Thursday, November 28, 2013

Nov 28, 2013...Thanksgiving Day....

Today is Thanksgiving.
   A time to not only think back through the years, but also a time to give thanks for what you have today.  This past Sunday, our pastor shared with us that if you have a roof over your head, a car to drive, that you are in the top 95% of the wealthy people in the world. I moved from Danville to San Diego in 1984, and missed many Thanksgivings with the family. Things have now changed. I am wishing each of you a very Happy Thanksgiving.
    Before we get into the League reports, have a question to ask you.  How many of you, while bowling league, have become frustrated by the way you are bowling, and decided to just throw the ball between your legs? Word of advice……DON’T!!!
     Rule 118b/2:  A bowler decides to throw at a spare by delivering their bowling ball between their legs. Would this be considered a change in delivery and a violation of Rule 118b? The bowler has changed or deviated from their normal delivery which is in violation of Rule 118b. This rule provides a penalty of forfeiture of the individual’s/team game in which this action occurred.
     Sue Strong of the Monday Night No Tap League rolled a 643 series. She also picked up the 4-7-10 split. Jim Switzer picked up the 3-6-7-10. The following were 50 or more pins over their averages: Karen Hoskins 243 (74), Joanie Hedlund 209 (54), James Fair 211 (89), LaTeesha Davis 206 (67), and Devin Heinrichs 208 (64).
    The MS Nail Salon’s Donna Rayhel rolled a 204, her 1st 200 game of the season, and Betty Rowley picked up the 3-6-7-10 split.
    Tracy Smith of the Go Getters rolled a 217 (52), while Gary Holycross was topping out the evening with a 230 (51).  Split conversions consisted of Melissa Castle 3-10, Kevin Powell 2-7, Dot McDaniel and Ella Miller 4-5-7, Melissa Heuer 7-9, Dick Lamb 4-5, and Greg Miller with both the 5-7, and 5-6.
    In the Senior League, Darlene Edwards rolled a 171, 59 pins over average. Others with 50 or more pins over: Greg Miller 225 (56) and a 607 series. Jim Thomas with a 222 (60), and Fred Fultz 195 (63). Split conversions were made by Bill McDaniel with the 3-10 and the 5-10. Fred Fultz 2-10, and Tuck Miller with the 3-6-7-10.
     The Lutheran League’s Sue Moore rolled a 176 (52), Hannah Bargo 202 (55), Eric Zanders 252 (56), Joe Blagg 225 (55), Jason Woodworth 288 and a 726 series, Kyle Sirrat 299, Ashley Nolan 235 (51).
      In the Friday Nite Mixed League Danny Klazzell rolled a 269 (65), Jerrad Reed 713, Eric Crockett 234 (50), Robert Pendleton 233 (66), Rachel Pendleton 160 (57), Nicole Brown 258, and Jarvis Brown with a 259.
     The Friday Nite Mixed League in Covington, Kevin Barnes rolled a 226-225 and 255 (85) for a 706 series. DeWaine Bowling 192 (59), Pam Gossett 170 (54), and Troy Jordan 236 (70). John Gebhart picked up the 5-7 split.
    That wraps up the reports for this week. If you are a league secretary, we would love to have your league reports. Drop me an e-mail message to
    You can get all the columns by checking out Tuck’s Bowling for Fun blog at:
    Once again, may each of you have a happy Thanksgiving, and may God bless.

    Until next week, let’s have fun and knock ‘em down.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

4 perfect games!!

