBER 11 starting at 7:00 and is open to anyone.    
     Once again in the MS Nail Salon League, Judy Mentzer picked up the 5-10 split. Donna Rayhel had a high game for Class A -181 and Judy Mentzer had the high series - 510.  Class B - Sue Dowdy had high game 166 and high series 477.  Class C - Sandy Cunningham had high game 149 and high series 371.      
     At Sycamore Lanes in Covington, Chad Edmiston had 236-193-165 with a 594 series. The 236 was 79 over with 157 average.  Scottie Reinken had 229-219-212-660  series with 189 average, 40 over.  Janet McMasters had 247-184-213-644 series with a 156 average, 91 over.  Ron Cates had 234-201-212-647 series with a 180 average, 54 over.  Jim Hensley had 188-234-157-579 series with a 163 avg, 71 over.   Beth Brannin had a 171 with a 104 average 67 over.  Brandi Shively picked up the 5-7, William Blankenbeckler 6-7-10, Keith Barnes 6-7-10, Linda Cates 2-5-7, Judy Gebhart 3-10, Jim Hensley 8-9, and Rose Schaeffhold 3-7-10. 
     In Senior League action, Bub Tiffin bowled a 202 game which was 64 pins over his game average.  Phyllis Rutan bowled a 537 series which was 120 pins over her series total.  Joe Stokes bowled a 184 game which was 54 pins over his game average and a 490 series which was 100 pins over his series total. Aaron Williams bowled a 158 game which was 53 pins over his game average, and John Ramsey bowled a 232 game which was 55 pins over his game average. Before we forget, Ruthie Campbell, our oldest bowler in the Senior league at 91 years young, rolled a 167 game with a 119 average.
     Splits:  Martha Elliott, 6-7-10 and the 2-7-8;  Margo Johnson  and Michael Seward both picked up the 5-7,  John Gebhart, 5-10  and Jan Frank picked up the 3-10 twice.
   Finally, the Tuesday Nite Go Getters where Dot Tiffin was 71 pins over average with a 183, Houston Key was 51 pins over game average with a 189, and 122 pins over series average.  Not to be forgotten is Tracy Smith, 60 pins over his 211.
     Split conversions consisted of Jon Castle with the 3-6-7-10, Fred Fultz, the 5-7, and Sandy West, the 3-9-10. Jim Thomas and Larry Cope, both picked up the 5-10. Martha Elliott knocked out the 5-6. Harlie Huckleby converted the 8-10 split, while Kevin Powell picked up the 5-7.
      You can get all the columns by checking out Tuck’s Bowling for Fun blog at:
    . If you are a league secretary, we would love to have your league reports. Drop me an e-mail message to and I will contact you with what I would like to have to make your reports complete. Help me to recognize your league bowlers for their achievements.
   You can get all the columns by checking out Tuck’s Bowling for Fun blog at:

       Until next time, let’s have fun, and knock ‘em down..

September 25th, 2014

Some great scores at Fast Lanes last week. In the Sunday Night Mixed League, John Lowe rolled a 276 game and 706 series, while Doug Wagoner shot a 244 game. Karen Porth had a 593 series, which included a 210 game. Patty Low bowled a 209 Sunday night, and then in the Monday night ladies, she had a 237 game, 560 series.   In the Wednesday Night ladies, Shelia Livett rolled a 214 game, 588 series, while Kelly Thilmony threw a 202 game. On the Thursday afternoon ladies league, it was Debbie Morgan bowling a 199, with a 137 average. Will Bruens Thursday Night League, the men were led by Brandon Hamilton with a 258, and a 709 series and Doug Wagoner in hot pursuit with a 703, which include a 246 game.
     Don't forget Fast Lanes 7-8-9 pin mixed doubles tournament on Saturday October 11 starting at 7:00
     Once again, Sue Strong seems to be tearing up the lanes in The MS Nail Salon league. With a 161 average, she rolled 209, 251, and 190 for a 650 series. 114 average bowler Geneva Edwards shot 41 pins over her average for a 155.
     Our friends in Covington are in action now, and are submitting their weekly reports. Gary Edmiston rolled 68 pins over his average for a 209, and also a 193, 52 over.  He had a 561 series, 138 pins over his series norm. Travis Edwards had a good night, rolling games of 258, 221, and 207. A high average bowler, Edwards shot a 686 series., and we can’t forget the 258 game was 57 pins over.
     Split conversions were plenty this week, with Keith Barnes closing the gap on the 6-7-10, John Gebhart picking up the 4-10, and Tom Gebhart wiping out the 4-7-9-10.
     The Ladies League in Westville had Phyllis Rhutan picking up the 4-5-7, and Laura Baird picking up the 6-7.
     Hard to believe no one bowled 50 or more pins above their average this week in the Senior League, but we do have a few splits to report on. Marla Troyer knocked out the 5-8-10, Bob Maxwell, the 3-7-10, Teddy Carter the 4-10, and Harvey Miller finished up with the 5-10.
     Let’s not forget the Tuesday Nite Go Getters where Gary Holycross was 56 pins over with a 231. Keith Carter was 43 over with a 181, while Harlie Huckleby shot 41 over for a 164. Dot Tiffin was 106 pins over her series average.  Tracy Smith picked up the 6-7-10, Stan Harvey with the 2-8-7, while both Laura Baird and Mac McDaniel converted the 5-6-10. Paula Beatty, Jordyn Castle, and Sue Strong all knocked out the 5-10. Sherry Castongue corralled the 4-5-10.
        You can get all the columns by checking out Tuck’s Bowling for Fun blog at:
    . If you are a league secretary, we would love to have your league reports. Drop me an e-mail message to and I will contact you with what I would like to have to make your reports complete. Help me to recognize your league bowlers for their achievements.
   You can get all the columns by checking out Tuck’s Bowling for Fun blog at:
       Until next time, let’s have fun, and knock ‘em down..

