Thursday, February 27, 2014

      The Hall of Fame Banquet will be held this year at the Riggle, on Saturday, March 1. The Riggle is located on West Lyons Road, west of Georgetown Road. Tickets are no longer available for the dinner; however, you may come for the induction ceremonies.
     Congrats go out to Bobby Fauver and Scott Reinken for rolling 300 games in the recent city tournament. Hope to have full results next week.
     In the Tuesday Nite Go Getters, Harlie Huckleby rolled a 182 game, 59 pins over average. He also shot a 460 series, 91 pins over. Paula Beatty rolled a 212, 58 over. Russ Puzey picked up the 5-7 split, while Gary Holycross converted the 4-7-9. Sue Strong knocked out the 5-10, and Charlie Tiffin made the 2-10 disappear.
   The Senior League’s Bob Coburn rolled a 499 series, 118 pins over his series average. Charlotte Gouty shot a 145, 64 pins over, while Jim Thomas was 57 pins over with a 216. Tuck Miller picked up the 5-7, Darlene Edwards the 2-7, and Bub Tiffin the 5-10.
   The MS Nail Salon League reports that Susan O'Herron picked up the 3-7.
   Covington’s Friday Night League has Brian Goodwin with a 216 for 69 over and Troy Jordan with 228 for 57 over.
   Lincoln Lane’s Lutheran League has Michael Seward shooting a 231, 62 over, and Don Miller with a 625 series. Eric Zanders rolled a 254, 53 over, and a 258, 57 over. Andy Ruether topped out with a 231, 58 pins over, while Joe Cox was 55 over with a 242. Jamie Paxton had a 647 series, while Kyle Sirratt shot a 753.
   The Lincoln Lane’s Friday Night League is reporting some great scores as usual this week, starting off with Stewart Mercer a 237 game, 58 over, and 235, 56 over. Jennie Kile shot a 239, 66 over, while Zech Connelly shot 67 over with a 253. Cheryl Girton was 65 over average with a 201, Evan Davis was 56 over with a 243, and Dante Baxter shot a 218 with 51 over. Daryl Smith had a 209 game, 50 over, Rich McFarland had a678 series, and David Winchester topped out with a 697. Kyle Sirratt had a736 series, including a 279 game. Jon Cox shot 59 over with a 236, and Tuck Miller finished up the night with a 205 game, 68 pins over average. Greg Miller converted both the 4-10 and the 4-9.
  Johan Pendleton of MeHarry’s League rolled a 284, and Jason Turner, a 279. Robin Turner shot a 240, while David Winchester bowled games of 269, 258, and 264 for a 791 series. Kevin Vehlewald finished up with a 279, and Marian Foster converted the 6-7-10 split.
   Rule Refresher: If a bowler drops articles such as coins, jewelry, phones or pins over the foul line, it is NOT a foul. Part of the persons body has to touch something that is on the other side of the line.
    That wraps up the reports for this week. If you are a league secretary, we would love to have your league reports. Drop me an e-mail message to
   You can get all the columns by checking out Tuck’s Bowling for Fun blog at:

    Until next week, let’s have fun and knock ‘em down.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

