Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Dec 26th, 2013 - Lazzel rolls 300, while Cheeseman rolls back to back 280 games.

     Danny Lazzell throws his 1st ever 300 game, and Donny Cheeseman rolls back to back 280 games and a 782 series, in the Friday Night Mixed League.
   Stop # 3 of the Fox Auto World Hi/Low Tourney was held recently at the Lincoln Lanes Annex, and Doug Oakes captured the title.
   Starting off with the low side of the tourney, Steven Jones defeated Linda Engle, 205 to 182.. Jones did not last much longer as he lost the 2nd match to Rick Zaayer 210 to 146. Zaayer then faced 2nd seed Robin Turner. Turner won that match 207 to 187 to meet top seeded Jesse Alvarez.  Turner was the victor, 189 to 187, to advance to the championship against the high side.
   Now to the High Side results. Steve Romero defeated Byron Miller in the 1st game 217 to 212. Romero lost the 2nd match to Rich McFarland 215 to 191. McFarland defeated Jason Turner in the 3rd game 258 to 225 to advance to the high side finals against Doug Oakes. Oakes won that match 237 to 214 to advance to the final championship game against the low side winner, Turner. Oakes was the victor, 204-182, claiming his very 1st title.
    Next stop for the tourney will be January 19th at Bulan’s Bowl.
    A few leagues were off for the Christmas holiday, but we will keep you updated with what we do have.
    The Tuesday Nite Go Getters had a 209 game, 55 over, while Tony Dompe threw a 277 game and a 688 average. Joe Elliott rolled 76 pins over average for a 199. Derek Darr was 53 over for 194, while Russ Puzey was 52 pins over 143 for a final score of 195.
    The Senior League bowled their games in the annex this past Thursday, because they had their annual Christmas party. Jack Ball rolled 50 pins over his average for a 188, and Tuck Miller knocked out the 5-10 split.
    Covington’s Friday Nite Mixed Leage has Cliff Mikel rolling 53 pins over for a 176, and LaDonna Edmiston, 76 over for a 192. Dale Benedict had a 613 series with games of 232-165-216, and Katrina Edwards, with a 596 series, consisting of games of 225-192- and 179. Terry Bell had games 165-192 and 179 for a 559 series, while Ron Cates had a 662 series, with games of 191, 234, and 237.
   Looking for something to do on New Years Eve? Fast Lanes in Hoopeston is the place to be. They are having a 7-8-9 pin doubles tournament on New Years Eve starting at 8:00 and is open to anyone.
   That wraps up the reports for this week. If you are a league secretary, we would love to have your league reports. Drop me an e-mail message to illianabowling@gmail.com
    Here’s wishing each and everyone of you a very happy New Year.
    You can get all the columns by checking out Tuck’s Bowling for Fun blog at: http://tucksbowlingforfun.blogspot.com

    Until next week, let’s have fun and knock ‘em down.

