The old saying
goes, close, but no cigar. From the reports I have received, there were no
perfect games, but there were a couple of close to that ultimate goal. Cal
Richards rolled 87 pins over average to top out with a 288 and a 761 series,
while J.R. Scruggs was one pin behind with a 287 and a 776 series.. That made
him 65 over his game average. Both bowlers are with the Monday Nite No Tap
League. In other league action, Miles Clark had a 230 (50), Albert Syass 233
(71), and Devin Heinrichs with a 219 (77). Split conversions were Larry Craft
with the 3-9-10, Nancy Goodner 5-7, and Louise Cunningham, the 6-7.
The Monday Nite League at Bulans reports
that Kim Cotton rolled a 232. She has a 197 average.
In the MS Nail League, Sue Strong rolled a
206, while Donna Rayhel picked up the 3-6-7-10, and Geneva Edwards picked up
the 4-5-10. Earlier last month, Sandy
Cunningham knocked out the Big 4, 4-6-7-10.
The Tuesday Nite Go Getters were led by
Don Miller with a 246 (73) and a 622 series. There were plenty of split
pickups. The more prevalent were with the 5-7, Sherry Castongue and Laura
Baird. The 2-10 was picked p by both Mac McDaniel and Fred Fultz. Cheryl Rhoton
kicked down the 2-4-7-10, while Ron Blagg demonstrated his ability to convert
the 3-6-7-10. Dot McDaniel picked up the 2-7, while her better half, Mac
McDaniel, picked up the 3-10, not once, but twice. Tuck Miller picked up the
3-7, then turned right around and converted the 4-5, as did Di Summers.
Also in Tuesday Nite action, the TLC league
at Bulans, 2 bowlers rolled 50 or more pins over average. They included Brian
Warner with a 248 (51), and Jerry Sims with a 265 (65).
In the Thursday afternoon Senior League,
Keith Carter rolled a 196 game (50), and Jack Taylor also bowled a 196 (51). In
the split department, John Gebhart picked up the 6-7-10. Other conversions were
Bill McDaniel 9-10, Joe Blagg 4-10, and Terry Bell, the 5-7.
Covington’s Friday Nite League had a great
nite. Gary Edmiston had a 203 (57), Chad Edmiston 205 (77), Lindy Henkelman 182
(46), Tom Gebhart with a 225 (47), Brent Durnil 178 (61), and Janet White with
a 253 (78). White rolled a 610 series with games of 152-205- and 253, while
Scottie Reinken rolled games of 204-258 and 258 for a 720 series. Durnil picked
up the 5-7, while Linda Cates knocked out the 6-7-8-10.
McHarry’s League tells us that Harvetta Rose
had a 195 (65), and Jamis Nelson rolled a 268 (104). Jason Turner also threw a
268, with the 1st 9 frams consisting of strikes. Finally Marvin Brandon topped
out with a 227 (53).
It’s with a heavy heart that I report
Shelly Henry of the Lutheran League passed away unexpectedly this past weekend.
Our thoughts and prayers are with her family.
That wraps up the reports for this week. If
you are a league secretary, we would love to have your league reports. Drop me
an e-mail message to
You can get all the columns by checking out
Tuck’s Bowling for Fun blog at:
Until next week, let’s have fun and knock
‘em down.
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