DABA announces Hall of 2014 Fame Inductees

    The Danville Area Bowling Association has announced its 2014 inductees. For the Men’s, David T. Winchester and Jason Turner for achievement, and Richard Wahlfeldt for Seniors. On the Women’s Wall will be Jackie Varner for achievement, Marla Troyer for service, and for the Senior Division, it will be Regina Winchester.
    The Danville City Tournament continues this weekend, including both doubles and single events. Squad times are Saturday and Sunday at 9 am and 1 pm. You can contact Darren Van Duyn at 260-8169.
    The Hall of Fame Banquet will be held this year at the Riggle, on Saturday, March 1. Social time will start at 6, with dinner to follow at 6:30. Tickets are $20 and can only be purchased in advance. Contact Darren Van Duyn at 260-8169 soon, as tickets may run out.
    Congrats go out to Eric Crockett in the Friday Night League, and Larry Cash for rolling their 1st ever 300 games. Cash bowled his on Saturday evening in the city tournament. Jim Miller rolled an 805 series this past weekend.
  George Gouard, Jimmy Scruggs, U. Pete Williams and J.R. Scruggs were the high rollers this past week for the Church No Tap League. Gouard had a 298 game and a 758 series, while Jimmy Scruggs rolled a 279 and a 278, which helped him to top off with a 756 series. U. Pete Williams had a 746 series, including a 261 game, 87 pins over average. J.R. Scruggs finished with a 710 series. On the women’s side, Sue Strong threw a series total, 642, with a 256 game. Others 50 or more above average were Krystle Evans 212 (51), Karen Hoskins 219 (50), Karen Lane 210 (85), and McKenna Smith 183 (62). Nancy Goodner converted the 4-5-7-10 split.
   In the Tuesday Nite Go Getters, Larry Cope topped out with a 147, 54 over, and also 138 pins over series average for a 417. Charlie Tiffin 54 pins over average for a 210, and 100 pins over series average with a 568. Dick Lamb was 101 pins over series for a 524.  Irv Summers picked up the 8-10, Melissa Castle, the 6-7-10, Maggie Birge, the 4-7-9, and Sue Strong the 4-5-7.
   The Senior League had Joe Stokes rolling a 206 game, 63 over; Harlie Huckleby, 50 over for a 170.  Ed Reed shot a 243, 56 over, and two 231 games, which was included in a 705 series, 144 pins over. Michael Seward rolled a 236, 69 pins over. Billy McDaniels picked up the 5-6 split.
   MeHarry’s has Poo Nelson shooting a 266, 56 over; Harvetta Rose with a 206, 71 over; and Marvin Brandon 246, 59 pins over average.  Also, James Nelson rolled a 237, 68 pins over; Henry Stevenson bowled a 247, 243, and 227, 67 and 63 pins over game average, totaling a 717 series. Kevin Vehlewald shot a 248.
    That wraps up the reports for this week. If you are a league secretary, we would love to have your league reports. Drop me an e-mail message to
   You can get all the columns by checking out Tuck’s Bowling for Fun blog at:

    Until next week, let’s have fun and knock ‘em down.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Bowling 02-13-`4

Former Danville resident James Miller rolled his 6th career 300 game at Orchard Lanes in Savoy, Il. on February 1st.
   Two tournaments to report on, First, the High/Low tourney held at Sycamore Lanes in Covington.
   First off, on the low side, Steven Jones defeated Billy Jackman, 226 to 169 in game 1. Jones went on to defeat Linda Engle in game 2, 201 to 155. Game 3 had Tyler West defeating Jones 223 to 154, and advancing to the final match against Robin Turner, where Turner was the victor, 184 to 170. Turner advanced to the championship.
     On the high side, Derrick Hufford defeated Scott Kopacz in game 1 205 to 184. Hufford then met Scott Reinken in game 2, and lost 202-173. In game 3, Doug Wagner of Hoopeston defeated Reinken 182 to 171. Wagner advanced to the final match on the high side, facing Brandon Hamilton, who came out on top, with a final score of 193 to 158.
   Hamilton faced off against Turner in the Championship game, winning 188 to 180.
   The final stop for the High/Low Tourney will be held at Lincoln Lanes on March 8th. Note however, that only those bowling in 3 of the other tourney stops will be eligible to bowl in this event.
    Mark your calendars as the Men’s City Tournament will get underway this weekend with the team event at Lincoln Lanes. Forms are now available at the bowling centers.  
     Great turnout at Lincoln Lanes this past weekend for the 3 man tournament. The top 5 teams included the following bowlers: 1st Place-Bryan Lawson, Ruben Villarreal, and Cliff Duprey; 2nd Place – Ron Phelps, Bubba Cash, and Julie Richards; 3rd Place – Jerome Nelson Jr., Burley Caston, and Jerome Nelson Sr.; 4th Place – Jolene Krout, Eddie Donnelly and Robert Fauver; and in 5th place were Daryl Smith, Ryan Smith and Terry Lutz.
    J.R. Scruggs led the Church No Tap League this past week with a 693 series. Rolling games 50 or more pins over average were George Gouard with a 265 (70) over; Terry Jones with a 247 (53 over); U. Pete Williams, 222 (50) over; Ella Ellis shot 231 (68); Rolling 59 pins over for a 218 was Devin Heinrichs; Kenny Smith was 56 above for a 221, while McKenna Smith was over for a 192 (72). Apologies go to Cal Richards. Last week, I mistyped. I reported he had a 128, when actually he had a 278. Sorry about that Cal.
        The Seniors did well with Greg Miller leading the group with a 226 (53), and Martha Elliott shot a 190 (51). Converting splits were Keith Carter with the 3-6-7-10, Shirley Lamm, the 5-6, Judy Gebhart with the 4-5, and Gerald Arnett and Michael Seward with the 5-10.
    Rose Schaeffhold was high roller this past week for the Covington Mixed League on Friday nights rolling a 221 (77). She also converted the 5-7 split. Keith Barnes a 182 (59), and picked up the 2-10 twice.
   The Friday Mixed League has been rolling some good scores as well. Leland Black started the evening off with a 208(53). Billy Richards 255 (65). Tuck Miller 194 (54). Bud Taylor shot a 754 series. 201 average bowler Doc Finch 254 (53), while Albert Kile, a 267 (66). Rick Bland with a 224 (68), Eric Crockett had a 266 (81), and Billy Morgan had a 705 series. Dave Beckett topped his average by 67 for a 211. The pin boys were busy with Rich McFarland on the lanes. He had games of 279, 290 and 183 for a 772 series. Brandon Stingley, 78 over with a 244, Dante Baxter, 228, 63 over, and Bryan Lawson shot a 725.
   MS Nail Salon: Ann Minnette had a 571 series. Sue Dowdy 191 (68); Sally Reed 206 (74); and Janet Starkey 465 series.
    The Lutheran League reports that Sue Moore had 61 over for a 188, Eric Crockett 247 (63), Ruben Villereal 244 (49), Kyle Sirrat 258 (52), Bryan Lawson 256 (59), Leland Black 220 (59), Brad Lankster 653 series, 146 over average. Cesar Garza 208 (57), Joe Blagg 215 (42), and David Campbell 225 (67). 
    That wraps up the reports for this week. If you are a league secretary, we would love to have your league reports. Drop me an e-mail message to
   You can get all the columns by checking out Tuck’s Bowling for Fun blog at:

    Until next week, let’s have fun and knock ‘em down.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

February 6, 2014

Snowpocalypse 2014. Well, that’s what some are calling this recent snow storm that left many of us with over 6 inches of snow, and in some places even more. It is no secret,that I only tolerate winter weather, and also understand that there are some, who actually love all this white stuff.  I was thinking last night that in February 2009, I was probably grilling some burgers over an open grill in San Diego. Not doing that now. One thing for sure, this storm played havoc with some of the leagues again, cancelling their evening sessions once again. With the blowing wind, creating drifts in the rural areas, safety always comes first, when deciding on if the event should go on.
   Some high scores in the Church No Tap League. Leading the pack were Cal Richards with a 128, and Jimmy Scruggs with a 275. Scruggs had a 751 series, Richards with a 750, and J.R. Scruggs rolled a 702. Sue Strong had a 674, while Sharon Craft shot a 626. Others with 50 or more over their averages were Scott Cunningham, 69 over, with a 265; Devin Heinrichs, 88 over for a 246; Karen Hoskins, 74 over with a 244; and 118 average bowler, McKenna Smith, over 56, for a 174. Miles Clark knocked out the 5-8-10, while Jim Switzer picked up the 5-7.
   Let’s continue with the Tuesday Nite Go Getters, where Dick Lamb rolled a 191, 51 pins over his game average. John Mikel knocked out a 213, 62 over, Gary Holycross shot a 233, 55 over, and Derek Darr topped out his average by 54 for a 197. Split conversions include Jan Frank with the 4-6, Tony Dompe, the 6-7-9-10, Derek Darr, the 5-10, and Joe Elliott with the 4-5-7.
  The Monday Night Mixed League at Bulans had Carol Keller rolling a 189, 57 pins over average; Bruce Shephard, 55 pins over for a 211; and Rachel Watkins, 50 over, for a 179.
   The Senior League reports that Terry Bell rolled 53 over his average with a 247, and bowled a 692 series. Fred Fultz had a 209 game, 74 over average. Split pick ups included Bub Tiffin, the 5-7, Linda Engle, the 4-5-7, and Laura Baird with the 4-5.
   Lastly, the Saturday Night MeHarry’s League had Doc Finch rolling a 716 series, of which the following games were included: 239, 224, and 253. Henry Steven shot games of 247, 227, and 247 for a 717 series. Poo Nelson had a 255 game, with an average of 209, and Marvin Brandon rolled 62 over for a 247.
   That wraps up the reports for this week. If you are a league secretary, we would love to have your league reports. Drop me an e-mail message to
   You can get all the columns by checking out Tuck’s Bowling for Fun blog at:

    Until next week, let’s have fun and knock ‘em down.