Dec 19, 2013


   Christmas is fast approaching, and I bet one of your bowler friends or families would love a gift that pertains to the sport. What do you think?
  Terry Jones bowls a 300……No Tap, and a 720 series.  Yes, I know some might think it’s not real bowling, but it is still hard to do. Jones is with the Monday Night No Tap League at Lincoln Lanes, and the game was 107 pins over his average. George Gouard rolled a 280 game (84). Sue Strong rolled a 258 game and a 689 series. Scott Cunningham had a 747 series. Others rolling 50 or more pins over average were:  Scott Cunningham with a 268 (73), Devin Heinrichs 223 (69), U Pete Wiliams 227 (60), Krystle Evans 221 (59), and Karen Lane with a 193 (70). Gouard knocked out both the 4-10 and 3-10 splits.
  In the Tuesday Nite No Getters Laura Baird had a 193 (56), Lacee Darr 169 (51), Derek Darr 211 (71), and Sue Strong 224 (55). The 5-7 split was picked up by both Mac McDaniel, and Russ Puzey. Cheryl Rhoton and Maggie Birge both picked up the 4-7-10, while Derek Darr knocked out the 6-7-10. Irvin Summers converted the 5-7-9, and Ron Blagg picked up the 4-10.
   The Senior League’s Houston Key rolled a 231, 68 pins over average, while Gerald Arnett bowled a 203, 52 pins over. Greg Miller picked up the 4-9, while Martha Elliott converted the 2-6-7-10.
    Thursday Nite Lutheran League is reporting that Eric Crockett rolled a 236, Rueben Villereal a 245, and Cheryl Black a 481 series, 100 pins over her normal series average. Bill Reik topped out with a 244, Harold Miller a 222 and Clarence Cloyd with a 279. Brian Lawson had a 279, Michelle Webb with a 219, and Eric Zanders with a 275.
   Some great scores in Covington’s Friday Nite Mixed League. Ty Bowling had a 180 (65), Marcie Bowling with a197 (52), Benji Brink 215, (79), Janet White 239 (63), and Tori Pearman with a 189 (58). Judy Gebhart converted the 6-7-10.
   Lincoln Lanes Friday Nite Mixed also had some spectacular scores with Jennie Kile, a 237 (63), Wayne Brown Sr. 236 (52), Ty Harmeson 259 (79), Tasha Spillman 238 (69), and Josh Troxtell, a 279. Bob Finley rolled a 236, and a 247, Carl Robertson had a 191. Terrence Cloyd had a 734 series, while Joe Rich had 52 pins above average with a 232. Henry Stephens had a 234, Lonnie Tapscott, 220, Kevin Jackson bowled a 200 game, while Derrick Hufford topped out with a 278.
    Fast Lanes had a great turnout under adverse weather conditions Sunday as 39 bowlers took to the lanes for the Miller Lite Sweeper tournament.
    On the low side #5 Kyle Richards was defeated by a 201-185 score by Rob Steiger. Steiger went on to win over Everett Hargis.  Steiger was defeated by Richard Koeing 172-171 in what turned out to be a last ball count. Koeing was elminated by Don Stow 194-193.
   On the high side Scott Bucholtz went wild by defeating Mike Marks 225-181 and then Aaron Gress by a 268-267 SCORE. He also defeated Brett Forgeson 226-189 and top seeded Brandon Hamilton 190-185. In the final match Don Stow defeated Bucholtz by a 213-180 score.
Porgy Anderson set the top score on the Thursday night men’s league with a 754 score.
   Looking for something to do on New Years Eve? Fast Lanes in Hoopeston is the place to be. They are having a 7-8-9 pin doubles tournament on New Years Eve starting at 8:00 and is open to anyone.
   That wraps up the reports for this week. If you are a league secretary, we would love to have your league reports. Drop me an e-mail message to illianabowling@gmail.com
    Here’s wishing each and everyone of you a very merry Christmas.
    You can get all the columns by checking out Tuck’s Bowling for Fun blog at: http://tucksbowlingforfun.blogspot.com

    Until next week, let’s have fun and knock ‘em down.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Stokes, Scruggs roll top scores in the area this week.

  Christmas is fast approaching, and I bet one of your bowler friends or families would love a gift that pertains to the sport. What do you think?
  The Senior League’s Joe Stokes was the top bowler of the week, rolling 103 pins over his average for a 243, and 111 pins over his series average. Others bowling 50 or more over were Gerald Arnett 202 (53), Jim Thomas 213 (51), Fred Fultz 191 (58), and Keith Carter (62). Ed Reed picked up the 5-6-10, Keith Carter 4-5-7, Pam Jeffers 4-5, Dorothy Hesler 4-6, Jim Thomas 5-7, and Bill McDaniel knocked out the 3-9-10 twice.
  The Monday Nite No Tap league’s top bowler of the week, was JR Scruggs with a 290 game and a 814 series. Jimmy Scruggs had a 265 game (72), and a 683 series. Others with 50 or more pins over average were Terry Jones, 264 (74), John Nixon with a 232 (61), Jim Switzer, a 238 (61), Joanie Hedlund 214 (57), and Devin Heinrichs, a 209 game (59). Split conversions were made by Sue Strong, the 4-9, Miles Clark, the 5-6, and J.R. Scruggs, the 2-10.
   The Tuesday Nite Go Getter’s Houston Key had a good nite with 71 pins over his average with a 222. Joe Rich had a 225 (50), John Mikel 211 (57), and Lisa Moudy 204 (54).  Converted spares were picked up by the following: 5-7 Sue Strong, and Irvin Summers, 4-5-7 Strong, 5-10 Bub Tiffin, 4-5 Di Summers, and the 3-9-10 Martha Elliott.
   The Thursday Nite Lutheran League’s Jenny Decker bowled a 163 (56), Ty Harmeson 238 (60), Rueben Villereal 259 (63), Michells Webb 204 (42), Justin Hart 222 (41), Mark Levernz 228 (44), Shaun Peterson 223 (51), Chad Zigler 245 (56), Dave Hancock 244 (50), Joe Cox 279 (91), Ashley Nolan 231 (47), and Rod Cox 219 (73). Other high rollers for the evening were Derek Hufford with a 279, and Steve Skimehorn with a 278.
    In the Friday Nite Mixed league at Lincoln Lanes, J.R> Hawkins rolled a 212 (48), Danny Lazzell 256 (50), Bruce Smith 233 (44) Wayne Brown 237 (54) and Eric Crockett 247 (61). Other great scores included Jerrod Reed 277, Brian Lawson 278, Billy Morgan 699, Brandi Welsch 279 game, 635 series, Josh Troxtell, games of 261 and 287, and a 714 series.
    I heard that Fast Lanes in Hoopeston is resurfacing their lanes…..no, just kidding, but it did seem like Brandon Hamilton was tearing up the place recently with game scores 278-279, and259 for a 816 series. The Thursday afternoon Ladies League had Angie Stock rolling a 211 game, with a 142 average. On Thursday nite Will Bruen’s League, Hamilton shot a 268 with a 741 series. In the Wednesday Nite Youth League, Mercy Linder rolled a 235, while Shania Goble bowled a 198 and a 517 series. Charlie Warners had a 183 game, while Wes Raven and Chet Stock both had 180 games.
   Fast Lanes is having a Miller Lite tourney this coming Sunday at 11 am. Contact the center for more info.
   That wraps up the reports for this week. If you are a league secretary, we would love to have your league reports. Drop me an e-mail message to illianabowling@gmail.com
    You can get all the columns by checking out Tuck’s Bowling for Fun blog at: http://tucksbowlingforfun.blogspot.com