Friday, September 19, 2014

September 18, 2014

      Most of the men bowlers in the Danville area, have probably noticed the USBC cards went up to $19 a year. The USBC seemed to be taking some of our benefits away, while still raking in the money.  They took away the patches, and substituted them with magnets, that looked like the former patches. Then they switched to key chains. The $2 increase now allows the local association to buy our own awards and make sure our bowlers are recognized for their achievements.  Many of them will once again be in patch form.  Some past awards will return, like the Dutch 200, the All Spare Game, and the Triplicate patch.  Some of the more prestigious awards, such as a 300 ring, will now be issued once in the bowler’s lifetime.
     If you would like to bowl in the state Senior Bowling Tournament in Pekin on Nov 8th and 9th, bring your money down to the Senior League on either of the next 2 Thursday afternoons.  Money must be in by the 25th of this month.
    Let’s look up to Hoopeston again this week for our 1st report. It has been reported that Fast Lanes is going fast and furious.  On the Sunday Night Mixed League, Jeremy Lanes fired a 277 followed by John Lowes 258- 663 series and the ladies were led by Karen Porth with a 204 game. Monday night Ladies were led by Patty Lowe with a 237 game  and 560 series. The Wednesday night Ladies were led by Kellie Thilmony with a 194 game.  The Thursday afternoon ladies were led by Darlene Musk with a 212- 600 series. The Will Bruens Thursday night mens league were led by Brandon Hamilton's 268 - 696 series followed by Russell Reeds 248 and Duane Rashers 700 series.
     Fast Lanes will be hosting a 7-8-9 pin mixed tournament on Saturday October 10 starting at 7:00 and is open to anyone.   
     In the MS Nail Salon League, Patti Harrier picked up the 4-10 split, while Janet Starkey bowled a 197. Brenda Lomax bowled an all spare game of 173.
      The Senior League boasted a few good scores this past Thursday. Bob Maxell rolled a 201 game, 55pins over his game average. Barb Walls topped out with a 212, 62 pins over, while Ed Reed shot 68 pins over with a 233.  He also bowled a 218, 53 pins over, and 141 pins over his series norm with a 636.
    Joe Elliott bowled a 210 game which was 91 pins over his game average.,  Houston Key bowled a 567 series which was 102 pins over his series total, and  Bill McDaniel bowled a 198 game which was 57 pins over his game avg.  He also had a 525 series which was 102 pins over his series total. They had 3 good split conversions, which included Bill McDaniel with the 3-5-7,   Jim Thomas the 2-4-10 and Sue Strong knocking out the 2-5-7.
     Let’s not forget the Tuesday Nite Go Getters, where a week ago, Ella Miller shot a 206, 94 pins over her average, and 148 pins over her series total. This past week, some other great scores were recorded. Russ Puzey rolled 54 pins over average for a 183, and he also knocked out the 5-6-10 split. 133 average bowler Jon Castle rolled 3 good games. They included a 177, 44 pins over, a 190, 57 over, and finished out the night with a 199, 66 pins above his average, while topping his series average by 141 pins. Greg Miller rolled 56 pins over his game average, while Stan Harvey was also 56.  They weren’t finished yet. Maggie Birge shot 56 pins over average. Other split conversions included the 5-7 by Bub Tiffin, and the 5-6 by Sandy West. Keith Carter knocked out the 3-9-10, 

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

September 11, 2014

    If you are reading this, it means the bowling season for 2014-2015 has now started. Started it has, and with a bang.
     Hoopeston’s Fast Lanes bowling Center is only their 2nd week of bowling, but Brandon Hamilton, bowling in the Will Bruen’s League, rolled a 300 game in his 1st game, and followed that up with a 733 series. Randy Hiltz then followed that up with a 290 after leaving a 7 pin in the first frame.
   Doug Wagoner bowled a 702 with games of 231,237,234. CISSN Park bowlers are finding the line as Doug Bauer bowled a 253 and Dean Kregel a 234. On the Sunday night mixed league Johnny Lowe led he way with a 246 game and 663 series. On the Monday night ladies league it was Jennifer Crawley leading the way with a 2276 and 546 series followed by Linda Van Burke with a 215. Fast Lanes will post their tournament dates for the 7-8-9 pin mixed doubles starting October 11 at 7:00pm   
    Speaking of 300’s, I know for a fact that Ron Blagg rolled two 300 games during the summer season.  My mom, Shirley Miller, also rolled a 300 in the Senior League’s 1st session on August 21st.  Only problem, it was a 300 series, spot on.
   Now, on to the leagues reporting for this week. We do have a few that are still missing, and hopefully they will start submitting soon.
   Did you know they have a bowling alley in the Legion on State St? Monday mornings in Westville they have a group of ladies that bowl at the Legion, and this past week there were a few split conversions. Judy Mariage picked up the 3-9-10, while both Nicole Waterman and Sandy Taylor knocked out the 5-10.
     The ladies from the MS Nail Salon League at Lincoln Lanes have started off well, with team Magic rolling a high scratch game of 649, and a high series of 1892.  A week later the Magic rolled 642 scratch game, and a 1847 scratch series.  The Holy Rollers bowled a high handicap game of 706 and a high handicap series of 1945. One week Donna Rayhel rolled a 199, and a 539 series by Sue Strong.  The next week Ann Minnette shot a 200, and Strong a 199.
   The Tuesday Nite Go Getters had 2 high games the 1st week, with Laura Baird, with 53 pins over, and Ray Rogers with a 256 game.  Martha Elliott converted the 5-6-10.
    Heading over to the Thursday afternoon Senior League the past couple of weeks, the following took place:  Ron Blagg rolled a 237, and Jack Taylor shot a 539 series. Terry Bell topped out with a 670. Sue Strong rolled 60 pins over her average with a 202, and 112 pins over series, while Tuck Miller was 108 pins over series average.  Last week, Bob Coburn bowled a 177 game, 53 over, Ron Blagg, 54 over average with a 223, and Ron Candido with a 245, 54 over pin average.
   Recent split conversions were Ernie Harvey with the 4-5-7, Judy Gebhart and Meredith Stokes with the 5-7, and Miller with the 6-7-10.
   Many leagues are still looking for bowlers, and even people who are willing to sub from time to time. If you are interested, I would suggest stopping by one of the local centers, and asking the people behind the desk if they know of any vacancies, or even if they have a waiting list.  You might even stop by during the bowling sessions, and talk with the league officials.  Being a secretary, and past President myself, I know that having people on a waiting list, to either replace a bowler, or have a substitute for the night, is a great thing to have.
   Yes, we are missing some of the leagues from last year, and are looking forward to their reports the next couple of weeks.
   You can get all the columns by checking out Tuck’s Bowling for Fun blog at:
    . If you are a league secretary, we would love to have your league reports. Drop me an e-mail message to and I will contact you with what I would like to have to make your reports complete. Help me to recognize your league bowlers for their achievements.
   You can get all the columns by checking out Tuck’s Bowling for Fun blog at:

       Until next time, let’s have fun, and knock ‘em down..

