Thursday, March 21, 2013

Thursday, March 21st, 2013

The past couple of weekends, if you were walking or driving by one of Danville’s bowling centers, you might have heard a lot of thunder or clapping sounds. That could have been from the rolling of the ball or striking of the pins in Danville’s Battle of the Stars. Many of Illiana’s top bowlers gathered together to battle it out, and the results are in.
The champions are: Robert Wampler and Nicole Brown. Congratulations also go out to the other top 4 finishers of each division: David T. Winchester, Jason Woodworth, Jerome Nelson Sr. Don Cheesman, Janet White, Jackie White Varner, Robin Smoot-Turner and Lea Ann Benedict- Arnold. Wampler rolled a 814 series, while Terrence fell just short of that $100 bonus prize for rolling a 300 game. He rolled a 297.
        Sycamore Lanes was a place of excitement this past Sunday nite, as Raymond Kent rolled a 300 game. Also, his brother Hunter Phelps, and Grandpa John Kesner placed 1st in the Youth/Adult No Tap tourney’ also in Covington.
     Let’s head west to Bulans for the Monday Nite Mixed League where Evan Davis rolled a 248 for 75 pins over average, and Brett Honn was not far behind with a 224, 73 pins over.
     Check this out, back in Danville’s downtown center, two 300 games were being rolled at the Monday Nite No Tap League. Both Terry Jones and Sue Strong were able to achieve this. Strong, 103 pins over average, was able to roll a 651 series, while Jones topped out with a 700 series. He was 92 pins over. Sharon Craft rolled a 255 game, while Robbie Ketcherside shot a 697 series, and Finas Glenn, a 676. The following No Tap bowlers were 50 or more pins above average: Glenn 268 (197), Nancy Goodner 228 (161), Pam Jones 230 (164), Sara Switzer 207 (145), Jim Switzer 226 (132), Pat Evans 218 (129), and Mallory Buss 183 (130). Pam Jones was able to convert the 5-10 split.
     The Tuesday Morning MS Nail Salon league is telling us that Shirley Gibson picked up the 5-7and that the following bowlers rolled 50 or more pins over average: Sandy West with a 156, Clara Lane, a 176, and Pat Dokey with a 158. Gloria Pfeifer rolled a high series of a 400.
     As hinted in last week’s column, there was some great action on the lanes for the Go Getters. Maggie Birge rolled 86 pins over her average for a 233 game and 141 over for a 585 series. Joe Davis rolled 69 over for a 235.  Let’s not cheat Sherry Castongue, as she rolled 2 high games. She has a 120 average, and rolled a 189, 59 over, and then again 54 pins over for a 184. She topped out with a 505 series, 115 over.  Martha Elliott converted the 5-7 split.
   In Senior League action, John Gebhart rolled 58 pins over for a 228. Jack Ball rolled a 198, 52 pins over, and Laura Baird was 55 pins over for a 193.  Ernie Harvey and Clarence Martin were able to pick up the 5-10, while Jim Thomas was able to roll the ball in the exact spot to convert the 3-6-7-10.
   In Covington’s Friday Nite League, Chad Edmiston bowled a 185 with 134 average for 54 over, Kenny Storckman, a 211 with 151 average for 60 over, Ernie Coutu rolled a 203 for 52 over and Laurie Dunavan shot a 183, to top 56 over her normal average. In split conversions, Ron Cates picked up the 3-4-6-7, and Judy Gebhart picked up the 3-7.
   In conclusion, the Friday Nite League from Lincoln Lanes, and as usual, some great scores. In games above 250, we have Rich McFarland with a 269, and a 709 series. Bryan Lawson shot a 257 combined with a 268, for a 737 series, Billy Morgan shot a 689 series which included a 273, Jarvis Brown rolled a 705 series, including his 276 game, and Terrence Cloyd and Jerrad Reed both shot a 690 series. Cloyd had a 263 game within that series. Michelle McMasters rolled a 229 game. The following had 50 or more pins above average: Simon Perez 234 (174), Jeremy Wright 235 (185), Donte Baxter 214 (161), and Ruben Villarreal 241 (186).
     Thanks again to the folks who report the scores. Your help is greatly appreciated.
     (NEW DEADLINE) Please submit all reports before midnight on Tuesdays. If you need any more info, drop me a note at Check out past articles at  The blog has been updated. You may make comments after each blog. You can also “like” us on Facebook. Just search for Bowling for Fun (a company), in the Facebook search box.
Until next week, let’s have fun and knock ‘em down.

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