Thursday, January 30, 2014

CN Column 01-30-14

Can you believe that almost two thirds of the season has passed us by? Guess the good thing about that though, it means Spring is just around the corner.
   Before we get started on this week’s report, are you a League bowler in the Danville area, and would like to see your name in the paper for your bowling scores?  Ask your league secretary to submit reports each week, and they will appear.
   Paula Beatty of the Tuesday Nite Go Getter’s is our top bowler of the week, She rolled a 593 series, including a 201 game, 50 pins over average, and 140 pins over her series average. Others with high series this week for the League were Charlie Tiffin, 121 over, Joe Elliott, also 121 over, and Jan Frank, 118 above. Tiffin had a 217 game, 61 over, and Frank was 54 over with a 194. Kevin Powell also shot a 201 game, 61 pins over average. Split conversions include the 3-7 by Russ Puzey, 8-10 by Deb Miller, and the 5-7, and 5-8-10 splits by Sue Strong.
   In the Monday Night No Tap League J. R. Scruggs threw a 725 series, while Steve Finch rolled a 678. Bowlers, 50 or more pins over includes Terry Jones with a 259, 66 pins over. Rolling 83 pins over average was Joanie Hedlund, with a 243. Bowling 56 pins over, were both Larry Craft with a 227, and Jim Switzer, a 241. U. Pete Williams shot 63 above with a 232. John Nixon converted the 3-7-10.
   Some great scores were rolled in the Senior League. Ed Reed was 59 over with a 245, while Greg Miller was 60 pins over with a 232. Pam Jeffers topped her average by 52 pins for a 192, and Di Summers finished 50 pins over with a 168. Picking up splits were Allen Taylor and Tuck Miller with the 5-7, Greg Miller and Laura Baird with the 3-9-10, while Elenora Young knocked out the 5-10. Barb Smith converted both the 5-6, and the 5-6-10, while Judy Gebhart picked up the 3-7-10.
   The Monday Night League at Bulans is reporting that Betsy Hall rolled a 231, with a 189 average. Others 50 or more above average were Todd Goodner, 50 pins over. Rachel Watkins rolled a 196, and a 188, 69 and 60 pins, respectively. 184 average bowler Matt Peaslee, shot a 244, 60 over. Carol Keller rolled a 194, 62 over, Jim Burke bowled 77 pins over for a 245, and Ashley Redman finished up with a 203, 78 pins over. Sandi Burke converted the 4-10 split..
   That wraps up the reports for this week. If you are a league secretary, we would love to have your league reports. Drop me an e-mail message to
   You can get all the columns by checking out Tuck’s Bowling for Fun blog at:

    Until next week, let’s have fun and knock ‘em down.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