Saturday, March 29, 2014

DABA to have annual meeting this Sunday afternoon


    Attention all Danville Area Bowling Association members. There will be a meeting this coming Sunday afternoon, 3:30 PM March 30, at Spanky’s Banquet Hall, located just east of the Main St tracks. On the agenda is a possible dues increase and changes in the awards program. This is the annual meeting, and normally it is a low turn out. Let’s pack the house out, and show the Board that we care.
   The Battle of the Stars, a local tournament where the best bowlers in the Danville area, get together, and battle it out for the championship. The tourney invited both men and women, and included 2 weekends. One at Bulans, and the last, at Lincoln Lanes.
   The Men concluded on Saturday afternoon,with 5th seed Charlie Varner losing to 4th seed, Kyle Sirrat. Sirrat proceeded to knock out Scott Kopacz, the 3rd seed. Stopping Sirrat was 2nd seed Kevin West. However, West’s run was short lived, when he met the 1st seed, David T. Winchester, who, by winning the last match, obtained his 1st Battle of the Stars crown. The ladies conclusion on Sunday was also exciting, as 5th seed Janet McMasters worked her way to the top, by beating 4th seed Katrina Edwards 195-168. 3rd seed Brandi Welsch lost to McMasters, 191 – 139. McMasters then met 2nd seed Nicole Brown, where once again she was victorious 189 - 153. Then, McMasters, after bowling 8 straight games, matched up with number 1 seed Jackie Varner, and won the championship 231 – 197.
   The Monday Night Church No Tap league’s Jimmy Scruggs rolled a 278 game and a 701 series. Son, J.R., rolled a 277, and a 739 series. Sue Strong shot a 685 series, including a 256 game. Others, 50 or more pins over average were Albert Syass, 70 over with a 244. Cal Richards had a 266, 60 above, Joanie Hedlund, 81 over with a 242, James Fair topping out 57 over with a 188, and McKenna Smith shooting a 181, 55 games over average.
   Westville’s Monday Morning Ladies League is reporting that Marilyn Tuggle picked up the 5-10 split.
   The Tuesday Nite Go Getters has Kevin Powell shooting a 195, 52 over, Jan Frank, over by 56, with a 200, Tracy Smith, 58 over with a 223, and Derek Darr, 55 over with a 201. Split conversions included the 5-10 by Mac McDaniel, and Paula Beatty, the 4-5 by Martha Elliott, and the 6-7-10 by John Pendleton. Tony Dompe converted the 3-4-6-7-10.
   In the Senior League Marion Johnson rolled 56 pins above average for a 188 game, while Linda Engle shot a 516 series, 108 pins over. Barb Smith knocked out the 9-10 split, and Laura Baird, the 5-6-10. Judy Gebhart converted the 5-7, as did Michael Seward. Terry Koebrich knocked out the 5-10, while Linda Engle, Judy Gebhart, Bill McDaniel, and Jack Taylor all converted the 3-10.
   The Thursday Night Lutheran League is reporting some great scores as well. Chad Ziegler was 63 over for a 254. Bill Fletcher, 45 above for a 191, and Jason Woodworth, 50 over for a 258. Wayne Brown Sr. topped his average by 55 pins for a 241, Bruce Rothery, 99 pins over for a 279.
   The Friday Night Mixed League has Kyle Sirrat bowling 53 over for a 266, while Nicole Brown was 47 over for a 241. Rueben Villereal, 65 over for a 256, Jarvis Brown, 70 over with a 277, and Zech Connelly finishing 88 over for a 275.
   We finish up this week with Covington’s Friday Night Mixed League.Roger Gossett was 55 over for a 215, Jessica Barnes above 57 with a 181. Chad Edmiston converted the 5-7, while brother Gary picked up the 2-7.
    That wraps up the reports for this week. If you are a league secretary, we would love to have your league reports. Drop me an e-mail message to
   You can get all the columns by checking out Tuck’s Bowling for Fun blog at:
    Until next week, let’s have fun and knock ‘em down.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Skimehorn rolls his 3rd perfect game of season.

Just learned that Steve Skimehorn rolled his 3rd 300 game for this season.
    The Church No Tap league report this week includes J.R. Scruggs topping out with a 749 series. George Gouard rolled a 746, including a 266 game. Rolling a 256 game, which was 54 pins over average, was Jimmy Scruggs, and a 680 series. Sue Strong knocked out a 627 series. Others, 50 or more pins over average were U. Pete Williams with a 260, 82 over. Kenny Smith was 50 over with a 219, and 123 average bowler, Mallory Buss was 73 over with a 196. Albert Syass knocked out both the 5-10, and the 6-8-10 splits.
   In the MS Nail Salon League, Betty Rowley bowled a 221 which was 92 pins over her average.
    In the Monday Morning League, Laura Baird picked up the 4-5.
    The Tuesday Nite Go Getter’s Houston Key knocked out a 222 game, 65 pins above average. Sherry Castongue was 51 over with a 185, and Ron Blagg had another great night, 52 pins over with a 224. Split conversions consisted of Bub Tiffin and Sandy West with the 5-10. Mac McDaniel with the 3-9-10, and Harlie Huckleby with the 5-8-10. Greg Miller and Fred Fultz converted the 5-6, while Larry Cope picked up the 5-6-10.
    The Thursday afternoon Senior League has Dorothy Hesler 50 pins over average with a 192. 79 pins above average was Ed Reed with a 267. He was also 119 pins over series average with a 683. Converting the 5-7 was Barb Smith, Bub Tiffin, and Michael Seward. Houston Key knocked out the 5-10, Betty Lierman, the 4-5, and Gerald Arnett with the 5-8-10.
    Lincoln Lane’s Lutheran League has Rueben Villereal rolling 59 pins above, with a 255.    Greg Block was 73 above with a 277, Bill Reik, 72 over, with a 267. Jerrad Reed finished the evening with a 736 series.
   The Friday Night Mixed League in Danville had Ken Pankow 47 over with a 235, and Greg Miller 50 over, for a 224. Jackie Varner was 92 over for a 289. Stewart Mercer, was 88 over for a 268, and Josh Maynor with a 248, 64 above. TY Harmenson had a 267, 95 over, while Jeremy Wright was 61 over, with a 246. Zech Connelly was 48 above average when he knocked out a 235 game, and Rich McFarland closed the evening with a 759 series, including a 279 game.
    In Covington’s Friday Night Mixed action we had Ron Cates picking up the 4-6-7 split and Lorie Griffin picked up the 5-10 split.  Terry Bell had games of 254-211-188 for a 653 series and the 254 was 62 over. Kevin Barnes rolled 183-235-212, for a 630 the 235 was 58 over, and Jim Hensley a 230 game, 68 over. Aaron Howard rolled a 231, 61 over, and Troy Jordan was 52 over, with a 223.
     The Bulan’s Monday Night Mixed League reports some great scores the last couple of weeks. Starting off though, with a couple of split conversions, we have Jim Burke with the 3-7-10, Matt Peaslee, the 6-7-10, and Brandy Jones, the 5-7. Nick Grubb had a 298 game, and rolled 2 separate series of 597, and 689. Karle Norwell had a game high 257, while Kim Cotton had a 258. Others 50 or more over included Wes Watkins with a 189, 53 over. Connie Williams was 63 over, with a 207. Bowling 57 over was Brent Honn with a 216, 75 over, Susie Garman, and 62 over, Steve Cotton, with a 198. Matt Peaslee rolled 72 over for a 258, while Steven Sollars bowled a 204, 63 over. Kim Cotton was 71 over with a 58 game, Steve Cotton with a 199, 62 over, and Larry Reffett, 63 over for a 228.
   Our last report for the week includes Jerome Nelson Sr., with a265, 64 pins above average. Joe Lewis was 57 over with a 263, and 51 pins above, was Mark Hillsman Sr., with a 202. Rolling games of 227, 225, and 259, was Jason Turner, giving him a series total of 711.
    That wraps up the reports for this week. If you are a league secretary, we would love to have your league reports. Drop me an e-mail message to
   You can get all the columns by checking out Tuck’s Bowling for Fun blog at:
    Until next week, let’s have fun and knock ‘em down.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Hufford, Scruggs, roll 300 games

