First things first. Last week
I goofed! I was reading an article sent
to me by the Lincoln Lanes Face Book page, talking about the recent 3 man
tournament. I listed all the winners, but because I did not peruse the entire article,
I missed telling you some very important and exciting information. I neglected
to tell you that Jerome Nelson, Sr. and Don Cheeseman, each rolled a 300 game.
I also missed the chance to tell you that Bob Fauver shot an 811 series. Last,
but certainly not least, because I did not read the entire article, I missed
the part about Jason Woodworth rolling not one, not two, but 3 games, with all
the same score. Yes, he rolled a 245 triplicate. Way to go gents, and the moral
of this story, read everything sent, or you might miss some important info.
While we are on the subject of
tournaments, if you had already signed up for the City Senior Tourney, you
should have received a call, that the event scheduled for this coming Saturday
and Sunday, has been postponed to April 27 & 28th. That will be
the last weekend of the month. There are
still openings, and would love to see this tourney packed out. If you are 50
years of age or over, you qualify. This is a handicap tourney, and your last
year’s average will be used to determine how much handicap you will get. 1st
3 games will be bowled at Bulans, with the last 3 being rolled at Lincoln
Lanes. The top 5 bowlers at the end of
play at Lincolns will compete in a step ladder roll off to determine this
year’s champion.
Monday Nite No Tap League starts off the reports this week, with Finas Glenn
rolling 81 pins over his average to garner
a 280 game, and a 728 series. A
name I had not heard all season is Jeremy Randolph. He topped his game average
by 71 ins to roll a 277 game. Robbie Ketcherside rolled a 718 series, while Sue
Strong held steady with a 631. Other No Tappers with 50 or more pins over
average were Sharon Craft 244 (191), Devin Heinrichs 253 (143), Joanie Hedlund
217 (153), Eryn Lane 162 (93), Karen Lane 172 (117), and Louise Cunningham 189
(138). John Nixon knocked out a couple of splits, the 5-7, and the 6-4-7. Sue
Strong slid the 5 over to knock down the 10, while Devin Heinrichs split apart
the 5-6-10.
While we
are talking splits, Jo Ann Brooks of the Westville Monday Morning Ladies League
knocked out the 2-7-8. In the Tuesday morning MS Nail Salon League, we had
Geneva Edwards picking up the 4-5-10, and Nora Price, the 5-10. The Tuesday
Nite Go Getters had 4 split conversions with Charlie Tiffin picking up both the
3-8, and the 4-10. Ella Miller knocked out the 5-10, while Kevin Powell split
apart the 5-7-9.
We had 4
senior bowlers rolling 50 or more pins over average this past week. Fred Fultz
rolled a 196, 60 ver, and Dot McDaniel had a 166, 59 pins over her average. Ed
Reed was 68 pins over for a 260, and Meredith Stokes was 51 ins over average
with a 177. Some decent split
conversions this week for this league, where Phil Stultz knocked out the 3-7,
Keith Carter, the 2-7, and the 5-10. Greg Miller knocked the 5-7 apart, as did
Bob Coburn with the 5-10. Allen Taylor was the 3rd person to knock
out the 5-10 for the afternoon, but he also bridged the wide gap, by knocking
out the 6-7. Dorothy Hesler converted the 5-10.
The Friday Evening League at Sycamore
reports that Jordan Williams converted the 4-6-7-10, more commonly known as the
BIG 4 Split. Gary Edmiston rolled both a 174 and a 173, with a 122 average. Pam
Gossett bowled a 167, for 53 over, and Karolyn Blankenbeckler rolled a 254,
which is 100 pins over her average. Kenny Storkman rolled a 207, 55 over, while
Dusty Edwards finishes out this league’s report with a 602 series, which
included games of 177-222, and a 203.
We will
finish up today’s report with the Friday Nite League at Lincoln Lanes. Usually
some great bowlers there, and this week is no exception. Look at these scores.
For the men, Billy Morgan had a 258, Henry Stephens 254. Jarvis Brown with a
253, Bryan Lawson, a 258, and Austin Adair with a 278. For the women, Nicole
Brown a 268, Dorothy McFarland with a 247, and Brandi Welsch had a 232. Rich
McFarland had a 705 series, while Terrence Cloyd bowled a 686. Nicole Brown
rolled a series of 655. The following bowlers, not already mentioned above had
games of 50 or more above their averages: Wayne Brown Sr. 247 (195), Amanda
Noel 176 (113), and Shawn Tietz 234 (184).
again to the folks who report the scores. Your help is greatly appreciated.
(NEW DEADLINE) Please submit all reports before
midnight on Tuesdays. If you need any more info, drop me a note at Check out
past articles at
The blog has been updated. You may make
comments after each blog. You can also “like” us on Facebook. Just search for
Bowling for Fun (a company), in the Facebook search box.
Until next week, let’s have
fun and knock ‘em down.
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