January 23rd, 2014

     LAST CHANCE!!  Only 3 days left to bowl in the Danville Hall of Fame Tourney, and it really can’t get much easier. The cost is only $10 and you bowl during your normally scheduled league time. You go up to your league secretary BEFORE you bowl, give them your money, and you are good to go.  The scores you roll during that session will be your scores for the tourney. I understand handicap will be 90% of 220. Good luck, and hope you place.
   As for bowling scores, looks as if we are starting to catch up.  I do think we have had enough snow for this winter season, so the leagues can keep up with their schedules.
   Glanced thru the reports I have received for this past week, and saw some good scores.
   Starting off with the Monday Night No Tap League, Cal Richards rolled a 268, which helped him to achieve a 716 series. Sue Strong shot a 683 series. Sara Switzer rolled 58 pins over average for a 209, Krystle Evans, 53 over for a 217, while James Fair had an explosive night.  A 131 average bowler, he rolled 124 pins over game average for a 255.
    In the MS Nail Salon League, Marilyn Ruffner topped her average by 67 pins.         
    Recent reports from the Monday morning Ladies League in Westville has Martha Hance picking up the 2-7-8 split. Alverta Maskel, a low 120 bowler, rolled games of 185, and 190.
  The Tuesday Nite Go Getters have Fred Fultz rolling 55 pins over average for a 189. Bub Tiffin had a 203, 51 over, with a 203, while Charlie Tiffin knocked out a 239 game, 84 pins over average. Ella Miller would have received a triplicate award, since she bowled 148, 3 times in her series. Deb Miller picked up the 5-7, Irv Summers the 5-6, and Martha Elliott, the 9-10.
   In the Senior League, Sue Strong rolled a 235 game, 65 pins over average. Di Summers topped her average by 51 pins for a 168. Houston Key rolled a 212, 51 pins over, Betty Lierman rolled 57 pins over for a 182, and Keith Carter finished the day with a 203, 57 pins over average. Split conversions were Barb Smith with the 6-7, Michael Seward with the 4-5, Key with the 2-10, Bill McDaniel with the 4-5-7, and Judy Gebhart with the 3-6-7-10.
  The Friday Night League in Covington has Benji Brink bowling a 202 with a 142 average, for 60 over, Darrell Edwards rolled a 253, 65 pins over, and Ron Cates converted the 6-7-10 split.
  MeHarry’s League, Saturday Nights at Lincoln Bowling Center, reports that Mark Hillsman topped his average by 67 pins to garner a 219 game. George Gourad rolled a 670 series, consisting of games of 158, 267, and 245. Jimmy Scruggs rolled 58 pins over for a 224, while David Winchester rolled a 694 series.
   That wraps up the reports for this week. If you are a league secretary, we would love to have your league reports. Drop me an e-mail message to
   You can get all the columns by checking out Tuck’s Bowling for Fun blog at:

    Until next week, let’s have fun and knock ‘em down.

Friday, January 17, 2014

January 16, 2014

   Not as many scores being reported right now, mainly because several leagues had to be cancelled due to the horrible weather we had recently, but we will continue on.
   In the local Senior League, Gerald Arnett rolled a 212 game, 61 pins over average, while Joe Stokes was right behind with a 202, 60 pins over. Split conversions had Allen Taylor picking up the 5-6, John Gebhart with the 3-5-10 and Judy Gebhart converted the 2-7-10.
   Over in Covington, the Friday Night Mixed League tells us that Linda Cates rolled a 203, 52 pins over her 151 average. Jessica Barnes was 72 over with a 194. Gary Edmiston shot a 205, 64 pins over his 141 average. 142 average bowler Lindy Hinkelman was 59 pins over with a 201. Aaron Howard, with a 170 average bowled a 233. Katrina Edwards a 263, 68 over, and Mike Dunavan rolled a 258, 67 above. Chad Edmiston shot a 203, and a 618 series. Brian Goodwin rolled 61 over for a 201. Troy Jordan rolled a 618 series with games of 203, 210 and 205. Scottie Reinkin had a 704 series, with games 259-253 and 192. Roger Gossett rolled a 259, 66 pins over his 159 norm. Beth Barnes, a 142 average bowler, shot 68 over for a 210. Chad Edmiston also rolled 68 over for a 201. Shawn Abernathy rolled a 182, 52 pins over while Lori Griffin converted the 6-7-10.
      The DABA and the DWBA are holding a new fundraising tournament to help cover costs for the Hall of Fame banquet. It is starting this week and will take place during your league play. Scores shot that night will count if you choose to enter. Entry is $10 each time you bowl and you can bowl as many times as you want in it until January 25. Half of the entry fee goes to the hall of fame, the other half to the prize fund. This is handicapped at 90% of 220. Association representatives will be at your leagues to get you signed up. Please support this event. This is for sanctioned leagues only!!! You must pay BEFORE you start bowling for this event.
   Also, be on the look out for entry forms for the 77th Annual Men's City Tournament to be held this year at Lincoln lanes. Team event will be Feb 15th and 16th and doubles and singles will run Feb 22nd and 23rd. Entry forms will hit all houses here real soon.
   I wanted to talk just a bit about the USBC. Yes, again. It seems to me, and would love to hear from you, do you feel as if the USBC is representing you, the average Joe Bowler? In my opinion, they do not. Over the past few years, they have not only eliminated several awards they have previously issued, they are now planning on basically deleting even more. Awards they have eliminated have been the Big 4, the 7-10, all spare game, Dutch 200, and the triplicate. As of August 1, 2014 they will be making some of the awards a once in a life time thing. For example, you will be acknowledged once for a 300 game and other high scores. They will be eliminating the 11 strikes in a row plaque. They have already done away with the familiar patches, switched to magnets, now they are giving away luggage tags. Have they asked the members what they would like to see happen? If not, maybe they should.
  That wraps up the reports for this week. If you are a league secretary, we would love to have your league reports. Drop me an e-mail message to
     You can get all the columns by checking out Tuck’s Bowling for Fun blog at:

    Until next week, let’s have fun and knock ‘em down.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Season of 300's.............January 9, 2014

This seems to be the year of 300 games, or is it they are just being reported more than in the past? Either way, there have been many shot this bowling season. Keep up the good work.
   We do have one 300 game to report, that being Sycamore Lanes’ Jerry Norwell, his very first. He rolled the game in the Last Chance League in Covington.
   Results are in for the annual Senior State Tournament, recently held in Joliet, and as usual, several local folks placed in the money. Placing first in the Mixed Double’s event for class A, were Joe and Meredith Stokes. Cliff Dupree placed third in both Class A singles, and Men’s All Events. Joe Stokes placed sixth in Men’s All Events, Super Senior Class, while his wife Meredith placed fifth, in the Women’s Super Senior Citizen All event’s category. In Men’s Class D, Michael Seward placed fourth, while Allen Taylor was in sixth place. In Class D, Men’s all events, Joe Blagg placed third, with Seward fifth, and Taylor sixth.
   In the local Senior League, Martha Elliott rolled a 203 game, 64 pins over her average. Stan Harvey rolled 83 pins over average for a 276, and 115 over his series average for a 694.
   Both the Lutheran and Friday Mixed Leagues had some great scores. The Lutheran League’s Don Miller rolled 72 pins over average for a 255, and a 694 series. Leland Black was 75 over for a 233. Rod Cox shot 50 over, for an even 200 game, while Eric Crockett was 75 over for a 254. Wayne Brown Sr. shot a 238, 53 over, Josh Troxtell, 54 over with a 249, and Justin Bargo finished up with 279.
   In the Friday Mixed, Bill Phillips rolled a 276 game, and a 697 series. Robert Pendleton shot a 222, 53 over, while Dorothy McFarland bowled 53 over for a 223. Other high scores were David Winchester 247, Jennie Kile 225, and Sandy Williams 180, 45 above her average.
   Our apologies to our next league, as I have been using the wrong name. The correct name is MeHarry’s, which bowls Saturday nights at Lincoln. Results for MeHarry’s consist of Jason Turner rolling 11 strikes in a row for 279 game. Demond Watson, a 144 average bowler rolled games of 198, and 209, 54 and 65 pins over respectively. 208 average bowler, “Poo” Nelson, rolled 2 games of 257. Bo Shields picked up the 5-10, while Marian Foster and Steve Finch, both converted the 6-8-10.
      The DABA and the DWBA are holding a new fundraising tournament to help cover costs for the Hall of Fame banquet. It is starting this week and will take place during your league play. Scores shot that night will count if you choose to enter. Entry is $10 each time you bowl and you can bowl as many times as you want in it until January 25. Half of the entry fee goes to the hall of fame, the other half to the prize fund. This is handicapped at 90% of 220. Association representatives will be at your leagues to get you signed up. Please support this event. This is for sanctioned leagues only!!!
   Also, be on the look out for entry forms for the 77th Annual Men's City Tournament to be held this year at Lincoln lanes. Team event will be Feb 15th and 16th and doubles and singles will run Feb 22nd and 23rd. Entry forms will hit all houses here real soon.
   That wraps up the reports for this week. If you are a league secretary, we would love to have your league reports. Drop me an e-mail message to
     You can get all the columns by checking out Tuck’s Bowling for Fun blog at:

    Until next week, let’s have fun and knock ‘em down.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Hoopeston's Bruens rolls 300...