    Until next week, let’s have fun and knock ‘em down.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Nelson, Jr. Rolls Perfect Game

Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving, and you are not wobbling too much on the approach.   
   Let’s get right to this week’s league reports. The Monday Night No Tap League has Robbie Ketcherside rolling a 278, with a 734 series. Other bowlers with 50 or more pins over their averages were Miles Clark 255 (78), Larry Craft 244 (70), Albert Syass 236 (68), and Ella Ellis with a 221 (56). She also picked up the 5-7 split.
   The Monday Nite Mixed League at Bulans is reporting the following bowlers were above their average by 50 or more pins: Betsy Hall 237 (50), Rachel Watkins 176 (51), Wes Watkins 200 (65), Steve Brockwell 221 (52), Todd Goodner 215 (53), Kathy Seymore 219 (51), and Tyler West 229 (171). Karen Luse converted the 6-7-10 split.
    The MS Nail Salon League’s Connie Krasbee picked up the 5-10. 118 average bowler Ashley Lisenbee rolled a 206, 88 pins over average. Others 50 or more over average were Paula Beatty with a 203, 54 over. Kevin Powell 202 (65), and Tuck Miller 194 (53). Jordyn Castle knocked out the 5-7.    
     The Senior League reports that John Ramsey rolled a 256 game, 76 pins over average. Ed Reed 241 (59), and a 682 series, 136 pins over series average. Joe Stokes picked up the 3-6-7 and Stan Harvey, the 4-7-9. Bob Maxwell converted the 4-6-7 twice.   
     Covington’s Friday Nite Mixed had Kevin Barnes roll a 205, 238, and 161 for a 604 series. The 238 game was 63 over. Ron Cates rolled games of 184, 236, and 255 for a 675 series. Roger Gossett rolled   217 game,63 over, and Steven Jones had a series total of 647, with games of 231, 198, and 218.
    Saturday Nite’s McHarry’s League had some great scores this past week. Many with 50 or more pins over average, and one 300 game!! Marry Herring 206 (80), Lateeshe Davis 183 (55), Robin Turner 247 (62), Bobby Fauver 258 (56), George Gourard 254 (75), Mark Hillsman 201 (52), and Wayne Brwon 246 (51), and Jerome “Pooh” Nelson Jr, with a 300 game, 97 pins over. Marian Foster picked up the 5-8-10, while Harvetta Rose converted the 8-10.        
   That wraps up the reports for this week. If you are a league secretary, we would love to have your league reports. Drop me an e-mail message to illianabowling@gmail.com
    You can get all the columns by checking out Tuck’s Bowling for Fun blog at: http://tucksbowlingforfun.blogspot.com
    Until next week, let’s have fun and knock ‘em down.