       Derrick Hufford, top bowler of the week with a 300 game, this past Thursday evening in the Lutheran League, with a 729 series. More Lutheran League scores below. J.R, Scruggs also bowled a 300 game, No Tap Style, and a 788 series, in the Church League. 
    Had a great turn out for the Double's Tournament, recently held at Danville’s Lincoln Lanes. Congratulations to the following bowlers: 1st - Jeremy Wright & Evan Davis; 2nd - Mark New & Jordan Decker; 3rd - Scott Kopacz & David T. Winchester; 4th - Dorothy Mcfarland & Rich McFarland and in 5th - Joshua Troxtell & David Henderson.
    The Church No Tap league report this week includes Jimmy Scruggs shooting a 277, 77 pins over. and a 781 series. Others with 50 or more above average were Scott Cunningham with a 266, 70 over; Krystle Evans had a 215 game, 54 over while Essie Syass bowled 63 pins over average with a 187.
   In the MS Nail Salon League, Frances Miller-Hauf rolled a 191 game, which was 74 pins over average, and was included in a 453 series. Ilse Durbin converted the 3-10-4-7 split.
   Westville’s Monday Morning League had Judy Mariage picking up the 4-5, Mary Seilhymer, the 5-6-10, Martha Hance the 5-7, and Laura Baird the 5-6.
   John Mikel was the star of the night for the Tuesday Nite Go Getters with his 206 and 210 games, 54 and 58 pins over average, respectively. He was over his series average by 124 pins. Melissa Castle was 55 pins over average with a 179.
   The Senior League is also reporting some great scores. Michael Seward had a 218 game, 512 pins over, with a 607 series, 106 pins above average. Allen Taylor had a 210 game, 50 pins over.  Stan Harvey, shot 52 pins over with a 244. Bowling 52 pins over average was Barb Smith for a 180 game. Eleanora Young rolled shot 102 pins over her series average for a 525 game, which included a 198, 57 pins over.  In split conversions, Jim Thomas knocked out the 4-5-7, Fred Fultz, the 5-10, and Greg Miller with the 2-7-8. 
   Covington’s Friday Night League has Judy Gebhart 50 pins over average with a 181. Brian Goodwin shot a 200, 53 over, while Shawn Abernathy was 46 over with a 176 game. Angel Long was 40 above her average with a 127, and Brittany Hoffa, 44 over with a 147 average. 140 average bowler, Dewaine Bowling shot 42 over for a 182. Marcie Bowling picked up the 3-7, and Judy Overstreet, the 5-7.
   Thursday evening Lutheran League has Terrence Cloyd on record bowling games of 268, 245, and 267 for a series of 780. Bruce Rothery bowled 47 over for a 225. Anthony Ashby rolled 87 pins over average with a 247 game. Shooting 52 pins over average was Georgia Seward with a 207 game and Eric Crockett, 58 over, with a 243.
   The Friday Night Mixed League here in Danville has Evan Davis topping his average by 76 pins for a 255 game, while Tina Zaayer garners 62 pins over for a 236 game. Joe Rich bowls a 607 series, while Teresa Cloyd bowls a 212, 45 over. Nicole Brown had a great night, rolling a 286 game, and Danny Lazzell with a 267 game, 64 pins above.  Jim Thomas rolls 59 over with a 254, while Greg Miller finishes up the night with a 239, 67 pins over.
   I would like to suggest something to my fellow bowlers.  When you see dead wood in the channels, have them removed before you bowl. Did you know that if your ball hits the pin it is then considered dead, and any resulting pin fall does NOT count. Many bowlers throw a hook ball, going to the outside edge of the lane, and hooking sharply to the pocket. If a pin is slightly at an angle, and may not even be noticeable from the approach, the ball could make contact, and be slightly deflected in its course.
    That wraps up the reports for this week. If you are a league secretary, we would love to have your league reports. Drop me an e-mail message to
   You can get all the columns by checking out Tuck’s Bowling for Fun blog at:

    Until next week, let’s have fun and knock ‘em down.

Bryan Lawson Rolls 1st 300 game.

   Bryan Lawson rolls his 1st career 300 during tournament competition this past weekend in the Lincoln Lanes Open, and finishes in the 4th position. Eric Crockett was the tourney champ, with recently inducted Hall of Famer, Jackie Varner coming in 2nd. Coming in 3rd was Nicole Brown, 5th place Byron Miller, and 6th place, Mark New. The 7th place finisher was Jason Woodworth, followed by Kyle Sirratt for number 8. Placing 9th was Terrence Cloyd, tied for 11th were Megan Thomas and Joe Lewis, and in 12th Kim Curry-Yocum. Varner rolled a 749 series, and Brown finished with a 725.
    There will be a doubles tournament this coming Sunday at Lincoln Lanes at 1 pm, with check in from 11:30 to 12:30.
    Let’s get to the League reports, starting off with the Church No Tap League. You might have missed reading the report last week, as the league secretary was enjoying the beautiful San Diego weather. She had to return to reality this week however, so here is their report for the last 2 weeks:
   For the week of Feb 17th, J. R. Scruggs rolled a 683 series while the following 2 bowlers rolled 50 or more pins over average Karen Hoskins, a 228, 58 over, and McKenna Smith, 69 over for a 191. Sue Strong converted the 3-6-7-10.                   For the week of the 24th, Kenny Smith picked up the 5-7 split, while the following bowlers were 50 or more pins over average: Albert Syass 236, 64 over; George Gouard, 55 over with a 254; Sharon Craft, 236, 50 over; Devin Heinrichs, 84 over with a 245; and Smith was 73 over with a 341. McKenna Smith finished up with 50 pins over, with a 174.
    Some great scores reported in the Tuesday Nite Go Getters this past week. They consisted of Whitney Tiffin rolling 100 pins over her series average with a 382. Sue Strong was 52 over her game average with a 222. Mac McDaniel was 61 over with a 211. 58 pins over for a 255 game was Gary Holycross, as well as being 118 over his series average with a 649. Mike Camarate rolled 68 pins over for a 213, while Charlie Tiffin had 61 over for a 220. These bowlers had some good split conversions. They are Larry Cope 7-8, Kevin Powell 4-7-10, Sue Strong 6-7, Sandy West 9-10, and Natalia Fluhr 3-7. The 4-5 was picked up by both Maggie Birge, and Sherry Castongue. Converting the 5-10, were Melissa Castle, Charlie Tiffin, and Bub Tiffin.
   The Senior League reports that Judy Gebhart rolled 64 pins above average for a 205 game. Ron Blagg however was top bowler of the week with a 708 series which included games of 231, and 256. Ron has a 175 average. Tuck Miller  was 51 pins over with a 191. Converting splits were Keith Carter with the 5-10, Martha Elliott, with the 4-5, not once, but twice, Jan Frank with the 6-7, Judy Gebhart the 5-7, and Joe Stokes showing how to pick up the 4-7-9.
   In the Friday Night League, we have Josie Wright rolling 46 pins over for a 176; Joe Lewis with a 278, 69 above; Ty Harmeson, above average by 53 for a 224; and Bryan Lawson, with a 257, 57 over. Tuck Miller rolled 44 over for a 191, Terry Lutz, 2 244, 49 over, and Greg Black, 54 over for a final tally of 259.
   The Lutheran League had Terrence Cloyd shooting a 275 game, 60 over, and Bruce Rothery rolling a 226, 49 pins above. Justin Bargo bowled a 247 game, while Josh Troxtel had a 244. Paul Woodworth was 63 pins above for a 256, while Rueben Villereal finished with a 268, 72 pins above.
  That wraps up the reports for this week. If you are a league secretary, we would love to have your league reports. Drop me an e-mail message to
   You can get all the columns by checking out Tuck’s Bowling for Fun blog at:

    Until next week, let’s have fun and knock ‘em down.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

      The Hall of Fame Banquet will be held this year at the Riggle, on Saturday, March 1. The Riggle is located on West Lyons Road, west of Georgetown Road. Tickets are no longer available for the dinner; however, you may come for the induction ceremonies.
     Congrats go out to Bobby Fauver and Scott Reinken for rolling 300 games in the recent city tournament. Hope to have full results next week.
     In the Tuesday Nite Go Getters, Harlie Huckleby rolled a 182 game, 59 pins over average. He also shot a 460 series, 91 pins over. Paula Beatty rolled a 212, 58 over. Russ Puzey picked up the 5-7 split, while Gary Holycross converted the 4-7-9. Sue Strong knocked out the 5-10, and Charlie Tiffin made the 2-10 disappear.
   The Senior League’s Bob Coburn rolled a 499 series, 118 pins over his series average. Charlotte Gouty shot a 145, 64 pins over, while Jim Thomas was 57 pins over with a 216. Tuck Miller picked up the 5-7, Darlene Edwards the 2-7, and Bub Tiffin the 5-10.
   The MS Nail Salon League reports that Susan O'Herron picked up the 3-7.
   Covington’s Friday Night League has Brian Goodwin with a 216 for 69 over and Troy Jordan with 228 for 57 over.
   Lincoln Lane’s Lutheran League has Michael Seward shooting a 231, 62 over, and Don Miller with a 625 series. Eric Zanders rolled a 254, 53 over, and a 258, 57 over. Andy Ruether topped out with a 231, 58 pins over, while Joe Cox was 55 over with a 242. Jamie Paxton had a 647 series, while Kyle Sirratt shot a 753.
   The Lincoln Lane’s Friday Night League is reporting some great scores as usual this week, starting off with Stewart Mercer a 237 game, 58 over, and 235, 56 over. Jennie Kile shot a 239, 66 over, while Zech Connelly shot 67 over with a 253. Cheryl Girton was 65 over average with a 201, Evan Davis was 56 over with a 243, and Dante Baxter shot a 218 with 51 over. Daryl Smith had a 209 game, 50 over, Rich McFarland had a678 series, and David Winchester topped out with a 697. Kyle Sirratt had a736 series, including a 279 game. Jon Cox shot 59 over with a 236, and Tuck Miller finished up the night with a 205 game, 68 pins over average. Greg Miller converted both the 4-10 and the 4-9.
  Johan Pendleton of MeHarry’s League rolled a 284, and Jason Turner, a 279. Robin Turner shot a 240, while David Winchester bowled games of 269, 258, and 264 for a 791 series. Kevin Vehlewald finished up with a 279, and Marian Foster converted the 6-7-10 split.
   Rule Refresher: If a bowler drops articles such as coins, jewelry, phones or pins over the foul line, it is NOT a foul. Part of the persons body has to touch something that is on the other side of the line.
    That wraps up the reports for this week. If you are a league secretary, we would love to have your league reports. Drop me an e-mail message to
   You can get all the columns by checking out Tuck’s Bowling for Fun blog at:

    Until next week, let’s have fun and knock ‘em down.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

DABA announces Hall of 2014 Fame Inductees

    The Danville Area Bowling Association has announced its 2014 inductees. For the Men’s, David T. Winchester and Jason Turner for achievement, and Richard Wahlfeldt for Seniors. On the Women’s Wall will be Jackie Varner for achievement, Marla Troyer for service, and for the Senior Division, it will be Regina Winchester.
    The Danville City Tournament continues this weekend, including both doubles and single events. Squad times are Saturday and Sunday at 9 am and 1 pm. You can contact Darren Van Duyn at 260-8169.
    The Hall of Fame Banquet will be held this year at the Riggle, on Saturday, March 1. Social time will start at 6, with dinner to follow at 6:30. Tickets are $20 and can only be purchased in advance. Contact Darren Van Duyn at 260-8169 soon, as tickets may run out.
    Congrats go out to Eric Crockett in the Friday Night League, and Larry Cash for rolling their 1st ever 300 games. Cash bowled his on Saturday evening in the city tournament. Jim Miller rolled an 805 series this past weekend.
  George Gouard, Jimmy Scruggs, U. Pete Williams and J.R. Scruggs were the high rollers this past week for the Church No Tap League. Gouard had a 298 game and a 758 series, while Jimmy Scruggs rolled a 279 and a 278, which helped him to top off with a 756 series. U. Pete Williams had a 746 series, including a 261 game, 87 pins over average. J.R. Scruggs finished with a 710 series. On the women’s side, Sue Strong threw a series total, 642, with a 256 game. Others 50 or more above average were Krystle Evans 212 (51), Karen Hoskins 219 (50), Karen Lane 210 (85), and McKenna Smith 183 (62). Nancy Goodner converted the 4-5-7-10 split.
   In the Tuesday Nite Go Getters, Larry Cope topped out with a 147, 54 over, and also 138 pins over series average for a 417. Charlie Tiffin 54 pins over average for a 210, and 100 pins over series average with a 568. Dick Lamb was 101 pins over series for a 524.  Irv Summers picked up the 8-10, Melissa Castle, the 6-7-10, Maggie Birge, the 4-7-9, and Sue Strong the 4-5-7.
   The Senior League had Joe Stokes rolling a 206 game, 63 over; Harlie Huckleby, 50 over for a 170.  Ed Reed shot a 243, 56 over, and two 231 games, which was included in a 705 series, 144 pins over. Michael Seward rolled a 236, 69 pins over. Billy McDaniels picked up the 5-6 split.
   MeHarry’s has Poo Nelson shooting a 266, 56 over; Harvetta Rose with a 206, 71 over; and Marvin Brandon 246, 59 pins over average.  Also, James Nelson rolled a 237, 68 pins over; Henry Stevenson bowled a 247, 243, and 227, 67 and 63 pins over game average, totaling a 717 series. Kevin Vehlewald shot a 248.
    That wraps up the reports for this week. If you are a league secretary, we would love to have your league reports. Drop me an e-mail message to
   You can get all the columns by checking out Tuck’s Bowling for Fun blog at:

    Until next week, let’s have fun and knock ‘em down.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Bowling 02-13-`4