   Happy New Year everyone!!  Hope this is the best year yet, and if you have not bowled a 300 game, hoping this will be your year.
   Fast Lanes of Hoopeston is the location of our last 300 game of the year, and Will Bruens is the bowler. He also rolled a 752 series. Jay Ferdinand had a 268, with a 686 series, while Porgy Anderson rolled a 244, and a 693 series. On Friday nite Brandon shot a 277 and a 710 series, while Ricky Cade a 233 game, while carrying a 168 average. Patty Lowe finished up her nite with a 239 game, 605 series. Monday nite saw Amy Wise with a 201, and Susan Goble with a 204. Last, but not least, the Sunday Nite Mixed League had Geoffery Berlin with a high game of 279, finishing with a 745 series, while 167 average bowler Chet Catron finished up with a 234.
   Speaking of 300 games, let’s congratulate Cal Richards for the 300 game he rolled in the Monday Nite No Tap League. With that game, he also topped out with a 758 series. Others with 50 or more pins over average were Albert Syass with a 221 (50), Sara Switzer with a 227 (78), and Louise Cunningham with a 188 (59). McKenna Smith picked up the 5-7 split.
   Getting over to the Senior League, Marla Troyer rolled a 200 game, 50 pins over average. Joe Blagg rolled a 254, 67 over, and Bob Coburn had a good afternoon by rolling 104 pins over his series with a 476. Looks as if this league had no problems picking up the splits. Marla Troyer, Marion Johnson and Michael Seward converted the 4-5-7, and Seward also picked up the 3-6-7-10, as did Joe Stokes, and Tuck Miller. Fred Fultz, Eleanora Young and Judy Gebhart, all knocked out the 5-10. John Ramsey picked up the 5-7 twice. Judy Arnett picked up the 4-5, and Raymond Berlin, the 9-10.
   To say Steven Jones of the Friday Nite Mixed League in Covington had a good nite, would be an understatement. He now qualifies for the 11 strike in a row plaque, and finishes off with a 297 game, 117 pins over his average, and had a 678 series. What a great way to finish off 2013. Others rolling 50 or more over were Lorie Griffin with a 175 (50), and Pam Gossett with a 165 (51).
    The Lutheran League and Friday Nite Mixed League at Lincoln Lanes had some great scores to report as well. They go as follows: Lutheran League, Jordan Decker 245, Anthony Ashby 222 (62), Michelle Web 215 (50), Michael Seward 225 (57), Danny Garza 252 (56), Justin Hart 243 (61), Donnie Cheeseman with a 256, 254, and a 753 series. Derrick Hufford threw a 750 series, with games of 276, 254 and 220. Joe Lewis had a 703 series, while Wayne Brown topped out with a 267 and a 706 series. 
     Now, to the Friday Nite League: Ed Stone, rolled a 246, 249 over, Shawn Tietz a 225 (42), Bud Taylor 278 (78), and Doc Finch with 715 series. Henry Stephens had a 245 (70), Josh Mayner 265 (83), Randy Johnson 269 (61), Megan Connelly 223 (47), Lonnie Tapscott 225 (52), Bill Phillips 246 (57), and Nicole Brown finishes with a 278.
   That wraps up the reports for this week. If you are a league secretary, we would love to have your league reports. Drop me an e-mail message to
    Once again, happy new year to each and every one of you. All the best in 2014.
    You can get all the columns by checking out Tuck’s Bowling for Fun blog at:
    Until next week, let’s have fun and knock ‘em down.