21 strikes in a row, yet, no perfect game. It was done in the Monday nite Church No-Tap league, by Robbie Ketcherside. Robbie threw a spare in the 1st frame of the 1st game, then threw 11 strikes in a row, for a 290. In the 2nd game, Ketcherside threw another 10 strikes before opening up in the last of the 10th frame, for a total of 286. His final tally for the night was a 779 series. Sue Strong had a 255 game with a 639 series. Albert Syass rolled a 252, 71 pins over his 181 average. Bowling 59 pins over his 194 average, Finas Glenn topped out at 253. A 179 average bowler, Jeff Lane knocked out 73 more pins to garner a 252. U Pete Williams was 66 pins over his 166 average for a 232. Steve Newell bowled 57 pins over his 166 average for a 223. Rolling 71 pins over her 127 average, was Crystal Suchaczewski. Essie Syass was 66 pins over her 132 average for a 198, while Louise Cunningham was knocking out 61 pins over a 133 average for a 194 game. Greg Miller, Kenny Smith, and Crystal Suchaczewski, all converted the 5-7 split, while Mark Ketcherside knocked out the 3-7-10.
In the DNA Karaoke League, In the DNA Karaoke League, Collette Brooks picked up the 5-7 split, Marilyn Ruffner picked up the 2-7 split and Jennifer Ovall picked up the 3-10 split. In the Tuesday Nite Go-Getters , it was a bit on the quiet side. Splits coverage is all we have to report for the week. Gerald Arnett picked up the 3-10, and the 2-7, while Dot McDaniel snagged the5-6. Chris Brookins corralled the 5-7, while Gary Holycross knocked out the 5-10.
In The Senior League Steve Newell topped out at 53 pins over average, while Bob Beck was the top bowler this week with 70 pins over average with a 234. Fred Fultz was 53 pins over average, while both Raymond Berlin, Shirley Reynolds, and Jack Taylor, all went 51 pins above their respective averages. Sandra West picked up the 3-6-7 split, while Jack Ball and Dot McDaniel picked up the 5-10. Houston Key was successful in converting the 3-10. In the Tuesday morning Ladies League at the Westville Legion, Sandy Taylor knocked out the 3-10.
Rule of the week review:
Equipment (Is touching the equipment a foul).
Ok, imagine you will, the ball return. A portion of the ball return is underground running from where the pins are located, and runs until your ball comes out on the approach. Most of you know that there is a cover on the ball return channel, located between 2 lanes. One end of that cover might stick out on the actual approach about 1 to 1 ½ inch past the bowlers side of the foul line. Did you know, it is NOT a foul if your foot rests on top of that cover, unless your foot goes past the foul line.
Until next week, let’s have fun and knock ‘em down. See you at the lanes.
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