Former Danville resident James Miller rolled his 6th career 300 game at Orchard Lanes in Savoy, Il. on February 1st.
   Two tournaments to report on, First, the High/Low tourney held at Sycamore Lanes in Covington.
   First off, on the low side, Steven Jones defeated Billy Jackman, 226 to 169 in game 1. Jones went on to defeat Linda Engle in game 2, 201 to 155. Game 3 had Tyler West defeating Jones 223 to 154, and advancing to the final match against Robin Turner, where Turner was the victor, 184 to 170. Turner advanced to the championship.
     On the high side, Derrick Hufford defeated Scott Kopacz in game 1 205 to 184. Hufford then met Scott Reinken in game 2, and lost 202-173. In game 3, Doug Wagner of Hoopeston defeated Reinken 182 to 171. Wagner advanced to the final match on the high side, facing Brandon Hamilton, who came out on top, with a final score of 193 to 158.
   Hamilton faced off against Turner in the Championship game, winning 188 to 180.
   The final stop for the High/Low Tourney will be held at Lincoln Lanes on March 8th. Note however, that only those bowling in 3 of the other tourney stops will be eligible to bowl in this event.
    Mark your calendars as the Men’s City Tournament will get underway this weekend with the team event at Lincoln Lanes. Forms are now available at the bowling centers.  
     Great turnout at Lincoln Lanes this past weekend for the 3 man tournament. The top 5 teams included the following bowlers: 1st Place-Bryan Lawson, Ruben Villarreal, and Cliff Duprey; 2nd Place – Ron Phelps, Bubba Cash, and Julie Richards; 3rd Place – Jerome Nelson Jr., Burley Caston, and Jerome Nelson Sr.; 4th Place – Jolene Krout, Eddie Donnelly and Robert Fauver; and in 5th place were Daryl Smith, Ryan Smith and Terry Lutz.
    J.R. Scruggs led the Church No Tap League this past week with a 693 series. Rolling games 50 or more pins over average were George Gouard with a 265 (70) over; Terry Jones with a 247 (53 over); U. Pete Williams, 222 (50) over; Ella Ellis shot 231 (68); Rolling 59 pins over for a 218 was Devin Heinrichs; Kenny Smith was 56 above for a 221, while McKenna Smith was over for a 192 (72). Apologies go to Cal Richards. Last week, I mistyped. I reported he had a 128, when actually he had a 278. Sorry about that Cal.
        The Seniors did well with Greg Miller leading the group with a 226 (53), and Martha Elliott shot a 190 (51). Converting splits were Keith Carter with the 3-6-7-10, Shirley Lamm, the 5-6, Judy Gebhart with the 4-5, and Gerald Arnett and Michael Seward with the 5-10.
    Rose Schaeffhold was high roller this past week for the Covington Mixed League on Friday nights rolling a 221 (77). She also converted the 5-7 split. Keith Barnes a 182 (59), and picked up the 2-10 twice.
   The Friday Mixed League has been rolling some good scores as well. Leland Black started the evening off with a 208(53). Billy Richards 255 (65). Tuck Miller 194 (54). Bud Taylor shot a 754 series. 201 average bowler Doc Finch 254 (53), while Albert Kile, a 267 (66). Rick Bland with a 224 (68), Eric Crockett had a 266 (81), and Billy Morgan had a 705 series. Dave Beckett topped his average by 67 for a 211. The pin boys were busy with Rich McFarland on the lanes. He had games of 279, 290 and 183 for a 772 series. Brandon Stingley, 78 over with a 244, Dante Baxter, 228, 63 over, and Bryan Lawson shot a 725.
   MS Nail Salon: Ann Minnette had a 571 series. Sue Dowdy 191 (68); Sally Reed 206 (74); and Janet Starkey 465 series.
    The Lutheran League reports that Sue Moore had 61 over for a 188, Eric Crockett 247 (63), Ruben Villereal 244 (49), Kyle Sirrat 258 (52), Bryan Lawson 256 (59), Leland Black 220 (59), Brad Lankster 653 series, 146 over average. Cesar Garza 208 (57), Joe Blagg 215 (42), and David Campbell 225 (67). 
    That wraps up the reports for this week. If you are a league secretary, we would love to have your league reports. Drop me an e-mail message to
   You can get all the columns by checking out Tuck’s Bowling for Fun blog at:

    Until next week, let’s have fun and knock ‘em down.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

February 6, 2014

Snowpocalypse 2014. Well, that’s what some are calling this recent snow storm that left many of us with over 6 inches of snow, and in some places even more. It is no secret,that I only tolerate winter weather, and also understand that there are some, who actually love all this white stuff.  I was thinking last night that in February 2009, I was probably grilling some burgers over an open grill in San Diego. Not doing that now. One thing for sure, this storm played havoc with some of the leagues again, cancelling their evening sessions once again. With the blowing wind, creating drifts in the rural areas, safety always comes first, when deciding on if the event should go on.
   Some high scores in the Church No Tap League. Leading the pack were Cal Richards with a 128, and Jimmy Scruggs with a 275. Scruggs had a 751 series, Richards with a 750, and J.R. Scruggs rolled a 702. Sue Strong had a 674, while Sharon Craft shot a 626. Others with 50 or more over their averages were Scott Cunningham, 69 over, with a 265; Devin Heinrichs, 88 over for a 246; Karen Hoskins, 74 over with a 244; and 118 average bowler, McKenna Smith, over 56, for a 174. Miles Clark knocked out the 5-8-10, while Jim Switzer picked up the 5-7.
   Let’s continue with the Tuesday Nite Go Getters, where Dick Lamb rolled a 191, 51 pins over his game average. John Mikel knocked out a 213, 62 over, Gary Holycross shot a 233, 55 over, and Derek Darr topped out his average by 54 for a 197. Split conversions include Jan Frank with the 4-6, Tony Dompe, the 6-7-9-10, Derek Darr, the 5-10, and Joe Elliott with the 4-5-7.
  The Monday Night Mixed League at Bulans had Carol Keller rolling a 189, 57 pins over average; Bruce Shephard, 55 pins over for a 211; and Rachel Watkins, 50 over, for a 179.
   The Senior League reports that Terry Bell rolled 53 over his average with a 247, and bowled a 692 series. Fred Fultz had a 209 game, 74 over average. Split pick ups included Bub Tiffin, the 5-7, Linda Engle, the 4-5-7, and Laura Baird with the 4-5.
   Lastly, the Saturday Night MeHarry’s League had Doc Finch rolling a 716 series, of which the following games were included: 239, 224, and 253. Henry Steven shot games of 247, 227, and 247 for a 717 series. Poo Nelson had a 255 game, with an average of 209, and Marvin Brandon rolled 62 over for a 247.
   That wraps up the reports for this week. If you are a league secretary, we would love to have your league reports. Drop me an e-mail message to
   You can get all the columns by checking out Tuck’s Bowling for Fun blog at:

    Until next week, let’s have fun and knock ‘em down.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

