Lincoln Lanes was the venue
this past weekend for a 3 man tournament. Results were, in 1st
Austin Paxton, Brandon Stingley and Zack Warner. 2nd
place finishers consisted of Jolene Krout, Jason Turner and Robert Fauver. The 3rd
place team compromised Nicole Brown, Donnie Cheeseman and David Henderson. 4th
place team mates were Jeremy Wright, Evan Davis, and Shawn Tietz, and in 5th
place were Paul Woodworth, Larry Richards,Sr. and Jason Woodworth.
Two 298 games were rolled in the Monday Nite
No Tap League. Brock Dieu shot 115 pins over his 183 average for that high game
as well as a 861 series. Jimmy Scruggs, a 203 average bowler tossed 95 pins
over average to get the 298 as well as a 754 series. Terry Jones also chalked
up a 754 series.
Others topping 50 or more pins over average
were Finas Glenn with 77 pins over 161 for a final score of 262. Nancy Goodner
threw 77 pins over her 161 average fo 238, and rolling 50 pins over 165 was Pam
Finas Glenn-262-198=64. Split conversions for the No
Tappers included Miles Clark with the 2-4-10, Mike Jett slapped out the 3-7,
Kenny Smith made converting the 5-7-10 look easy, and Nancy Goodner easily knocked
out the 5-7.
From the MS
Nail Salon League, a quick report has Shirley Gibson knocking out the 5-7.
Getting 200ngames were Sus Strong and Sharon Craft, and Ilse Durbin topping her
average by 50 or more pins to get a 202 game.
For the
Tuesday Nte Go Getters, Gary Holycross rolled a 225 game,54 pins over. Houston
Key was 54 ins over for a 221, Bub Tiffin topped 61 pins over for a 202, and
finally Maggie Birge with 103 pins over her series average for a 553. Split
conversions for the week were Harl Miller and Jan Frank with the 5-7, and Greg
Miller with two conversions, the 5-10, and the 6-7-10.
Some good
games reported in the Senior League. Among them were Shirley Lamm with a 192
game, Greg Miller with a 224, Jim Thomas with a 221, and Joe Blagg 201 with a
55 series. Lamm picked up the 3-7-10, while Raymond Berlin and Dorothy Hesler
converted the 5-10, and Margo Johnson knocked out the 3-6-7-10
Friday Nite Mixed League in Covington is telling us that Dewaine Bowling had a
200, 71 pins over. Benji Brink, 219, 72 over. Chad Edmiston had a 224, 85 over,
and a 556 series. Gary Edmiston rolled 68 oins over average for a 188. Linda
Cates knocked out the 5-7 and Rose Schaeffhold picked up the 5-8-10.
Some of
you know that we have a Senior Tournament scheduled for April 6th
and 7th here in Danville. However that might be delayed until the
end of the month. We will let you know as soon as we have the exact dates.
again to the folks who report the scores. Your help is greatly appreciated.
(NEW DEADLINE) Please submit all reports
before midnight on Tuesdays. If you need any more info, drop me a note at Check out
past articles at
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comments after each blog. You can also “like” us on Facebook. Just search for
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Until next week, let’s have
fun and knock ‘em down.