By Tuck Miller

   4 Perfect games rolled this past week.  Might just be a record in this area. More on those spectacular scores in just a bit, but first, we have some tournament information.
    Looking for something to do on Thanksgiving Eve? Fast Lanes in Hoopeston has the solution. They are holding a 7-8-9 pin Couples Tourney starting at 7pm, On Wednesday Nov. 27th. They will be having some great prize give a ways.
   Congrats to all of the qualifiers and winners in the Fox Auto World Tournament in Cissna Park. 
High side:
(#5 John Lowe – 189 #4 Brandon Hamilton – 201)(#4 Brandon Hamilton - 211 #3 Scott Kopacz – 204)(#4 Brandon Hamilton – 234 #2 David T Winchester – 191)(#4 Brandon Hamilton - 169 #1 Derrick Hufford – 255)
Low side:(#5 Tyler West – 225 #4 Mike Purtill – 196)(#5 Tyler West - 191 #3 Justin Hart – 154)(#5 Tyler West – 172 #2 Dave Gaddis – 173)(#2 Dave Gaddis – 173 #1 Jackie Varner – 161)
Derrick Hufford – 233 Dave Gaddis - 178
      The Hall of Fame nomination ballots are out in all of the centers. Please take the time to check this out and nominate someone that deserves this prestigious recognition. Categories are achievement, service, and senior. Nominees must be at least 35 years of age and have been a member of the DABA for at least 10 years.
   The recognition banquet will be held March 1, 2014. Stay tuned for more details on this fun evening.
    Back to the perfect games this past week. Some names you might recognize, and some, maybe not so much, however they should be congratulated and recognized for this great achievement. Bowling a perfect game, 12 strikes in a row, is a hard feat to complete. Some, make it look so easy tho.
    First off, last year I spoke about a 14 year old, rolling a 298. Well, earlier this week, 15 year old Hunter Phelps achieved one of the greatest scores in all of bowling, his 1st perfect game. He rolled his game during a fund raising effort for Oakwood High School. Hunter bowls in the Youth League at Lincoln Lanes Bowling Center. Others bowling 300 games were David T. Winchester, Derrick Hufford, and to Kevin Vehlewald for his first ever 300 game.
   Have many leagues reporting in this week. As usual, we will start with Monday, and move towards the weekend.
  The Monday Nite No Tappers had some great scores, All of these were 50 or more pins above their averages. Sara Switzer 275 (137), Ella Ellis 258 (95), Karen Hoskins 255 (92), Larry Craft 238 (62), Terry Jones 240 (52), Albert Syass 260 (95), and McKenna Smith 180 (65). Jimmy Scruggs rolled a 693 series, Sue Strong, a 635, Hoskins, a 652, and Switzer with a 650.
  Down the road at Bulans, the Monday Nite Mixed League’s Sandi Burke rolled a 243 (77), and a 628 series (130). Others with 50 or more over were Rachel Watkins 184 (62), and Wes Watkins 191 (57).
   The only game 50 or more pins over average in the Go Getters was Bub Tiffin with a 201 (55).
    Senior League bowlers 50 or more pins over average included Linda Engle 188 (59), Jack Taylor 212 (60) and John Ramsey with a 255 (74). Taylor also rolled a 564 series (108).
    Thursday Nite Lutheran League: Justin Bargo 700. Brian Lawsen 278 (87), Jesse Alvarez 690, Austin Paxton 237 (56), Donnie Cheeseman, a 279 and 681. Dustin Dolbee 678, Jason Woodworth 715, and Joe Cox with a 692.
    Covington’s Friday Nite Mixed high bowlers: Jessica Barnes 212 (79), Benji Brink 212 (79), Gary Edmiston 201 (55), John Gebhart 210 (50), Roger Gossett 206 (52), Steven Jones 228 (50). Ron Cates 655 series, and Linda Cates 197 (50)
    Lincoln Lanes Friday Nite Mixed: Wayne Brown 236 (55), Josh Copas 224 (59), Steve Zaayer 269 (99), Rich McFarland 779, Joe Lewis 717, Tasha Spillman 256 (80), and a 632. Randy Johnson 266 (56) and a 670.
    McHarry’s League: Stephanie Scruggs 203 (65), Teddy Carter 268 (76), Joe Lewis 751 series, and Winchesters 300 game was 87 pins over average.
     That wraps up the reports for this week. If you are a league secretary, we would love to have your league reports. Drop me an e-mail message to
    You can get all the columns by checking out Tuck’s Bowling for Fun blog at:

    Until next week, let’s have fun and knock ‘em down.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Skimehorn rolls his 2nd 300 of the Year.

    He’s done it once again. Remember the name Steve Skimehorn? We wrote about him a few weeks back about getting a 300 game. Well, here we are again, reporting another 300 game, this time in the Lutheran League, Thursday nites at Lincoln Lanes. This makes his 2nd 300 game this season. More on the Lutheran League a bit later.
  This past weekend we had about 15 Senior bowlers compete in a Senior State Tournament. Official scores are not yet in, but our preliminary findings are we did have a couple of guys who bowled quite well, and at least one, who did not. How many of you have seen the name “vacant” on the bowling monitors at the various bowling centers. Well, your’s truly, could not even beat vacant, or so it seemed.
  The Monday morning League in Westville reports that Barb Smith picked up the 2-10 split.
   On Monday nite, the No Tap League had Sharon Craft bowl not only a 278 game, but also a 710 series. Others with 50 or more pins were: U Pete Williams 230 (55), Jim Switzer 225 (54), Joanie Hedlund (73), Karen Hoskins 219 (56), McKenna Smith 187 (75), and Sara Switzer with a 198 (64).
   On Tuesday morning the MS Nails’ Sandy Stewart rolled a 223, Sharon Craft a 203, and Donna Rayhel picked up the 4-9 split.
   The Go Getters were really rolling the other nite. Tracy Smith topped out 62 pins over average with a 223. Others with 50 or more over game, or 100 or more over series were:  Ron Blagg 228 (58), Houston Key 214 (55), Dick Lamb 525 (102), Fred Fultz 191 (61), and 498 (108). Split conversions included: Mac McDaniel picked up the 5-10, as well as the 5-6. Paula Beatty did as well. Laura Baird knocked out the 5-6-10, while Sue Strong clobbered both the 6-7-10, and 9-10 splits. Jordyn Castle picked up the 5-7, while Tuck Miller made the 4-7-9 disappear.
   High game for the Senior League this past Thursday was a 236, rolled by Ed Reed, 57 pins over. Others were: Marla Troyer 203 (52), Houston Key 223 (62), and Jack Taylor 210 (62), and a 553 series (109). Split pickups had Sue Strong with the 4-5, Laura Biard 5-6-10, Michael Seward 5-7, John Gebhart 4-10, and Judy Gebhart, the 6-7-10.
   Now we get back to the Lutheran League,where Skimehorn not only bowled  the 300 game, but also rolled a 774 series. Others were Bruce Rothery 242 (69), Eric Crockett 242 (66), Sue Moore 179 (57) and Kyle Sirratt with a 709 series.
   In the Friday Nite Mixed League at Danville Lincoln Lanes, Donny Cheeseman rolled a 684 series, with a 256 game (53). Steve Zaayer 256 (81), Bob Finley 237 (68), Zech Connelly 277 (92), Joe Rich 256 (78), Dustin Dolbee 718 series, Rick Bland 243 (86), and Joe Lewis with a 706 series.
   The Friday Nite Mixed League in Covington had Terry Bell rolling a 256, with a 197 average, and a 647 series. Others were Brent Durnil with a 175 (57), Darrell Edwards 235 (46), and Ron Cates 245 (51). Scottie Reinken rolled a 710 series.
   On Saturday Nites at Lincoln Lanes, McHarry’s League is alive and well. To prove that, we have Johan Pendleton rolling a 289, with 11 strikes in a row. John’s average is 176. Other high scores were Marian Foster with a 214 (64), Marvin Brandon with a 235 (59), Steve Skimehorn 264 (59), William “Mo” Morris 223 (58), and Jerome “Poo” Nelson, a 257 (58). Steve Finch rolled a 656 series while Mark “Baldy” Hillsman was slightly higher with a 657. John Pendleton also picked up the elusive 7-10 split.
   That wraps up the reports for this week. If you are a league secretary, we would love to have your league reports. Drop me an e-mail message to
    You can get all the columns by checking out Tuck’s Bowling for Fun blog at:

    Until next week, let’s have fun and knock ‘em down.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Nov 7th, 2013

    The old saying goes, close, but no cigar. From the reports I have received, there were no perfect games, but there were a couple of close to that ultimate goal. Cal Richards rolled 87 pins over average to top out with a 288 and a 761 series, while J.R. Scruggs was one pin behind with a 287 and a 776 series.. That made him 65 over his game average. Both bowlers are with the Monday Nite No Tap League. In other league action, Miles Clark had a 230 (50), Albert Syass 233 (71), and Devin Heinrichs with a 219 (77). Split conversions were Larry Craft with the 3-9-10, Nancy Goodner 5-7, and Louise Cunningham, the 6-7.
     The Monday Nite League at Bulans reports that Kim Cotton rolled a 232. She has a 197 average.
     In the MS Nail League, Sue Strong rolled a 206, while Donna Rayhel picked up the 3-6-7-10, and Geneva Edwards picked up the 4-5-10.  Earlier last month, Sandy Cunningham knocked out the Big 4, 4-6-7-10.
     The Tuesday Nite Go Getters were led by Don Miller with a 246 (73) and a 622 series. There were plenty of split pickups. The more prevalent were with the 5-7, Sherry Castongue and Laura Baird. The 2-10 was picked p by both Mac McDaniel and Fred Fultz. Cheryl Rhoton kicked down the 2-4-7-10, while Ron Blagg demonstrated his ability to convert the 3-6-7-10. Dot McDaniel picked up the 2-7, while her better half, Mac McDaniel, picked up the 3-10, not once, but twice. Tuck Miller picked up the 3-7, then turned right around and converted the 4-5, as did Di Summers.  
    Also in Tuesday Nite action, the TLC league at Bulans, 2 bowlers rolled 50 or more pins over average. They included Brian Warner with a 248 (51), and Jerry Sims with a 265 (65).
    In the Thursday afternoon Senior League, Keith Carter rolled a 196 game (50), and Jack Taylor also bowled a 196 (51). In the split department, John Gebhart picked up the 6-7-10. Other conversions were Bill McDaniel 9-10, Joe Blagg 4-10, and Terry Bell, the 5-7.
    Covington’s Friday Nite League had a great nite. Gary Edmiston had a 203 (57), Chad Edmiston 205 (77), Lindy Henkelman 182 (46), Tom Gebhart with a 225 (47), Brent Durnil 178 (61), and Janet White with a 253 (78). White rolled a 610 series with games of 152-205- and 253, while Scottie Reinken rolled games of 204-258 and 258 for a 720 series. Durnil picked up the 5-7, while Linda Cates knocked out the 6-7-8-10.
   McHarry’s League tells us that Harvetta Rose had a 195 (65), and Jamis Nelson rolled a 268 (104). Jason Turner also threw a 268, with the 1st 9 frams consisting of strikes. Finally Marvin Brandon topped out with a 227 (53).
    It’s with a heavy heart that I report Shelly Henry of the Lutheran League passed away unexpectedly this past weekend. Our thoughts and prayers are with her family.
   That wraps up the reports for this week. If you are a league secretary, we would love to have your league reports. Drop me an e-mail message to
    You can get all the columns by checking out Tuck’s Bowling for Fun blog at:

    Until next week, let’s have fun and knock ‘em down.