CN Column 01-30-14

Can you believe that almost two thirds of the season has passed us by? Guess the good thing about that though, it means Spring is just around the corner.
   Before we get started on this week’s report, are you a League bowler in the Danville area, and would like to see your name in the paper for your bowling scores?  Ask your league secretary to submit reports each week, and they will appear.
   Paula Beatty of the Tuesday Nite Go Getter’s is our top bowler of the week, She rolled a 593 series, including a 201 game, 50 pins over average, and 140 pins over her series average. Others with high series this week for the League were Charlie Tiffin, 121 over, Joe Elliott, also 121 over, and Jan Frank, 118 above. Tiffin had a 217 game, 61 over, and Frank was 54 over with a 194. Kevin Powell also shot a 201 game, 61 pins over average. Split conversions include the 3-7 by Russ Puzey, 8-10 by Deb Miller, and the 5-7, and 5-8-10 splits by Sue Strong.
   In the Monday Night No Tap League J. R. Scruggs threw a 725 series, while Steve Finch rolled a 678. Bowlers, 50 or more pins over includes Terry Jones with a 259, 66 pins over. Rolling 83 pins over average was Joanie Hedlund, with a 243. Bowling 56 pins over, were both Larry Craft with a 227, and Jim Switzer, a 241. U. Pete Williams shot 63 above with a 232. John Nixon converted the 3-7-10.
   Some great scores were rolled in the Senior League. Ed Reed was 59 over with a 245, while Greg Miller was 60 pins over with a 232. Pam Jeffers topped her average by 52 pins for a 192, and Di Summers finished 50 pins over with a 168. Picking up splits were Allen Taylor and Tuck Miller with the 5-7, Greg Miller and Laura Baird with the 3-9-10, while Elenora Young knocked out the 5-10. Barb Smith converted both the 5-6, and the 5-6-10, while Judy Gebhart picked up the 3-7-10.
   The Monday Night League at Bulans is reporting that Betsy Hall rolled a 231, with a 189 average. Others 50 or more above average were Todd Goodner, 50 pins over. Rachel Watkins rolled a 196, and a 188, 69 and 60 pins, respectively. 184 average bowler Matt Peaslee, shot a 244, 60 over. Carol Keller rolled a 194, 62 over, Jim Burke bowled 77 pins over for a 245, and Ashley Redman finished up with a 203, 78 pins over. Sandi Burke converted the 4-10 split..
   That wraps up the reports for this week. If you are a league secretary, we would love to have your league reports. Drop me an e-mail message to
   You can get all the columns by checking out Tuck’s Bowling for Fun blog at:

    Until next week, let’s have fun and knock ‘em down.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

January 23rd, 2014

     LAST CHANCE!!  Only 3 days left to bowl in the Danville Hall of Fame Tourney, and it really can’t get much easier. The cost is only $10 and you bowl during your normally scheduled league time. You go up to your league secretary BEFORE you bowl, give them your money, and you are good to go.  The scores you roll during that session will be your scores for the tourney. I understand handicap will be 90% of 220. Good luck, and hope you place.
   As for bowling scores, looks as if we are starting to catch up.  I do think we have had enough snow for this winter season, so the leagues can keep up with their schedules.
   Glanced thru the reports I have received for this past week, and saw some good scores.
   Starting off with the Monday Night No Tap League, Cal Richards rolled a 268, which helped him to achieve a 716 series. Sue Strong shot a 683 series. Sara Switzer rolled 58 pins over average for a 209, Krystle Evans, 53 over for a 217, while James Fair had an explosive night.  A 131 average bowler, he rolled 124 pins over game average for a 255.
    In the MS Nail Salon League, Marilyn Ruffner topped her average by 67 pins.         
    Recent reports from the Monday morning Ladies League in Westville has Martha Hance picking up the 2-7-8 split. Alverta Maskel, a low 120 bowler, rolled games of 185, and 190.
  The Tuesday Nite Go Getters have Fred Fultz rolling 55 pins over average for a 189. Bub Tiffin had a 203, 51 over, with a 203, while Charlie Tiffin knocked out a 239 game, 84 pins over average. Ella Miller would have received a triplicate award, since she bowled 148, 3 times in her series. Deb Miller picked up the 5-7, Irv Summers the 5-6, and Martha Elliott, the 9-10.
   In the Senior League, Sue Strong rolled a 235 game, 65 pins over average. Di Summers topped her average by 51 pins for a 168. Houston Key rolled a 212, 51 pins over, Betty Lierman rolled 57 pins over for a 182, and Keith Carter finished the day with a 203, 57 pins over average. Split conversions were Barb Smith with the 6-7, Michael Seward with the 4-5, Key with the 2-10, Bill McDaniel with the 4-5-7, and Judy Gebhart with the 3-6-7-10.
  The Friday Night League in Covington has Benji Brink bowling a 202 with a 142 average, for 60 over, Darrell Edwards rolled a 253, 65 pins over, and Ron Cates converted the 6-7-10 split.
  MeHarry’s League, Saturday Nights at Lincoln Bowling Center, reports that Mark Hillsman topped his average by 67 pins to garner a 219 game. George Gourad rolled a 670 series, consisting of games of 158, 267, and 245. Jimmy Scruggs rolled 58 pins over for a 224, while David Winchester rolled a 694 series.
   That wraps up the reports for this week. If you are a league secretary, we would love to have your league reports. Drop me an e-mail message to
   You can get all the columns by checking out Tuck’s Bowling for Fun blog at:

    Until next week, let’s have fun and knock ‘em down.

Friday, January 17, 2014

January 16, 2014

   Not as many scores being reported right now, mainly because several leagues had to be cancelled due to the horrible weather we had recently, but we will continue on.
   In the local Senior League, Gerald Arnett rolled a 212 game, 61 pins over average, while Joe Stokes was right behind with a 202, 60 pins over. Split conversions had Allen Taylor picking up the 5-6, John Gebhart with the 3-5-10 and Judy Gebhart converted the 2-7-10.
   Over in Covington, the Friday Night Mixed League tells us that Linda Cates rolled a 203, 52 pins over her 151 average. Jessica Barnes was 72 over with a 194. Gary Edmiston shot a 205, 64 pins over his 141 average. 142 average bowler Lindy Hinkelman was 59 pins over with a 201. Aaron Howard, with a 170 average bowled a 233. Katrina Edwards a 263, 68 over, and Mike Dunavan rolled a 258, 67 above. Chad Edmiston shot a 203, and a 618 series. Brian Goodwin rolled 61 over for a 201. Troy Jordan rolled a 618 series with games of 203, 210 and 205. Scottie Reinkin had a 704 series, with games 259-253 and 192. Roger Gossett rolled a 259, 66 pins over his 159 norm. Beth Barnes, a 142 average bowler, shot 68 over for a 210. Chad Edmiston also rolled 68 over for a 201. Shawn Abernathy rolled a 182, 52 pins over while Lori Griffin converted the 6-7-10.
      The DABA and the DWBA are holding a new fundraising tournament to help cover costs for the Hall of Fame banquet. It is starting this week and will take place during your league play. Scores shot that night will count if you choose to enter. Entry is $10 each time you bowl and you can bowl as many times as you want in it until January 25. Half of the entry fee goes to the hall of fame, the other half to the prize fund. This is handicapped at 90% of 220. Association representatives will be at your leagues to get you signed up. Please support this event. This is for sanctioned leagues only!!! You must pay BEFORE you start bowling for this event.
   Also, be on the look out for entry forms for the 77th Annual Men's City Tournament to be held this year at Lincoln lanes. Team event will be Feb 15th and 16th and doubles and singles will run Feb 22nd and 23rd. Entry forms will hit all houses here real soon.
   I wanted to talk just a bit about the USBC. Yes, again. It seems to me, and would love to hear from you, do you feel as if the USBC is representing you, the average Joe Bowler? In my opinion, they do not. Over the past few years, they have not only eliminated several awards they have previously issued, they are now planning on basically deleting even more. Awards they have eliminated have been the Big 4, the 7-10, all spare game, Dutch 200, and the triplicate. As of August 1, 2014 they will be making some of the awards a once in a life time thing. For example, you will be acknowledged once for a 300 game and other high scores. They will be eliminating the 11 strikes in a row plaque. They have already done away with the familiar patches, switched to magnets, now they are giving away luggage tags. Have they asked the members what they would like to see happen? If not, maybe they should.
  That wraps up the reports for this week. If you are a league secretary, we would love to have your league reports. Drop me an e-mail message to
     You can get all the columns by checking out Tuck’s Bowling for Fun blog at:

    Until next week, let’s have fun and knock ‘em down.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Season of 300's.............January 9, 2014

This seems to be the year of 300 games, or is it they are just being reported more than in the past? Either way, there have been many shot this bowling season. Keep up the good work.
   We do have one 300 game to report, that being Sycamore Lanes’ Jerry Norwell, his very first. He rolled the game in the Last Chance League in Covington.
   Results are in for the annual Senior State Tournament, recently held in Joliet, and as usual, several local folks placed in the money. Placing first in the Mixed Double’s event for class A, were Joe and Meredith Stokes. Cliff Dupree placed third in both Class A singles, and Men’s All Events. Joe Stokes placed sixth in Men’s All Events, Super Senior Class, while his wife Meredith placed fifth, in the Women’s Super Senior Citizen All event’s category. In Men’s Class D, Michael Seward placed fourth, while Allen Taylor was in sixth place. In Class D, Men’s all events, Joe Blagg placed third, with Seward fifth, and Taylor sixth.
   In the local Senior League, Martha Elliott rolled a 203 game, 64 pins over her average. Stan Harvey rolled 83 pins over average for a 276, and 115 over his series average for a 694.
   Both the Lutheran and Friday Mixed Leagues had some great scores. The Lutheran League’s Don Miller rolled 72 pins over average for a 255, and a 694 series. Leland Black was 75 over for a 233. Rod Cox shot 50 over, for an even 200 game, while Eric Crockett was 75 over for a 254. Wayne Brown Sr. shot a 238, 53 over, Josh Troxtell, 54 over with a 249, and Justin Bargo finished up with 279.
   In the Friday Mixed, Bill Phillips rolled a 276 game, and a 697 series. Robert Pendleton shot a 222, 53 over, while Dorothy McFarland bowled 53 over for a 223. Other high scores were David Winchester 247, Jennie Kile 225, and Sandy Williams 180, 45 above her average.
   Our apologies to our next league, as I have been using the wrong name. The correct name is MeHarry’s, which bowls Saturday nights at Lincoln. Results for MeHarry’s consist of Jason Turner rolling 11 strikes in a row for 279 game. Demond Watson, a 144 average bowler rolled games of 198, and 209, 54 and 65 pins over respectively. 208 average bowler, “Poo” Nelson, rolled 2 games of 257. Bo Shields picked up the 5-10, while Marian Foster and Steve Finch, both converted the 6-8-10.
      The DABA and the DWBA are holding a new fundraising tournament to help cover costs for the Hall of Fame banquet. It is starting this week and will take place during your league play. Scores shot that night will count if you choose to enter. Entry is $10 each time you bowl and you can bowl as many times as you want in it until January 25. Half of the entry fee goes to the hall of fame, the other half to the prize fund. This is handicapped at 90% of 220. Association representatives will be at your leagues to get you signed up. Please support this event. This is for sanctioned leagues only!!!
   Also, be on the look out for entry forms for the 77th Annual Men's City Tournament to be held this year at Lincoln lanes. Team event will be Feb 15th and 16th and doubles and singles will run Feb 22nd and 23rd. Entry forms will hit all houses here real soon.
   That wraps up the reports for this week. If you are a league secretary, we would love to have your league reports. Drop me an e-mail message to
     You can get all the columns by checking out Tuck’s Bowling for Fun blog at:

    Until next week, let’s have fun and knock ‘em down.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Hoopeston's Bruens rolls 300...

   Happy New Year everyone!!  Hope this is the best year yet, and if you have not bowled a 300 game, hoping this will be your year.
   Fast Lanes of Hoopeston is the location of our last 300 game of the year, and Will Bruens is the bowler. He also rolled a 752 series. Jay Ferdinand had a 268, with a 686 series, while Porgy Anderson rolled a 244, and a 693 series. On Friday nite Brandon shot a 277 and a 710 series, while Ricky Cade a 233 game, while carrying a 168 average. Patty Lowe finished up her nite with a 239 game, 605 series. Monday nite saw Amy Wise with a 201, and Susan Goble with a 204. Last, but not least, the Sunday Nite Mixed League had Geoffery Berlin with a high game of 279, finishing with a 745 series, while 167 average bowler Chet Catron finished up with a 234.
   Speaking of 300 games, let’s congratulate Cal Richards for the 300 game he rolled in the Monday Nite No Tap League. With that game, he also topped out with a 758 series. Others with 50 or more pins over average were Albert Syass with a 221 (50), Sara Switzer with a 227 (78), and Louise Cunningham with a 188 (59). McKenna Smith picked up the 5-7 split.
   Getting over to the Senior League, Marla Troyer rolled a 200 game, 50 pins over average. Joe Blagg rolled a 254, 67 over, and Bob Coburn had a good afternoon by rolling 104 pins over his series with a 476. Looks as if this league had no problems picking up the splits. Marla Troyer, Marion Johnson and Michael Seward converted the 4-5-7, and Seward also picked up the 3-6-7-10, as did Joe Stokes, and Tuck Miller. Fred Fultz, Eleanora Young and Judy Gebhart, all knocked out the 5-10. John Ramsey picked up the 5-7 twice. Judy Arnett picked up the 4-5, and Raymond Berlin, the 9-10.
   To say Steven Jones of the Friday Nite Mixed League in Covington had a good nite, would be an understatement. He now qualifies for the 11 strike in a row plaque, and finishes off with a 297 game, 117 pins over his average, and had a 678 series. What a great way to finish off 2013. Others rolling 50 or more over were Lorie Griffin with a 175 (50), and Pam Gossett with a 165 (51).
    The Lutheran League and Friday Nite Mixed League at Lincoln Lanes had some great scores to report as well. They go as follows: Lutheran League, Jordan Decker 245, Anthony Ashby 222 (62), Michelle Web 215 (50), Michael Seward 225 (57), Danny Garza 252 (56), Justin Hart 243 (61), Donnie Cheeseman with a 256, 254, and a 753 series. Derrick Hufford threw a 750 series, with games of 276, 254 and 220. Joe Lewis had a 703 series, while Wayne Brown topped out with a 267 and a 706 series. 
     Now, to the Friday Nite League: Ed Stone, rolled a 246, 249 over, Shawn Tietz a 225 (42), Bud Taylor 278 (78), and Doc Finch with 715 series. Henry Stephens had a 245 (70), Josh Mayner 265 (83), Randy Johnson 269 (61), Megan Connelly 223 (47), Lonnie Tapscott 225 (52), Bill Phillips 246 (57), and Nicole Brown finishes with a 278.
   That wraps up the reports for this week. If you are a league secretary, we would love to have your league reports. Drop me an e-mail message to
    Once again, happy new year to each and every one of you. All the best in 2014.
    You can get all the columns by checking out Tuck’s Bowling for Fun blog at:
    Until next week, let’s have fun and knock ‘em down.